Eric & Dylan

>Why did they do it, Jow Forums?

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Because the Bullies pushed them too far and the adults did nothing about it.

Kikes planned it.

Israel is planning a false flag mass shooting tomorrow to distract form Trump's speech. The shills have already started spamming the predictive programming threads about Sandy Hook etc etc etc. Check the catalog. jews are fucking so stupid that they can't predictive program false flags anymore.

Hey OP. Benjamin Netanyahu is going to watch his son Yair get shot in the fucking head.

The phenomenon of the mass shooting is the counterbalance to the indoctrination. Mass shootings are the Western males way of lashing out at a world he doesn't recognize anymore. He's lashing out at existence itself.

>20 year old in junior class
>says he'll kill me
>say his head looks like a potato
>whole class laughs
>never bothers me again
>kid throws paper at me in class
>throw it back at him and tell him to fuck off and call him a faggot
>everyone hears me, including teacher
>never bothers me again
Confidence does wonders. If you actually talk to your bully they'll fuck off.

incels before they were cool

Eric wanted to kill people and didn't care if he died, Dylan wanted to die and didn't care if he killed people.

Fucking normie bully cucks got what was coming

Why not?

Both of these two are kikes.

This. It's actually why the anti-bully movement started.

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>western males

You mean white males?

because they loved the world

Because Colorado has a fucked up magnetic field under it which had been driving everyone who lives there insane for the past 60 years. No one fucking talks about it but if you ever come in contact with a Coloradian, you will notice that something is fucking off with him. Race, gender, class, doesn't matter, they're all fucked. I took a trip to Boulder last year and it was the strangest experience of my life. I think that magnesis bullshit got to my head at some point. But anyway, same story with the Aurora shooter and that shitty band 3oh!3 and their demon possessed airport. The place is attracting tons of Californians and Texans alike which historically makes no sense. Whatever the fuck Tesla did while he was staying there 100 years ago is fucking that state up. If mutants ever pop into existence, you can bet your sweet dollar he'll be born in Colorado

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Everyone on pol now is apparently a kike. I guess Jow Forums is now a synagogue

>Meme flag
Shlomo, Fucking don't.

lol, no. bullies didnt go far enough, they probably were just ignored. bullies should have intimidated them into total submission by that age, they shouldnt have the confidence to pull something like that off...bullies failed the whole community

It had nothing to do with bullying dumbfuck. Read the journals. He even says it wasn't because of bullying

They were not bullied that much harder than the average outcast in burgerland and they had their friendship circle and even female attention (Klebold went to prom after HE was asked to go) to make it tolerable. The answer is on their shirts and in their diaries, plain as day, they told us up front: Harris convinced himself that he was GODLIKE; a force of nature, powered by sheer hatred and total rejection of his society, nothing else. He was an original Jow Forumstard who had sympathy for the Third Reich. His accomplice was a sad half-Jewish sack and a hopeless romantic pussy who never had the guts to talk to his dream girl and he would have just killed himself if he didn't have a bigger ego to play second fiddle to.

I think my conclusion is backed up by the victims: A retard, gamer nerds, (alleged) devoutly religious girl, and one jock who had respiratory problems. Had the bombs gone off, it would have been wholesale indiscriminate mass murder. It wasn't about the bullies at all.

Honestly, what made Columbine so interesting was the fact that you had two white males, both from upper middle class families. Both had friends and a social life. Both even had girls they hung around, Dylan even had a lo ng time girlfriend that helped him get the guns.

Both Eric and Dylan were by all means, normal American kids. One day, they litterally snapped and set in motion a plan that would litterally change the modern. Mass shooting as we know it today.

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Have you never seen the interviews with all the students that went to school with them that specifically say they were bullied

One of my most bad ass moments

>senior year, moved to a new school
>kid whips a ball of paper at me from 20 feet away
>I reach out and catch it with ONE hand
>snag that bitch out of the air like a hockey goalie
>stare him down
>everyone says that it was cool as fuck
>become friends with the guy who threw it

Pick one.

Fake news Sandy hook only had one shooter

It was literally two faggots that acted like faggots and wore weird shit to school and then got shook that people treated them like weird faggots.
>literally two losers
Faggots didn't even have a cool shoot out with the cops. Just killed unarmed people and then shot themselves like the bitches they where in a library.

Everybody in this thread who states they did it due to bullying is effectively a basedesque fucking loser who was bullied in high school and has never gotten over it.

They did it simply because they could. Dylan was popular, they had friends. Do not add your frustration at Chad to this conversation.

because they were a bunch of edgy emo queers

Well as

said, Columbine was unique. I also think a big part of that had to do with the fact that there were TWO shooters. That's extremely rare, especially for school shootings.

Like just take this picture, put your hand over one body, then do the same to the other. One of them laying on the ground dead is just like, WTF? But then you have fucking TWO of them. It's just like, what the fuck, how does that even happen?

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Early and often

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Your delusional

why would I believe some aussie over the kids that actually knew them?

This, I'm guessing you have read there journals.

The key is alienation

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The documentary I saw said that Dylan couldn't find the right lair of gloves he wanted for when they planned their attack. So Eric gave him one of his gloves. That's either the gayest or coolest thing ever. I haven't decided.

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Feel like it is more complicated but basiclly this....most of the new gen of young kids are even to docile to lash out...made slow and weak by too much porn/drugs and instant gratification

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Because millions of kids get bullied every year and less than .00000000000001% of them end up doing something this drastic. Because none of these acquaintances were close like how the two of them were close. Because said acquaintances were also bullied but they had no idea this was going to happen. Because you have a fucking leaf on your flag. Because you need to read my previous post, and read the journals.

Not gonna lie, that video was bad ass

not just them, there are gooks and nogs pulling this shit - plus I'm not taking the blame off their shitty genetics or religion, but muslims are basically acting on the same impulse. NOBODY recognizes or identifies with the West any more, and every race in their own peculiar fashion is lashing out

Read this

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Then read this

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And this

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Probably just bored

I got goosebumps

Why are people shilling that book so hard?

Read his journal, being Jewish had nothing to do with this shooting, legitimately not a false flag, just the white man taking back what he could

Rejected by peers + antidepressant/anxiety medication + no proper father figure + no purpose in life.
The worst problem here is the medication that keeps them satisfied in the irrational & destructive state of mind. Kids need to be taught to recognize why they do certain things and why they have certain feelings. The key to eliminating psychological problems is just recognizing them yourself and trying various lifestyle changes to mitigate them, not pop some magic happy pills and forget about it.

Gus Van Sant made them gay

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for the lulz

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They shot at the school resource officer from the library

That is gay

If the school was not toxic and they were accepted, it wouldn't have happened. Go fuck a platypus

there is a scene where they take a shower. i think they kiss and it cuts. implying they did gay stuff before they shot up the school.

absolute kino

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fucking brooks

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It contains the ONLY answers to the white man's present crisis

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Is this what it is? Always noticed people got a screw loose here. Ive been thinking of using some of those themes for lyrics for a metal band.

t.colorado native.

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This. False flag.

Origin of Gork and Mork confirmed.


KMFDM, Doom, and jews mainly

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Which is funny since Brooks was the first person Eric ran into, and Eric told him to go home.

Dylan was basically a regular poltard (you can read his archived website) who then stopped taking his meds because he wanted to join the military. Or maybe government mind control?

I bet you're also jazzposting

Jews did it

Read their journals nigger.
>It has been confirmed, after getting my yearbook and watching people like and
the human race isn’t worth fighting for, only worth killing. Give the Earth back to the ani- mals, they deserve it infinitely more than we do. Nothing means anything anymore, most quotes are worthless, especially the rearranged ones like “don’t fight your enemies, make your enemies fight.” You know, quotes that use the same phrase just rearranged, Dumb fuck shit [illegible] it’s funny, people say “you shouldn’t be so different” to me, and 1st I say fuck you don’t tell me what I should and shouldn’t be and 2nd mother fuckers different is good, I don’t want to be like you or anyone which is almost impossible this day with all the little shits trying to be “original copycats”, I expect shits like you to criticize anyone who isn’t one your social words, “normal” or “civilized”. All you degrading worthless shits all caught up and brainwashed into the 90’s society. “what? You AREN’T going to college, are you crazy!” holy SHIT that is one fucking BIG quote that just proves my point. Step back and look at yourself fuckers, I dare you
They were literal OG sperg edgelords. If Jow Forums was around when they were alive they would have 100% been posting here.

Hit the nail on the head


Nigger policies that have cucked our young boys. They were the canary in the coal mine for white America. Our kids now hate their school life so much this would be a daily occurrence if more white parents didn't cuck their boys.

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they did it because they didn't have access to braps

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I remember being in high school, wearing a black trenchcoat and listening to KMFDM when this shooting happened. It was like they were modeled after me... Spoopy

They did it because they wanted to. Some people just want to watch happy people suffer. Some people just have an evil in them

Well this happened a year after I was out of school actually.

Where can i get the natural selection shirt?

What was great (in the immense sense of the word) about Columbine was the absolute sheer amount of evidence, footage, victims, testimonies, planning.. I could go on...

Then there is uh.. Sandy Hook.. lol, better knock Sandy Hook down hey, and build another one for some reason.

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Dylan was a half jew.


> During the shooting, Dylan and Eric were screaming and shouting at a black student, calling him a "Nigger" before shooting him. A girl screamed out and called them racist, because we all know that's a smart thing to do in that situation, and Dylan replied that he was half Jewish. Eric apparently stopped midway of shooting someone, turned around and looked at Dylan like he was going to shoot him, for 10 seconds. He then turned back around and shot the student, and left the library and Dylan followed after him.

True story, I shit you not.

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when will the un declare access to braps a fundamental human right

Make/design one. Hell, I've got some that people asked where I got some too. I made them.

Got a link where if i buy it i give you money too?

A buddy of mine in the Army is a RANGER and got that tattooed on his arm. It looks badass as fuck. Plus he kills people for a living so it works.

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>a girl screamed out and called them racist
what the fuck
the kike brainwashing literally has people willing to be shot dead provided they get to virtue signal to everyone else cowering under the desks

The sucked each others dicks before they offed each other.

Why are leafs consistently coming up with the cringiest fucking insults and memes? God you people really need to fuck off. You have to be the worst flag on this site.

I was an infantryman, i might go back in, what worries me is if the MEPS doctors know about what the tattoo signifies

god damn you're a faggot please go back to plebbit

Get it after you go in or just get it initials like NS. That would be dope as fuck. You could just make something up for what it means.

Operation Orion.

>everything is predicted
>everything is foretold
>everything may play out.

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This was also 20 years ago lol. It's been going on a long time.

good book.

Cos they were based and redpilled

at least im not hiding behind a meme flag

Because they submitted to the Devil.

I'm not hiding you dumb canuck pussy I'm American but also a fascist. Fascist first in a lot of cases since I totally disagree with liberal democracy.

>He was an original Jow Forumstard who had sympathy for the Third Reich

"HATE! I'm full of hate and I Love it. I HATE PEOPLE and they better fucking fear me if they know whats good for em. yes I hate and I guess I want others to know it, yes I'm racist and I don't mind. Niggs and spics bring it on themselves, and another thing, I am very racist towards white trash p.o.s.s like [censored] and [censored] they deserve the hatred, otherwise I probly wouldnt hate them.

He just hated everybody.