Get in here, faggots. Post Yellow Vest memes, webms, images, articles, etc. It begins soon.
Yellow Vest Pre-Game
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what s up withthe bank run
we gonna finally see some action today??
>bank run
he doesnt know his money is just numbers on a computer screen and his bank notes were printed using Jewish toilet paper. wow sweetie
Medias barely talked about it, I think they are trying to choke the movement by giving more coverage to the "Great Debate" which is about Micron meeting mayors (that gathered people complaints) everyday.
On another note I've heard that people are talking about making the protest up to Sunday evening
imagine being a frog and not using the yellow vest chaos to cripple vital infrastructure
so you want to fight a big AI insteed? dummy
lets blame it on the jews- the idiots buy it and we have some fun watching them fucking each other up
Godspeed, Gaulbros
they need to what does 1 day protest do?
lazy french fucks
there is nothing that will come out of the French protests. Just minor changes to shut you lot up. All they are protesting about is useless
>muh petrol
>muh jobs
>muh Macron
why haven't they been protesting for the last 90 years. you common folk have been being fucked for a century and now is when they wake up? you are being played fags
Have you considered sexual relations in the bath with a toaster?
Jupiter Micron is favourable to "a gradual lifting of all forms of anonymity"
halt the presses. this man has won the argument. you totally BTFOd me duuuuudee
Guys, I just had a brilliant idea for us /yellowvests/:
What if we pre-planned and announced a bankrun and shilled it for days? The banks would finally be BTFO forever!
>still sporting a memeflag
It wasn't an argument, it was a sincere suggestion.
Brainlet does not understand how society and tension rising work, historically illiterate too
>bruh why didn't people protested again algerian migration in 1930??????
btw it almost happened but the royalists cucked out
French military is composed of 50% shitskins and foreigners. They won't help the French people in case of a real revolution.
Just making you know.
Big brained merican there
Fuck macron and fuck his jew handlers
>Brainlet does not understand how society and tension rising work, historically illiterate too
you are the illiterate one here. what did those protests get you huh? your ethnostate huh? Your strong middle class hmmm? Some non manipulated leaders heh? delusion Nazi larper. At least my people have our own state where we are fully 100% in control and a fucking wall to boot. enjoy licking nigger cum from your daughters vagina cuck
goys gonna goy
I have a friend in your military. Air force to be exact, Hardened criminals and murders from Latin America and Poland are his friend there.
How do you frogs even screen people for the job?
The french military will never break their oath of protecting their people, it's a critical principle for them. If they're given the order to actually fire on, or harm civilians, they will disobey and possibly turn on whoever gave that order.
T. had extensive contact with the military, and a lot of friends in there.
That's what the ffl was always for and it's not 50% of the armed force
Check your French army.
It's full of Muslims,blacks,Asians and woman(trans)
South of France is gone
a jew once stole my fish
I went home to get a soda, when I came back. not only was my fish gone, but the hook too. it was a jew, he stole my fish and my lure
the bank run gets covered by the media because the elites want peaceful protest. it's a useless idea.
later we found him on pre internet text tv, he was trying to sell both my pike and my lure, at a far too expensive price too
A state that would collapse overnight without foreign aid. How does it feel being a welfare state? So brave, so independent. Fucking Kek. A Kike hiding behind their usual meme flaggotry. Whatcha gonna do, a Joo's gotta Joo.
>There are, within the FFL, the French Free Air Forces (FAFL) and the Free French Naval Forces (FNFL), the Land Forces of Free France having no other name than FFL.
They sound big to me.
>If they're given the order to actually fire on, or harm civilians, they will disobey
I hope this is true, I really do. I know you got it in you though, I really do. if there is one people in the world who really know this shit it's you and I know you can be really hard
ib4 american retardation you lost all wars duuh surrender duuuuh, drool
why didnt he also steal your fishing pole- dumb jew and you dumb for letting someone steal your shit especially a jew, well you lucky i would have t robbed your shit shot you and fucked yor wife- i guess you were lucky
bruh... I was talking about the French Foreign Legion, you are giving me an article about WW2 free france forces....
another delusional frog
>muh military cant fire at its own people
>muh honor and patriotism
>muh integrity
what is
>Kent State
>Tiamanen Square
>Ludlow Massacre
>Pullman Strike
>1967 Detroit
>How does it feel being a welfare state
feels good tbqh. Others clean up after our shit
>A state that would collapse overnight without foreign aid
you lie
Nope. That's why the foreign legion is so important. Look what they did during the paris commune. If this gets bad enough they will impose martial law and send in the legion. Curfews after dark shoot on sight etc.
No French people no French revolution.
But NO..its macron fault,who gives a shit about that faggot?
Why no birthing mosques
not even RT is reporting today, what a fucking lame a s shit
We broke up the Paris Commune
this only the jews know
I can only assume it's because they plan on just keep milking you, you know just with the banks
I still dream of that pike each night
he goes
>I just wanted you to fish me
>oh noes, what have you done?
>the jews have me now
>Tiamanen Square
One of these things is not like the others..
THe French Foreign League is the French Presidents (Macrons) Personal Army, the good thing for that is they arent french so they dont care about whacking french people
hope he is letting them off the leash
Anyone know how the Australian one went? It was supposedly today
That's my bad then, I looked up ffl. But my friend is in the core part of your air force, not a special group. And he says there are foreigners with criminal background in his squad. I don't think he is in french foreign legion or any other special group.
A welfare state is a dependent state - what do you produce? What is your plan when the world's economy pivots away from the Petro-Dollar and suddenly having an ally in the region means fuck all? You have some fun times ahead desu.
do we got any streams though?
Regardless of what you are hinting at the FFL worked to put the commune down. It's a fact.
The Yellow Vests clearly display why the EU must never become like China.
If the current police weren't brutal enough, imagine what would happen if EU sent in police force from other countries who don't care about the French people.
noone cares about criminal records, even in Austria i know police officers with criminal backgrounds
I work for the fire fighters in vienna and i was in prison myself- its not a reason to dismiss someone
first streams up
but I was going to go to the store and buy beer and watch people getting zyklon-b'd
unavailable- fuckk off larper
You probably work as jannie for the firefighter fag
no i work in the kitchen, but i have a uniform, faggot
>even in Austria i know police officers with criminal backgrounds
huh, that's absolutely not how it works here that is for sure. this also means they are idiots, if they had our eyes we would all be fucked
they also employ turkish police officers and now start hiring niggers - well the bar was never high to become a police officer in austria
>One of these things is not like the others..
all of them gathered at anonymous Cambodian head hunting imageboards to plan their revolutions. They were all clapped after leaving their basements because they dont respect true power
thats not nice user. apologise
>he still thinks its the petro dollar proping us up
we will always be steps ahead of you Gentiles
Works for me. Thanks.
dude, get proxtube, its working for me.
Nenn mich net larper nur weil dein (internet)anschluss nicht funzt du bajuwarenarschloch
The first sentence is unintelligible gibberish, the second is correct.
yeah and the police are the better ones- you can completly screw the millitiray they also hire now niggers and turkish people
I am talking about gang members from Mexico and murderers who ran away from Poland to escape persecution.
They are in the French army.
beside all the potential corruption problems..
this is quite alarming to think about, police that actually knows and sees, not just that jack off and inept moron that everyone hated at school and never ammounted to anything, he just went to the principal and teacher all the time telling what you were up to
funktioniert auf youtube- embedd funktioniert hier nicht
You really don't understand how expendable you are do you - you're just fucking puppets like everyone else. But go ahead, keep on thinking you're the ones pulling the strings.
why is english called the world language but noone speaks this shit west of switzerland and south of the brenner
>Schau dir dieses Video auf YouTube an
Yeah but thanks for first off calling me a larper
>all of them gathered at anonymous Cambodian head hunting imageboards to plan their revolutions
So you memeflag to somehow not be an embarrassment to Austria?
if you meant here on Jow Forums it didn't work here either, but opening it on judentuben it works though. Did you mean it was completely blocked in austria all together?
>Schau dir dieses Video auf YouTube an
ah okay, same as here then
im paranoid of showing my true religion. you never know there might be some larper in the corner nearby seeking approval from his friends
brb trading in paper for gold now, when i come back there better be some multiplex up or something
Because almost anyone in the world can understand it. And it is easy to learn and speak. Plus there is a huge soft power of media. Whole internet and programs are coded in English.
>easy to learn
These two things are not compatible.
Globalist traitors need to fucking die
Fuck the invaders and fuck our retarded politicians
if i try to watch the video here on Jow Forums its unavailable, i can watch it on jewtube
English literally the easiest language anyone could learn.
Now you are talking!
Kill the globalists!!!
You're a dangerous man Burger
not sure if trolling or an actual retard
we all believe in Odin user, everyone does, but not all are comfy admitting to it.
I'm scared off nissen and that he going to get my animals too. last yule I forgot to set out poridge to him and as the guests was leaving, he kicked the stairs outside really hard. everone looked at me and asked, what was that, I almost shat my self. the nisse here lives in the gravemound just a few hundred meters away from the house
if nissen doesn't get his porridge for jul he is going to fuck you over
oh boy more standing around doing absolutely nothing
it's happening
well I have it on at least, maybe, just maybe someone will get the zyklon b and start the gassing, you never know
Leaving this here
Start with the Bauer Crime Family and Associates. That will get the attention of their Global Propaganda operations....France will be declared a Terrorist state and the gloves will come off.
man I thought I just saw göbbels with several canisters of zyklon b, but it wasn't him
it's early, chill. RT will have streams for sure.
oh well I guess I'm not missing anything if I go to the store and buy beer... ffs I don't even know if I slept this night... but it's early when people start to get up shit might still go down
>suuuun hungry wolves
nice I think so too. they wouldn't just can this, they just need to get up first, they know that nothing is happpenig in these early hours anyways
won't you freeze to death if you go outside right now? what time is it?
>ffs I don't even know if I slept this night
okay I'm going to the store, can you watch over my fish meanwhile so loki or the jews don't come and steal it? I will only be away like 10-15 minutes. I can't drive now so I have to walk. if some red haired jackass comes here and asks about the fish, just tell him to fuck off
dude it's only like -10C or something, it's comfy now it's not even fresh yet. anyways if that jackass loki comes here tell him to fuck off
That klanking tractor
Does anyone else here find it hard to talk to others about the french riots? I know it's not happening in my country but this is the most important current event going on in Europe right now
All I'm getting from friends and family are either a total lack of care or in some cases they actually respond with anger, telling me to stop talking about it
This is far more important than whatever bullshit videogame you're playing, you can't just ignore this entire continent going to shit
Don't forget this....
Full Documentary for later for those who don't want to repeat of recent history in France.
>Death to the EU!