
what book(s) would you recommend to get started with fascism?

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He said get started with fascism, not get overwhelmed, dumdum.

Start with A Squire's Trial


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D'Annunzio's work laid the foundation

Germany Tomorrow
For my Legionaires

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For My Legionaries

That is not Fascism as he wants, that is German NatSoc

brothers i said fascism, not natsoc

This idiots mistakes nazism with fascism, start looking for the fascim manifest, fascism was a social national movement very beloved until alliance with germany and a stupid war

*fascism manifest

Interesting title
Brief description?
Also Summa Contra Gentiles is a great book pertaining to discovering Objective Divine truth.

Look for benito mussolini's speech on the internet, i don't know if a sub eng version exists, being italian i understand his speech without need of traduction

the 1 page document from a newspaper?

Fascism is a dead meme. It's the best system for bootlickers, what else do you want to know?

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t.kike commie

Who needs books when you have the perfect role model? Get to it!

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>t. amerinigger
>knowing anything about anything

Your country us a dead meme

>t.pic related

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Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Suess. That shit made me a full blown fascist elderly black lesbian with a feminine penis.

Communists were a competing bunch of hive minded scum. They're both garbage systems. No kike here you filthy gypsy.

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Fascism is the ideology.

National Socialism (Germany) is a subgroup of Fascism.
National Fascism (Italy) is a subbranch of Fascism
British Fascism (Britain) is a subgroup of fascism.

If you wanted to know more about Mussolini's National Fascism you should have said so, and not asked about Fascism. It's like saying you want to learn more about vegetables when really you mean you want to learn more about carrots.

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>Brief description?
Learn to argue against common SJW/communist/NPC slogans

>le jewish bogeyman
>doesn't know actual history

nazis were probably the biggest depopulators of europe in modern history and you wonder why everyone hates you

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don't waste your time reading anything written after the 19th century.

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>french not polish
ok retard

well it is mosley's and mussolini's fascism i'm most interested in

Hol up, the nazis were responsible for the 20 million killed in the 1920s and 30s in eastern europe? That's news to me

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Most of the things fascism achieved and builded in italy are still up today, guess what leftist achieved? Wild african and est europe immigration, sanitary problems criminality problems and some more rights for gay couple.

I forgot to mention here in italy we are aweaking, fascist is not even an insult anymore is just some random shit leftist says to justify their incompetence

In that case:

Origins And Doctrine Of Fascism by Giovanni Gentle
And skim through some movies by Cultured Thug, they're on point

But again, you're wasting your time if you don't start with the basics -

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Excellent books on fascism include
'The Codex Fascismo Vol 4,5 & 6: Fascism, Integralism and the Corporative Society', by H.R. Morgan
'For My Legionaries' by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. If you get the revised edition that I did by Blackhouse Publishing it includes a detailed section on the views, goals & methods of the Ironguard but is mostly a great story about the life of Codreanu so if your not looking for that.
'Fascism One Hundred Questions Asked And Answered' by Oswald Mosley. A very good book for beginners although Its not as detailed as the Codex Fascismo its a great place to start.
& obviously 'The Doctrine of Fascism' by Mussolini always handy.
Those are the only ones I've read so far, but Ive ordered 'No More Hunger' by William Dudley Pelley.
'The Codex Fascism' & 'Fascism One Hundred Questions Asked And Answered' are really all you need to have a solider grasp of fascism and from there you can just expand into the different branches although I personally loved 'For My Legionaries'.
Also don't listen to faggots like user & it's doubtful they have even read any fascist literature.
While you decide which books to read I would recommened the fascist channel 'Marshal Ironsides' he is a fascist you don't rant about race he is a traditional fascist akin to Mussolini or José Antonio Primo de Rivera he is very practical and talks about the major fascist goals, beliefs etc.
Any further questions like "what do fascist believe the role of government is?" just ask

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Then see what I have posted nibba

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>it's doubtful they have even read any fascist literature.

It's the other way around sweety. All those books have been read, and the verdic is that the Italian branch of Fascism is rotten and not viable.
The christcuck infused version of Fascism that belongs to Corneliu Cuckreanu is even worse.

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The rights of man
So you can learn that fasicsm is just a meme

People like you are literally commie tier, fucking edgy, you probably waste your time on neo-nazi discord servers posting gore.

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thank u gypsybro

two problems with that:
1. not an argument (it's not "bad" just because you parrot an epithet about it)
2. not everyone's licking the boots

Hi Dj Axel

No problem, türkbro

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>People like you are literally commie tier
Why? Christianity ruins everything it touches. This is fact.

Mosley = Very Good
Mussolini = Meh
Cuckreanu = Megabad

Of course even Cuckreanu is better than the current systems that are in power, but it's still a waste of time to include christianity in politics in any way, shape or form. Cuckreanu might have been top tier bar none in his day, but the world has changed, and so has christianity and the church. Europe won't recover from the current sickness by infusing it with more of the sickness that is christianity.

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And you propose what? A atheist nat-soc state, or would you prefer a neo-pagan one like Himmler desired? Fascism and the LARPy spin-off that was nat-soc both hold that there are universal truths. How can there be a universal truth without God & how can the state claim to be perusing or be in service to that universal truth without God? This is not a criticism this is a honest question.

Also If you want a nat-soc state GREAT, good for you, you will have my support setting that up in Norway but Fascism, particularly that of Mussolini, while flawed was a vastly superior system to that of communism or modern 'unlimited' democracy. Italian fascism should be the foundation up which all fascist movement begin, it does not need to be a replica, as it's important to fix our previous failings but to discard the basis of our movement will result in everyone being fracture.
Also your just wrong about the Ironguard.

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1) Codreanu did not put religion ahead of race
2) What is the best way to unite the people and convinxe them to live a moral life other than religion
3) If you think that paganism us a valid option, you must be crazy

If you want a secular state in your nation, it is ok, for each country there are different types of fascism that fits them better. What works for you will not work for us and vice versa. I dislike pagan fascism in Romania because every one of them that I met are fucking edgy retards that have no idea of anything. The things in Norway may be different, but here, no thanks.

t. former edgy pagan larper

>fake quote
>fake graph
Try harder

Cheers IronguardBro, I had some differant views on where to begin but it's nice to see views of fellow fascista.
If OP could give me some recognition for my effort that would be swell.

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Nice to see some people that actually takes interest in actual fascism rather than "I am a nazi gas the kikes race war now".
I have screnshooted yourlist too.

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Mussolini's fascist doctrine

ah, of course, thank you too aussie brother

>And you propose what? A atheist nat-soc state, or would you prefer a neo-pagan one like Himmler desired?

Hell no. Religion is good and vital, but christianity is not that religion. And paganism is as dead and dusty as the egyptian gods, that's not the solution either.
I hold few answers on the religious front, I just postulate that christianity is cancer for the soul and has been so for a very long time. "Turn the other cheek and be a betacuck." "Don't worry about this life or your family, you'll get your reward in heaven." "Everyone is a child of god, even shitskins. Be as nice to them as your own family." "As long as you believe in christianity and pay your dues to church everything is forgiven."

>but ... but that's not how I or Codreanu practice christianity!
That may be true, but that is how everyone else practice it. The thing about the Ironguard is that their version of christianity "works", but they are in such a tiny minority that it is plainly idiotic to believe that they can stem the tide. Especially as the "good" christians have tried doing just that for a 100 years already, and consistently lost. How many of christians today do you think sees christianity as it is seen by the Ironguard? 1 in 100 000? 1 in 1 million? There is absolutely no sign of this trend reversing. Even if christianity was good for Europeans at one point in history, does not mean that it is good today.

All I'm saying is that christianity (and paganism for that matter) is a dead end. It's time is over, and putting your faith in it is a waste of both time, effort and resources.

>How can there be a universal truth without God & how can the state claim to be perusing or be in service to that universal truth without God?
There can't, obviously. But that God does not have to be the god of christianity. Something new and fresh and true is needed.

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This. It's really short and simple to read (assuming you don't read politics).

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Part 1
>I hold few answers on the religious front, I just postulate that Christianity is cancer for the soul and has been so for a very long time.
Well your proposing the abandonment of a source, even a corrupted source, of objective values without something to replace it. As your agreed >There can't be universal truth without God
>How many of Christians today do you think sees Christianity as it is seen by the Ironguard?
I agree I would put it at something close to one in 10,000 but much lower, to 1 in 500 if we are talking nationalist who peruse objective truth and are discontent with state of the modern world and being nothing more than a replaceable cog in current machine. I was a catholic till not to long ago (Sept last year) when I attended a catholic gather only to hear the Archbishop speak about "how being Christian is an experience, not about following a set of rules" and "MUH Nationalism is evil”. But although I have abandoned the Catholic church the teachings of Christianity still hold a lot of value.
Romans chapter 13 verse 1-7. Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: 4, For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

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Part 2
5, Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. 6, For this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. 7, Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. -King James Version
I still spend a lot of time with Catholics, I'm one of the leaders of a university catholic group, they know I'm a fascist and one of them has even begun swaying to our views (Traditional fascism, not LARPy nat-soc). Most faithful will always have a inclination towards fascism due to the pursuit of order and truth and the very nature of faith being a rejection of modern relativist ideas.

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At least two jews in that picture.

At least 3.

Argentina is beautiful this time off the year.

>Most of the things fascism achieved and builded in italy are still up today
Name some. I want to take a vacation there.

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My Italian friend & I both want to go to Italy (for him it would be a trip home) as visit De Oscar a fascist Italian restaurant, apparently the food is amazing and some of the most traditional Italian you can get *pic related. We also want to visit Casapound and other Fascist groups in Italy, foster unity between different overseas groups.

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based macaroni men

>Well your proposing the abandonment of a source, even a corrupted source, of objective values without something to replace it. As your agreed >There can't be universal truth without God

Well yes, I do propose we all stop drinking poison right now. Full stop. There is no need to start drinking something new right away before the poison has worn off.
You seem like a well-read individual, but you could do with reading a few works from the other sides aswell. Strongly consider putting a work by a former hardcore christian preacher high up on your reading list.
>Which Way Western Man

Much of what Codreanu says is of course good and true, but the christianity part must be rooted out everywhere it is found. Times have changed, and so has christianity. Besides, today we're no longer trying to preserve a system that is under attack like Codreanu was, the system is already broken and fully subverted. New answers must be found, and not the answers of old that were answers to a different set of problems.

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Friend, do you happen to have a PDF of Codex Fascismo?

Gee,i wonder who's behind the death of between 314 000 000 and 355 000 000 people,2 450 000 only in my country. Fucking off commie scum

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Sounds cool if the locals wouldn't beat up a burger going in there. I was thinking more along the lines of the stuff that is still up and standing like the other user said.

Sorry, physical copy. If I had it I'd share it.

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>for my legionaries
this book tops all of those listed.

Why dont you follow the 61 millions of commies who starved to death

Do you know of any atheist fascist movements?

I think there were the Goldshirts in Mexico, but there is not that much information about them.

>I think there were the Goldshirts in Mexico, but there is not that much information about them.

I found some imformation in spanish and im mexican so ill be able to read it

Would be cool if you shared it with us :DDDDD

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Do you mean modern fascist movements or do you want to know about old fascist movements so you can learn about them?
If you mean old you have the
Brazilian Intergralist movement which is one of the greatest examples of Fascism in a nation that knows no true native people and therefor nation unity must be established with co-operation between all.
The American Silver Legion, an old US fascist movement, they had more in common with the nat-soc's of Germany, although they did not believe in concepts like the Aryan race and Germanic supremacy they did believe in white racial policies and a far closer relationship between the Christian faith & state (although he hated the catholic church). Pelley the leader of the organization later in life would become quite a bit insane but I have heard from some fellow fascists I associate with that his book 'No more Hunger' was very good. This is just the introduction to his book, & yes that is his voice. Although his intro is mostly an anecdote @ 8:03 he actually starts talking about his beliefs and goals. youtube.com/watch?v=w1H4HFPevpU
The Mexican Synarchist movement which was basically an adaptation of Falangism (I'm assuming you are aware of what Falangism is and the 1st Spanish Falange lead by José Antonio Primo de Rivera not the 2nd one lead by Franco who just used Fascists, Alfonsistas and Carlists to gain power). The National Synarchist Union was created by José Antonio Urquiza *pic related and it was strongly catholic and a more left leaning then traditional fascist movements due to the fact Mexico (since the Mexican revolution) has had a very 'FREE GIBS' mindset, think of it as Catholic Strasserism. He was murder and after that Salvador Abascal took over but he far less firm in his beliefs and was a little to bit focuses on achieving results quickly rather than playing the long game for a complete victory. You can however still find Mexicans who support them.

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Translation "We Will Triumph"

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An American Silver Legion flag design I did myself, I was thinking of getting rid of the wreath and surrounding the eagle with stars.

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Wow I have major Autism. I only just realized that said
>Do you know of any atheist fascist movements?
I thought it said
>Do you know of any other fascist movements?
My dyslexia @ work right there. Oh well I'm gonna go kill myself

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Fascism overall seems like an okay ideology, it just seems like National Socialism on its own is incredibly autistic with German expansionism and even more autistic when its taken up by Amerimutts who are basic white nationalists and don't even read Mein Kampf.

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If communism is bad how is fascism any better? Isn't it socialism on the state level? How about we stick with democracy and republics and have some semblance of freedom

Are you actual Australian or some Eastern European in Australia? You really seem to know your fascism btw

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National unity cannot be achieved in a heterogeneus country, isn't that the whole point of nationalist policies in the first place? Brazilian integralism didn't only advocate for cooperation between different races, but for actual miscigenation, in what Salgado saw as the creation of a "brazilian race", which is why integralism is kind of thrash.

>Isn't it socialism on the state level?
No, what? There's no push for worker ownership of the means of production in the majority of Fascist ideologies
>How about we stick with democracy and republics
I'd agree with you if Democracy and Republics kept our nations and national culture. Democracy got us in the mess that the Western world is in today.

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Yeah, I somewhat agree with you, I think integralism is ok, but I dislike that aspect if it, maybe if the minorities didnt make up a big part of the population, they could ha e been asimilated, but when it is 50:50 :/

How does having 1/200000000th of a say in what tie-wearing kike rules over you mean you have freedom? At least in non-democratic systems, politicians don't have to worry about winning a popularity contest with the uneducated masses every 4 year and actual long-term planning and progress can be made. Also, if you want to have a say, any citizen in a fascist state can climb the ranks of the party and make their voices heard, all they have to do is prove they are worthy of it.

So after my complete sperg out I will actually answer your question
>Do you know of any atheist fascist movements?
If you include Strasserism yes, if not then none that I'm aware of.
"Strasserism refers to the left-wing elements of the old National Socialist Party. The Strasserists were nationalists like the other Nazis, but felt that Nazis had abandoned the "Socialist" aspect of "National Socialism." The Strasserists were not as militaristic or expansionist as the Nazis, and tended to shy away from the more radical racial rhetoric. Many of the Strasserists were anti-Jews like the more mainstream Nazis, but they rationalized their anti-Jewish sentiment in socioeconomic terms rather than racial or ethnic terms"
Most fascists I know do not consider Strasserism & Strasserists as fascist because what I talk about earlier, the absolute belief in objective/universal truth. Without this one cannot justify the pursuit of National destiny and the Heroic ideal. Additionally values of self sacrifice and service to ones nation and people lose meaning.

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Yes I'm a true blue Aussie
>You really seem to know your fascism btw
You to
>National unity cannot be achieved in a heterogeneus country, isn't that the whole point of nationalist policies in the first place?
>Salgado saw as the creation of a "brazilian race", which is why integralism is kind of thrash.
Yes sorry I forgot to mention that.
I agree that in heavily mixed society national unity is a struggle going on impossible particularly as we have seen in traditionally homogeneous societies like Evropa, the US & Africa. (obviously to a minor extend outsiders are allowed but we are talking less then 5%).
As a non-brazilian I'm not going to say how to handle your issues with national unity whether it be with a grand mixing of race like Salgado suggested or the break up of Brazil entirely or the creation of White area's in the south, Black in the north & mixed regions in the middle.

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I would rather have a small say in what my government does rather than having no say what my ruler does. I'm interested in what hearing all responses but fascism seems too authoritarian. What if the govt starts moving in a direction you don't like? How do you reform the party? Revolution? If you disagree with those in power won't you be jailed beaten or shot?

Part 1
>Isn't it socialism on the state level?
No, that would be like saying having any taxation and social support services makes your nation communist.
The Fascist state seeks to protect the economic, cultural & global interests of its people. It errs on the protectionist side of economic management and supports socialistic policies aimed at assisting disadvantaged and struggling members of society, however the purpose of these policies is to foster greater national unity and are often accompanied by conditions such as national service.
>“All Spaniards have the right to work. Public agencies must of necessity provide support for those who find themselves in desperate straits. As we proceed toward a totally new structure, we shall maintain and strengthen all the advantages that existing social legislation gives to workers.
Unless they are disabled, all Spaniards have the duty to work. The National-Syndicalist State will not give the slightest consideration to those who fail to perform some useful function and who try to live as drones at the expense of the labour of the majority of people”
- José Antonio Primo de Rivera
Fascists don't desire to sieze the means of production and our end goal is not equality. Fascists support the protection of private property
One of the main goals of Third way economics is that it functions as a synthesis between left and right economics and its goal was to be able to adapt to a variety of economic issues. Just as socialistic economics became widespread following industrialization in response to the variety of social issues that it brought on. 3rd way economics became widespread following the failure of free market capitalism during the great depression and the free markets following failure to rectify the issue in any reasonable time.

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What the people want and what the people need isn't always compatible. The majority of Brits want mass immigration from third world countries and don't care about the effects this will have on the British population. In this scenario I don't care that the will of the British people.

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Part 2
Democracy isn't nessecarliy a problem, fascist believe what you call 'democracy' and we called 'unlimited democracy' is a problem. What we call 'unlimited democracy' is the modern form of democracy were in all individuals over a certain age (in Australia's case 18) are entitled to vote. Fascists criticized egalitarianism as a false belief system. While Fascists believe that all individuals did have rights the natural differences an individual was instilled with (or the lack there of) made certain individuals unfit to take part in the management and government of society.
>'Unlimited Democracy' has enabled those who are undeserving and/or unfit to vote. Only those who have accepted personal responsibility for the greater good of the nation should be allowed to take part in the political system"
- Julius Evola, on the subject of democracy
Fascists believe that 'unlimited democracy' when mixed with socialistic policies would always result in the less skilled members of society voting for larger government. As the government grew larger more members of society would become dependent on these socialist policies and society would eventually collapse or worse, fall to communism.
Fascists critique of democracy was much the same to that of Socrates. youtube.com/watch?v=fLJBzhcSWTk
If any fascists feel I misrepresented our critique of democracy and socialism please feel free to let me know

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>If you include Strasserism yes, if not then none that I'm aware of.
I know about strasserites but I thought they were theocrats.

What do you know about the futurists anyways, it says on wiki that they were anticlerical
>Most fascists I know do not consider Strasserism & Strasserists as fascist because what I talk about earlier, # # the absolute belief in objective/universal truth. Without this one cannot justify the pursuit of National destiny and the Heroic ideal. Additionally values of self sacrifice and service to ones nation and people lose meaning.

I dont believe in objective/universal truth but I like fascism for consequentialist reasons

Forgot pic

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In my view, there have historically been three ways to deal with ethnical problems like the one in Brazil: balkanization, an apertheid-like system and genocide. The closest one to somewhat achievable in this case would be balkanization, but even that is far-fetched. Honestly, this place is pretty much fucked.
The say you have in a democratic system is so small it might as well not be there. You're efectivelly taking the risk of being rulled by a government you don't agree with either way, but since democratically elected rulers are chosen by an ignorant mass, and dependant on a interest-driven elite that control the means of communication to maintain the popularity they need to rule, they are much more likelly to be corrupted and much less likelly to adopt long-term or unpopular policies sometimes necessary for the survival and prosperity of the nation. As for drifting the direction of government, you do that from within the party, by climbing the ranks and proving yourself right. You won't be executed for minor divergences from the dominant ideology, the german high-command during the third reich was made out of people with very different points of views. As long as you are not subscribing to something completelly antithecal to the ideals of the party, like communism, you'll be fine.

>Isn't it socialism on the state level?
Fascists are usually national corporatists not socialists and socialism and communism isnt the same as communism anyways
>How about we stick with democracy and republics and have some semblance of freedom
The majority of people arent smart and make poor decisions so democracy will always give you poor leaders.

If you dont like totalitarianism, you can support an epistocratic voting system instead but democracy is failure

While I still don't agree with the ideology I feel like I have a better understanding about fascism. This is a pretty informative thread