This is a worst PM

This is a worst PM.
He had wanted result of diplomacy, so gave up Northern territories officially to Russia.

Attached: 425c6f14-s.jpg (650x400, 76K)

I don't know much about Jap Politics. Are there any good nationalist alternatives which are right wing?

No he didn't.

>gave up Northern territories officially to Russia.
this is not the worst part, but he is the worst.

sasai kudasai

WTF he didnt do that?

Kurils is rightful Russian clay.
Accept the result of WW2.


the right wing are all the same yakuza bastards you can swap them around its all the same

I thought they hate the right wings? Japan is the most cucked country on earth after all.

my first name's kanji is in the image

>right wing

Attached: AkariFace.jpg (1680x1050, 247K)

paki cunt

The right and leftwing are all the same, take the anarchypill

American puppet.

Attached: 52qybrdwvcbz.jpg (749x499, 54K)

seething monkey

Attached: Akarihuh.png (405x428, 131K)

>not cutting down useless CS
>giving them to additional income
>consumption tax increasing by 2% from 8% to 10%
>immigration was finally approved
>still standing coward position to Russia and China
>none of places suffering from natural disasters are completely recovered

fuck this country

Northern territories dispute is not right or left in Japan.
you never know.


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Except for a brief period between 2009 and 2012, Japan has been ruled by only a single party for the last 70 years.

Now he will be even more aggressive to Korea and dokdo dispute in order to keep his approval rate. Mark my word. Korea is such a convenient target for him to divert public attention outward.

Just like Bavaria.

Any serious news on the OP issue? I rather have a hard time to understand what those japs are talking about.

Don't have like a proper navy and an entire population ready to fight thanks to conscription?
What are japs gonna do?

He's not gonna do any action, just more aggressive propaganda and look for tiny flaws that he can attack.

Kurils is rightful Russian clay.
Accept the result of WW2.

What the fuck, what a retard, those islands belongs to ainu (Japan by default).


then do something to support ainu

god wish ainu blood ran through my body

I wish I could, but barring learning アイヌ語, what can I do ?

what do japs think of abe? i don't know much about politics here

go there and protect ainu's land whites.

ask your local jap

fucking retard mod
anyway the only japs i know don't care about politics or the emperor etc

>Russians are whining that Putin is about to give up the islands
>Japanese are whining that Abe is about to give up the islands

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Can I get a rundown please?

There are 4 islands to the North of Japan that the Soviet Union grabbed at the end of WWII. In the 60s they wanted to split them 50-50 but Americans told the Japanese government to not agree and it's been an issue ever since. Technically we still don't have a peace treaty with Japan.
Putin was trying to approach the Japanese with the old 50-50 solution for years now but he wasn't very insistent and there was no effect because giving up the Northern territories would be a political suicide for a Japanese politician (just like it would be for any Russian politician except Putin). Another problem is they've found rare earths on one of the islands that are supposed to remain in Russian possesion so we will have a better deal if it goes through.
Abe (the current PM of Japan) sworn to sign the peace treaty during his term and diplomats were discussing it recently, but the population doesn't know what the fuck is going on and what conditions are being discussed, so both nations blame their governments in advance because they can.

Gotchya, thanks for the good rundown.

Russia made an opportunistic territory grab at the end of WW2. It doesn't belong to them. I don't mind them keeping Crimea but these islands historically belong to Japan.

Putin wants a peace treaty to end ww2 with Japan.
Big obstacle is status of Kuril Islands.
Putin does not want Abe allowing US to put bases on Islands to target Russia.


fuck off english teacher

Stop giving attention to english teachers, ignore them,

thanks, too

Any chance of it becoming a buffer state so everyone ends equally displeased?

There are less than 20,000 people living there, that wouldn't be much of a state. These are small islands, not Hokkaido or Sakhalin, and the climate is shit too.

It seems to me that the ainu doesn't want to belong to Japan. Hell, they don't even look like japanese people.

Attached: Hokkaido_Ainu.jpg (564x400, 34K)

I hate weeb trash.

Soviets werent Russia but a ZOG monstrocity

Korea is more feminised and low T than Japan especially the non Tokyo Japan. Also a larger economy. In the war Germany had a better army and Japan a better navy to start off with but the Zionist US had the economy and numbers and won

they hate you too jew. i pee pee on ur doo doo and then stuff it into ur pucci XD

Looks like a 1920's American Chad.

>white beta mail goes to Japan to teach English/be in the military

You can swap any slant around and never know the difference anyway my froggy friend

I doubt he will rile up best korea cos you dont cross trump unless you want your country to fall to pieces i.e the eu/canada/the niggers of the slant eyed world the chinks. He almost killed turkeys economy with a tweet ffs lol

How the fuck would you go about writing that shit on pen and paper is beyond me

Damn get a samurai into office then

They should just take the 50 50 deal maybe. And Japan should ditch the US and its cabal masters and ally Russia

You have Jomon Japanese people that look like that

What's based Koizumi up to these days?

Attached: jpn.jpg (1200x675, 156K)

Looks like your average med.

Based southerner

Attached: Duane.jpg (691x979, 83K)

i like you guys but Kurils is rightful Russian clay

Abe is terrorist !!!!!!!!!!