Why does Jow Forums believe in holocaust denial with no proof?

>6000000 jews died
>Source: a million history books
>The holocaust was fake
>Source: ExposeJuden.com

The funny shit is im not joking, ive seen holocaust denial infographs citing stormfront.com
I just dont see how this is actual proof and not just you guys being edgy and forcing yourself to believe something that is offensive

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Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/s?k=holocaust history&crid=1BKNH8RRZRDN9&sprefix=holocaust histopr,aps,519&ref=nb_sb_ss_sc_1_17

>a million history books
let's see them

"I got out because Nazis ran out of gas"

Some do it for the lulz.

some do it because they are stupid

some do it because they know they are lying but want to spread anti jewish propaganda and hatred
some do it because they think it is edgy and contrarian, and don't care about the reality

I think most do it because they are (rightly) fed up with jews using it as a get out of jail free card - but they do not realise that denying the mass murder actually empowers the jews to say "look, we are still under threat from these deniers who just want to exonerate Hitler and then follow him and do it again."

some are just Hitler fanbois.

a lot do it because of the American edukatiun systum which has failed them.

all are rather sad really.

none of those things is in history books by expert historians

everyone denys those happened. that is not holocaust denial.

why do you deny the things that did happen is the question.

by the way - masturbation machines was in a novel written by an australian who had bever been to europe, and self published in a vanity press. he paid thousands to get it printed. It was so bad the press withdrew it.

But Unit 731 was totally legit right? No reason to question that because theyre Japanese and no one gives a fuck

because only about 1.5-2 million actually died.
Regardless, nobody likes jews and I wish the holocaust actually did happen.

1-16 of over 10,000 results for "holocaust history"

amazon.com/s?k=holocaust history&crid=1BKNH8RRZRDN9&sprefix=holocaust histopr,aps,519&ref=nb_sb_ss_sc_1_17

hey OP, why do you think they do it?




so what happened to the othre 1.5 million Polish jews, teh half million hungarians, teh quarter million Romanians, the 1.5 million reported killed by the einsatzgruppen, the 70,000 French jews, you know the other 4 million plus that are missing from the census data and we have good reason tothink were rounded up adn killed by the nazis and their allies? the 80,000 yugocslav jews?

where on earth do you get that bullshit figure from?
Stormfront? any source at all?

The new angle is that they ran out of Jews to kill.

They just searched an infamous river for Jew bodies and found none. I can't remember the name. It starts with a d.

in a time of war, precision is impossible. you
mean to tell me germans who are made fun
of endlessly as being morons who lost the
war, had the precision during that chaotic
time of war to kill EXACTLY six trillion fake
jew kike amalekites. not five trillion nine
hundred billion or six trillion one billion
kikes died. fuck you and your god damn
kabbalah sorcery. you light thieves are
going down.

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>a million history books
With like twelve initial sources. Those books aren't made from new material, they rehash what they have been using since 1945.

Definitely not to Russia or the US. The real question is why we should care where they went? Hopefully they where all turned into lampshades and soap after they where completely drained of bodily fluids from the masterbation machine.

>we have to eradicate the jews just like the nazis! sieg heil
>but the nazis totally did not harm a single hair on a jewish head. that's crazy talk.

fucking lmao the alt right is schizophrenic and bases their worldview on inconsistent logic

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I'll believe you if you can show me bodies or mountains of Ash.

Great memory for being 2 - 3 at the time . . .

dont post my wife. thanks.

Thats because the holocaust ended in 45 retard. Yeah, its fake because theres no new news regarding the holocaust. What information is left to uncover exactly?

But those pictures exist and are one google search away

low iq argument considering the war was against jews and slavs

>Oy vey how anti-Semitic the Holocaust never ended you dumb goy

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>people being edgy and offensive
>on Jow Forums

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that's not what he was saying you absolute retard

No they don't. A couple of bodies from a war time doesn't prove anything. 6 million bodies or 15 million kg of Ash have never been shown.

Basic maths disprove it. With the time and available resources the nazis could not have holocausted 1 million let alone 6 million Jews and millions more gentiles.

Same reason they follow religions with no proof, and deny climate change without proof: they're fucking retards.

Eugenics when?

>basic maths

Who cares what he was saying I'm referring to Jews entire identity being the Holocaust ©. I can't wait for the next one.

Yeah im interested too
Well, go ahead. Give us the mathmetic formula that dictates the holocaust didn’t happen. Are you going to write in scientific or engineering notation?

unit 731 was an exchange.
no reason not to believe a legit transaction.
Japs fucked American and Aussie POWs.
Americans gave immunity to Japs for their records just like planned since the beginning.
Must be nice fighting on the right side.

Well forensics tell us how the Holocaust is impossible. There is actually more proof that it didn't happen than there is proof that it happened. In fact there is no forensic evidence that supports the holocaust claim. The only "evidence" thes Jews come up with is eyewitness testimonies...which have been debunked, proven, falsen and incorrect.
The holocaust is the biggest lie ever told.
The holocaust is the only historical event in the history of mankind that stands under the protection of laws...I mean the truth doesn't need a law to protect it. Getting jailed for denieng the holocaust makes you think twice.

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>Who cares what he was saying I'm referring to Jews entire identity being the Holocaust
do you have any evidence or are you just strawmanning again?

all wrong. there's midwar reports, german documents, jews missing, nazi testimonies, nazi speeches, photographs, mass graves with jewish traces existing, etc.

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>Why does Jow Forums believe in holocaust denial with no proof

Err, no. Some of us don't believe in the holocaust, precisely due to the lack of solid evidence.

>mass graves
Yeah that wooden door with a glass window and two inch gap under it is real convincing, and that chimney that isn't even attached really seals the deal.

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>source: a million history books
Actually, all those history books have different numbers. You'd know this if you read any of them.

**The perpetually changing number of alleged dead at Auschwitz**

9,000,000 Cited by the French documentary, Night and Fog, which has been shown to millions of school students worldwide.

8,000,000 The French War Crime Research Office, Doc. 31, 1945.

7,000,000 Also cited by the French War Crime Research Office.

6,000,000 Cited in the book “Auschwitz Doctor” by Miklos Nyiszli. It has since been proven that this book is a fraud and the "doctor" was never even at Auschwitz, even though the book is often cited by historians.

5,000,000 to 5,500,000 Cited in 1945 at the trial of Auschwitz commander Rudolf Hoess, based on his “confession” which was written in English, a language he never spoke.

5,000,000 Cited on April 20, 1978 by the French daily, Le Monde. Also cited on January 23, 1995 by the German daily Die Welt. By September 1, 1989, Le Monde reduced the figure to 1,433,000.

4,500,000 In 1945 this figure was cited by another witness at the aforementioned Hoess trial.

4,000,000 Cited by a Soviet document of May 6, 1945 and officially acknowledged by the Nuremberg War Crimes trial. This figure was also reported in The New York Times on April 18, 1945, although 50 years later on January 26, 1995 (see below), The New York Times and The Washington Post slashed the figure to 1,500,000 citing new findings by the Auschwitz Museum officials. In fact, the figure of 4,000,000 was later repudiated by the Auschwitz museum officials in 1990 (see below) but the figure of 1,500,000 victims was not formally announced by Polish President Lech Walesa until five years after the Auschwitz historians had first announced their discovery.

Wait, there's at lot more...

They don't deny the Holocaust. They say the numbers are inflated by a factor of 10.

Lol any evidence that Jewish identity is the holocaust ©? Just ask any Jew. Especially the non-religious.its big business the lolocaust industry. There have been many atrocities throughout history only one is a billion dollar industry.

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Youre just using a long wall of text to hide behind the fact that bullets exist

1,500,000 In 1995 this was the “official" number of Auschwitz deaths announced by Polish President Lech Walesa as determined by the historians at the Auschwitz museum. This number was inscribed on the monument at the Auschwitz camp at that time, thereby "replacing" the earlier 4,000,000 figure that had been formally repudiated (and withdrawn from the monument) five years earlier in 1990. At that time, on July 17, 1990 The Washington Times reprinted a brief article from The London Daily Telegraph citing the "new" figure of 1,500,000 that had been determined by the authorities at the Auschwitz museum. This new figure was reported two years later in a UPI report published in the New York Post on March 26, 1992. On January 26, 1995 both The Washington Post and The New York Times cited this 1,500,000 figure as the new "official" figure (citing the Auschwitz Museum authorities).

1,471,595 This is a 1983 figure cited by historian Georges Wellers who (as noted previously) had determined, writing in 1973, that some 2,000,000 had died. In his later calculation, Wellers decided that of the 1,471,595 who had died at Auschwitz, 1,352,980 were Jews.

1,433,000 This figure was cited on September 1, 1989 by the French daily, Le Monde, which earlier, on April 20, 1978, had cited the figure at 4,000,000.

1,250,000 In 1985, historian Raul Hilberg arrived at this figure in his book, “The Destruction of the European Jews.” According to Hilberg, of those dead, some 1,000,000 were Jews.

1,100,000 to 1,500,000 Sources for this estimate are historians Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum (later of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum) in their 1984 book, “Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp”; also Dr. Franciszek Piper, the curator of the Auschwitz Museum, writing a chapter in that book. This estimate was later also cited by Walter Reich, former director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, writing in The Washington Post on September 8, 1998. The upper figure of 1,500,000 thus remains the "official" figure as now inscribed at Auschwitz, with the earlier figure of 4,000,000 having been removed from the memorial at the site of the former concentration camp.

1,000,000 Jean-Claude Pressac, writing in his 1989 book “Auschwitz: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers.” This is interesting since he wrote his book to repudiate so-called "Holocaust deniers" who were called that precisely because they had questioned the numbers of those who had died at Auschwitz.

900,000 Reported on August 3, 1990 11, by Aufbau, a Jewish newspaper in New York.

800,000 to 900,000 Reported by Gerald Reitlinger in his 1953 book, “The Final Solution.” This figure is notable, considering the fact that it reduces the Auschwitz death total from the 4,000,000 figure that was widely in vogue in 1953.

Okay thanks for falling into the trap.
If they were killed by bullets and not cremated, where are the bodies?
Not a few... Where are 6 million jew corpses and ~6 million gentile corpses that died in the camps?

Congratulations you just lost the argument. Because you can't produce proof of the corpses.

This. Every single person trying to argue against holocaust denial makes this complete fucking strawman argument.
It's getting old.

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modern cremation has limitations because it's not intended to genocide as much as possible. and not to mention that millions died outside of camps from bullets.

what qualifies as solid evidence?
well theyre wrong because 6 million jews were in nazi controlled areas and there was never any noticing or reports of millions of jews being found/revealed.

not a gas chamber door

the numbers got changed because that includes numbers of deaths that aren't jews and because of soviets not being truthful

Where are the mass graves with Jewish traces? Why isn't the ground around where the rows of chimneys should have been saturated with evidence of human matter?

The only confessions about gassing kikes, was by the kikes own admission, obtained after days of torture. Most of said admissions were signed on documents written in English, not German.

Even today admissions of guilt won't hold up in court if you were being coerced you big dummy.

And people can say the obviously fake shit is just that, why do you harp on it? Well it's shit like lampshades and masterbation machines and dogs trained to attack because of wrong piano notes that is taught in school. It's used to perpetuate lies. Its used to paint a horrible picture in the unthinking normies head that gives them an emotional obligation to defend Schlomo

There's something like 16 miles worth of autistically kept documents by the nazis. And not once is there a fucking reference to death chambers or showers or any of this other shit. If there was, it would be on a half mile high billboard in Germany.

So there were piles of shoes and hair and clothes. Wow. What happens when you go to prison in America? What happens if you have lice when you go to prison? America has used zylkon b on bean niggers in the mid 1900s to stop their filthy infestations from spreading along the border. Does this means the US secretly holocausted muey tacos?

You're an idiot, and your logic is shit. Give up nerd

>didnt read

Where are any of the bodies from ww2 kept?
Theres millions of those

No modern cremation ovens are more efficient than the ones the Germans had.
>muh bullets
Where are the bodies then?
>millions outside of the camps
You mean soldiers?

So you have to either believe it was 6 million or zero, and it's impossible for any middle ground?

It isn't that the holocaut is denied. It is:
1) the six million figure is greatly exaggerated. Just do the math.
2) more than jews died in WWII, 12 million others died in the holocaust
3) the actual tens of millions in russia, ukraine, and poland starved to death after the 1918 Russian revolution, were victims of the Marxist Revolution's leaders Trotsky and Lenin, both of which were jewish. Some may say Hitler did not want to see a russin revolution in his country, which is why he targeted the jews.

I do not xondone mass murder of any people, but Jews seem to think they were the only victims in WWII, which simply isn't true. And to think of all the non jewish people that died trying to save them. The word 'ungrateful' does come to mind.

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Oh look you're in the bargaining phase.
>soldiers are now holocaust victims
Lmao you already lost the argument. No is saying no one died. We are saying an engineered attempt to genocide Jews in death camps is completely unsubstantiated by evidence.
Show proof. You can't. You lost cuck.

Here's a video of a guy reading old newspapers that claim 6 million Jews were killed before the holocaust.


Before the holocaust. 6 million. The video has been restricted in the US. Pretty strange, huh? Just a guy reading old newspaper articles. It's almost like this is proof Jews have been lying about the 6 million since before WW2 even started.

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Not only that but it was White men who died primarily in WWII. Just so everyone can come to their countries and talk about how Evil and racist white men are.

>no documents

>mass graves



and pictures:


you just dont know what youre talking about. see:

the 6 million death toll is because there were 6 million jews in nazi controlled areas.

Bless you Eng teach

>'mass graves' of thousands equals 12 million people dead
Yeah nah mate.
All the sources you cite believe more than 6 million wear killed in camps despite us both knowing that mathematically could not have happened.

>The Earth is flat
>Source: hundreds of philosophers and learned men
>The Earth is round and heliocentric
>Source: some random polish faggot

How quickly people forget who saved them. I wonder how israel will think of 'evil white men' when we pull out of Syria.

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Wtf I believe the holohoax now

i just posted the link that shows it is possible and millions died by bullets anyway. and there's links in that post for those too. fucking moron.

Dead Jews don't matter more than the millions of other WWII deaths.

I have to admit this exchange was quite enlightening.
Nice baits, nice traps, nice consistent arguments.
If it wasn't so absurd I would have said there was a jew behind it.

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>the 6 million death toll is because there were 6 million jews in nazi controlled areas.
fuck of JIDF, no one belives this lie! muh 6 gorillions

Jow Forums are not the ones who need to provide proof. you claim someone has done a crime and therefore you need to provide the proof of this crime.

by then they'll have a flock of trained racially ambiguous future people waiting on them hand and foot

Are you an idiot or are you spoofing?

everyone does but your cult gidf because most people arent retarded and delusional

Based norge

Whatever..... but the funny thing you realize is if the holocaust happened as said, then all of those Jews with their survival stories are full of shit. Israel can be nothing but a gathering place of fraudsters who wanted in on the compensation money.

>im a critical thinker because i ignore evidence
not even triple digit iq

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It's literally the door to the supposed gas chamber you dimwit.
It's gonna happen for real this time.
You just keep pushing and pushing, because deep down, you want it to happen.

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>my literal jew sources say the holocaust happened and they aren't biased
Then show the bodies faggot.
You lost. You know you're wrong.
You can't show bodies, you can't argue against maths.
That is why you are now arguing bullets and not ovens and gas Chambers.
You can't show hard evidence of 6 million jew corpses and 6 million gentile corpses.
You lost.

Where is the evidence it happened.
The only thing we’ve seen are confessions lies and fabricated lies.

there is no evidence to support your 6 gorilion claim

>I'm smart becuz i call ppl dum

Typical propaganda victim. There are ZERO German documents....you claim there are so show me. They say 6 millions Jews died...yet there were not nearly as many Jews living in Europe at that time...still over 4 million claimed reperations. Look at the census. I have listened to almost every speech given by Hitler and his associates in my German native tongue and theres not a single speech where they're talking about killing Jews. Mass graves are no evidence for Extermination or massmurder. The soil in Auschwitz was investigated and the ground wasn't even disturbed ever. Photographs of starved people are also no evidence for massmurder....use your fucking logic and rationality... you sound like a fucking imbecile

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This is the extent of the Hollowco$t orthodoxy... muh appeal to the status quo. Muh emotive plebs, pinko teens, school teachers, boomer conformist cunts and kike owned media bolstering anti-Germanic blood liable. Muh history books.

>you must be really stupid and evil to scapegoat the Jews because the history books they published say they were innocent and mass murdered for no reason and all evidence destroyed except spurious Jewish witness testimony

Sure thing you history buff you. Maybe your handler at your special education centre will allow you to watch Swindler's Gist before your manditory racial equality lession lmfao

If you can't learn from the enemy your chances of defeating them are slim.

Nazis killed by hanging or shooting many subversives, bolsheviks, etc. (most of them turned out to be jews)
They deported as many jews as they could, to keep them until they could be relocated to Madagascar (initial plan) then Palestine.
Many of them died of starvation or disease, because it was the fucking war, and realistically the nazis did not have many incentives to keep the cunts alive.

The rest is soviet fabrication and Jewish exaggeration.

But you know you do have a very valid point. The masses have never been lied to and led astray by false narratives, people are way to smart for that. In fact, It's incredibly unlikely that we were lied to about anything that we were taught in school. I mean, why would an institution peddle false information? Of course they wouldn't. Everything we got taught in school is true and no one has ever been lied to ever in history before. you are right, I am dum

>that's not how propaganda works

there's literally photographs of mass graves and mass graves that have been observed with jewish traces. if they didnt die then how come theyve been missing this whole time? where did they go?

citation needed because it's not

theyre in the links that have been provided, you retard.

>(((history books)))

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that's a nice platitude but it doesn't refute midwar reports, doesnt account for 6 million jews that have been missing, photographs, nazi speeches and diaries, mass graves with jewish traces, etc

If i told you September 9th 2001 was a pleasant day in America in every textbook ever does it make it so?

You canNOT gas someone on the other side of a wood door without breathing the gas yourself.

>there is literally pic of hundreds or even thousands this somehow proves tens of millions
You were never a challenge for my intellect, youlost the second you clicked post.
Gg ez nigger.

this might be the dumbest strawman argument in the entire thread. congrats

you are right. I don't know enough.

I have been beaten

>ignores evidence, ignores my questions
ok retard

RIIIIGHT because it's not the exact same thing you're talking about just in a way you can understand

>with no proof?
Answered your own question


It's 22 minutes of a guy absolutely SEETHING while reading jewish newspapers.


We know cognitive dissonance is a thing and that people are brainwashed but it doesn't stop me cringing when some pseudo-intellectual arrogant ill-informed goy begins lecturing me about how millions of Jews were gassed in the most ridiculous way and this is proved by heaps of shoes.

And rampant post-hoc reasoning; "akchully, the furnaces were probably built to burn 3 bodies in 20 minutes each so that's how da natzees defied physics unlike modern cremation". These big brained faggots are so desperate to cling to their place in the world as heroes literally preventing anudda shoah lol.