Pipeline EXPLOSION - Mexico

>Pipeline explosion kills 66, burns dozens in central Mexico

video captures moment of expolosion,
dozens running while on fire, burning alive
can hear the screams
pretty fucked up
Did no one teach them "stop drop and roll"?
also get those burning cloths OFF.


Attached: 5c42ac75dda4c8bc0e8b465e.jpg (980x551, 113K)

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Looks like hell.

apparently the death toll is so high because brainlets were trying to collect FREE fuel from the ruptured pipeline.

Rupture may have even been the work of cartel trying to steel fuel...

Yeah Mexico does suck


>Rupture may have even been the work of cartel trying to steel fuel.

Literally Africa tier

How sad, I am done with my previous shitty country.

I like baked beans.

This I like

Attached: 1539835852654.png (1077x518, 473K)

Bet it smells like carnitas there.