Humanity is a bubble

Humanity is a bubble.

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You can't talk logistics here or pretty much anywhere user. No one wants to accept that we are living at the precipice of total disaster and it's not going to take war or disease to kill us off. It's just going to take our insatiable appetites and ignorance.

Obviously, we've got 30 years at best.
The very last humans will die within 200.

if people who claim to care about climate change actually thought the situation was as dire as they claim they would advocate for genocide in africa. they will never do this because they are globalist/communist shills

no one can explain to me why we -need- a war
couldn't we have not had a war?

> broken exponential advance results in 70-90% drop
> trader wisdom
t. Jow Forums-tard

Unironically accurate.
The population explosions in Africa and Asia are going to effectively doom the planet because the West feeds most of the world. Eventually it will not be economically feasible to do so, especially with Jews shoveling in the surplus populations of the world's gutters into white territory to destroy us from within.

Expect a population crash by the end of this century with billions starving to death in the span of a decade.

Picture the entirety of humanity on Earth as resting on a flower pedal. Right now, it is in full bloom.

Its gonna be a rood awakening when that pedal starts wilting and the Earth is unable to support billions of humans anymore and most of us are gonna die.

This pattern is seen everywhere in nature.

Oh well.

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I mean if they hadnt set us up for a fall, why would we ever need a fucking war?
I know why we need a war NOW, its because of the fucking illuminati.

>measurements of said systems
>0 to 100, exponential growth

War makes money. America is always at war. America only does things that make money.

If War didn't make money, America would never be at War.

right, I forgot banktards value money over life.
enjoy ww3.

>if they hadnt set us up for a fall why would we ever need a fucking war?
we wouldnt, if (((they))) weren't so busy trying to replace us we would be happy and people would want a war.

>be census
>claim to be accurate so that people aren't tempted to go off grid
>expand reach every year
>claim more people exist instead of admitting weakness

slave mentality

Attached: last man.png (1100x721, 140K)

Relax, its Always been like this.

Like Ancient Times always.

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Because every group of people that think they don't need war has been conquered by another group of people that do. It's natural selection.

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I don't know who makes these population prediction, but they must be climate change deniers. Global warming is going to BTFO Africa and Asia.

Attached: Projected_impact_of_climate_change_on_agricultural_yields_by_the_2080s,_compared_to_2003_levels_(Cli (2008x1346, 68K)

Even now, the value of your life is determined solely by how much tax you pay to the government.

Rising sea levels will also displace literally billions of people and cause social turmoil on a scale history has never seen before. The population will never climb as high as that graph claims.

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hey al gore! So what does clinton's dick really taste like?

For some reason I thought you posted this, woops.
Anyway yeah. Our grandkids will be in the most violent swing from literally the best "strong men create good times" to the worst "weak men create hard times" ever in human history.

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And nothing of value was lost

You know that Trump has been artifically raising sea barriers around his properties because this is happening right? And the US Navy has been looking at options to move the infrastructure at Norfolk before it gets inundated. They've also been drawing up plans for sea patrols and battle plans in the arctic after most of the ice melts. You can believe whatever you want, but the powers that be have already been making plans for this.

The great culling is coming. Some time after 2020 but before 2030 is my guess. I wish everyone on this board good luck, and I wish everyone off this board eternal damnation (only slightly exaggerating).

We know who ''billions of people'' refers to, and they can fuck off, we're full

It applies everywhere, the east coast of the US is gonna get his hard. Not as bad as Asia though.

Why don't you show some example - burst first.

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Lmfao this is going to piss off the NPC's.


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