Moslem woman mocks religion by wearing hijab and masturbating while reciting prayer. Also wants white man to rape her.
Does pol reject her?
Moslem woman mocks religion by wearing hijab and masturbating while reciting prayer. Also wants white man to rape her.
Does pol reject her?
Not if she's into scat
What did she mean by this?
Imagine being this edgy.
Getting your head chopped off in the name of degeneracy.
Why does pol think there aren't somehow Muslim Thots? The only difference here is that the death cult of Islam truly is a terrible piece of 7th century garbage.
Yes but most westoids will instantly go to
>Muh dik
Just proves westoids are like niggers degenerates
She's really hot but she should be stoned to death
Good. Pisslam needs the same level of slander and mockery that Christianity gets.
Equality bitches.
A simple allahu akbar while I cum would suffice.
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