#ExposeChristianSchools is trending


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What's the punchline, leaf?


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the in-store prices

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>Completely mainstream Christian doctrine
The absolute state of leftists.

Start posting #ExposePublicSchools
Watch the leftists chimp out over their precious teachers


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>Jesus was a Jew
>Jews are white
>Italians and Jews are nearly the same
>Levatines and Italians are both Mena
Are Jews not white?
We're ancient Italians far whiter than today?


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It has potential

That was 25 years ago.

I'm still not following. How is discouraging kids to jerk off bad? It seems like a good thing to most people, except probably the far left that believes "incest between two consenting adults is perfectly fine". These people need to stop being so sex obsessed.

I don't care. God is going to kill all these wicked people.

I see nothing strange, I don't get it please explain

People trying to push the anti-christ agenda using a false narrative.

It's exposing how vile and fear mongering the Christian schools are

Aren't these the same niggers who take kids to gay parades?

What do you not get?

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Expose what exactly? That they are a christian school? Of course it's going to teach things with a Christian perspective. It's in the fucking name.

>porn good
>white man bad
>kill christians
Your brain on Satan.

Too much potential, that they would try to shut it down.

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What you call "vile and fear mongering" is the Christian ethos. I get that you do not believe in that, but how is Christian schools promoting Christian ideas shocking to you?

It's outdated.


they're mad that christian schools don't want fags near their children
Really makes you think

I thought you anti semites would think of something more creative like ExposeTheNose

Because it doesn't let you have sex with animals and children.

Says who? ""Science""?

The things in this thread are so fucking stupid I don't have words to say about them.

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The bait is strong with you leaf.

It's a fact that Ted said that.
But he said a lot for things.

This is true. I started hanging around /b/ in 2008 and spent 8 years beating off to trannies. Fucked my relationships with women. Satan had a hold of me.

Well, we are just humoring you, leaf. We aren't really doing anything, but wondering why this is a thing.

Isn't it funny that they call Mike Pence and his wife bigots for their religious beliefs?
Libshits really don't even know what "bigot" means

Genetic testing says no.

Pathetic whiny pussy, shares a name with one of the least effective generals in military history. Sad!

uhhh pontius pilot, one of the only white people in the new testament, wanted to save jesus. it was the dirty kikes, his own people, who killed him for blasphemy
how can someone be this wrong, don't they worry about looking like an idiot

not jerking off is the ultimate oppression user, in order to be truly enlightened and free the average citizen needs to jerk off multiple times a day, with incrementally larger and larger buttplugs

why are leaf posts always so horrendous, cant wait to cleanse your country and repopulate it with my aryan children

>his profile picture
>that entire post
why do I feel like it is completely made up?

Christianity is semitism by definition and therefore anti human. You can be pro human rights or a supporter of semitism but you literally cannot be both.

dude all this is based as fuck, i don't see what they're complaining about

This just says he was a dumb kid. I think most people realize that the lesson is pornography is a vice which means it can become an addiction. This is just teaching you awareness of the dangers of pornography. Just like it’s OK to drink a little. It’s OK to see a little normal porn. However, just like alcohol, some people will choose to abstain and that’s not a bad thing.

>pontius pilot
Someone needs to go to Christian school

Fuck is that real?

Can’t speak for anyone else but I still have good memories of St. Ritas
Learned evolution, science and religion were taught with each other instead of being some opposing forces, etc
Sadly they standardized into standardized tested and it all went to shit

So I wouldn’t be surprised if they are just trying to remove alternatives in Education so everyone has to go to shitty public schools to prop up Tyrone

>wanted to save jesus
But he didn't, then ordered his guys to do the deed.

>don't be a degenerate
>your mind is in a constant struggle by temptations of the material world
>rise above and be a better person in your eyes and in God's.
Am I missing something? That's perfectly reasonable. The Ted Bundy thing is a bit conflationary, but Porn is not good for your sanity anyways.

>my aryan children

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Thank you leftists for advertising our school. Your outrage at our message is the best endorsement we could get. We are gratified you've spread samples of our teachings so those who want their children to learn this material will know to come to us.

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They don't want children going to private schools.

The two biggest issues that will lead to civil war are encroachments on gun rights and encroachments on religious liberty (especially freedom of religious education).

You want to tax me more? Fine. Fuck you, but I'll pay the mob to leave me alone if that's the price of peace. But you want to take my guns - my means of defending my family and my home - and you want to outlaw my child from receiving a faith based education so that you can indoctrinate her into becoming a degenerate, then I will kill you. And so will many others.

let me guess this guy is a total degenerate now or a huge faggot.

Did this guy confuse Muslim academy with Christian school?

Christian miseducation is the most common form of homeschooling or miseducation here.

>trendy beardcuck faggot
>having any credence about mental rigor

#exposeJewishSchools when?

It's a ridiculously petty thing to argue, and teaches people to feel shame over something instinctual, fun, and generally harmless.

>REEEEEEE why isn't the Government forcing these religious institutions to let their students become degenerates like the rest of society?! SOMEONE NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS MENACE!

I actually did go to a Christian college prep K-12 school. The academic rigor at mine was less than our local peers, especially in recent years because the administration started pumping money into our terrible athletics program. But it was certainly better than all the local public schools. The administration were complete hypocrites, treating teachers like shit and having affairs with each other, and many of the kids were just as pharisitical. There were some great teachers though, and the small school allowed for a mostly tight knit community of students and families. It was sort of like a small town. I personally would have completely redesigned the education, but it wasn’t nearly as awful as these libshits are acting it was

They were obviously protecting the reputation of the families of good slave trading jews.

They never talked about masturbation at my school.

>all my kids go to school with Abeka curriculum
Stay salty, leaf!!!!

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How is this worse or at least any different from the leftist degeneracy public schools teach? If public schools can teach faggot and tranny acceptance, private religious schools can teach any nonsense they want. This is coming from a fedora tipper too.

Imagine the rabbit hole of #ExposeMuslimSchools

Yeah a lot don't.

>faith based education over fact based education
Kill yourself you retarded idiot. Never spread your brainlette genes.

It’s unironically true though... “Satan” means different things throughout history. Some early Christians regarded Satan as a struggle within oneself - our self serving thoughts and emotions. In that sense this statement is very true.
Your thoughts create your reality, user.

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Where are the investigations of muslim schools?
Where are the investigations of jewish schools?
How many of the Roman Catholic pedo priests were non-jewish I wonder? Anyone got any numbers?

Do you believe teachers should be talking about masturbation with kids?

So its a liberal shitbag tag where they go on about how oppressive the religion of christianity is and how we should become godless communists


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Because christcuck schools teach evolution didn't happen, earth is 6 thousand years old, God sees everything you do, women are housewives etc


chrustians hide their racism and hate behind their religion despite telling them to turn the other cheek and love one another

whites will make even the most beautiful religions soulless with their innate need to hate and be insecure

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If you actually read the bible youd understand he didnt have a choice
Also in the catholic faith the man that stabbed christ with the spear is a saint the romans executed christ but his blood is not on their hands

>Women wouldn't report rapes for fear of being expelled
I do not believe that women getting raped is as much of an epidemic as he implies. He must have a very loose, Swedish definition of rape.

In health class they should probably mention that it's common and doesn't usually lead to the health issues ascribed to it on the internet and in old wives' tales.

>I use the term Christcucks on Jow Forums
Oh it shows, sweetie

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>implying public schools aren’t even worse for spreading groundless propaganda

>women are housewives
>a bad thing
The absolute state of the antichristians on this website
Women are only good AS housewives

Evolution is not science, it has never been seen or observed. All the examples they claim are evidence involve a loss of genetic information, not a gain (opposite of evolution). The "fossil record" is a sham, and a fossil doesn't tell you anything except the organism died - it doesn't tell you if the organism lived or procreated.

Civilization "mysteriously" began 6000 years ago in Sumer.

God does see everything,

They don't teach "women are housewives" but there is nothing wrong with that

Eh, being a foreign governor with a small military attachment is tricky. It's a fine line between wielding some authority, collecting taxes, and overruling a zealous mob's demands to execute some jive talking hippy. He tried to convince them that an execution was over the top, but the vicious juden wanted blood. He washed his hands of the whole thing and went along with the crowd to keep the Pharisees and their kike rabble-rousers calm.

Your demoralization raid isn't working, lads. I've got two white, blue-eyed kids with another on the way that I am immersing in Christianity and ethno-pride. You boys are seething so hard...

This is the kind of material kids should be reading.
Porn might not always lead you to be Ted Bundy, but it certainly can lead you to do terrible things you'll regret for the rest of your life. In Ted Bundy's case, porn helped lead him to serial killing.

i've been triggered.

Went to catholic schools K-College, I benefitted from it enormously and I’m grateful that my parents were able to put me in those schools. Science was taught in science class, religion in religion class. The only time religion was inserted in health class was in 4th grade when we learned what sex was, and it was precluded by “when a man and woman love each other and are married...”. Woah, how radical and wrong to teach.

It should be taught to be like alcohol, fine in moderation but can become cripplingly addicting

I dont know about non jewish pedo "priests" but the percentage of outted homosexual pedos was in the upper 80s

Canadians are paypigs

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How is that different then teaching children that if you chop off your dick you're a woman, or that things that are clearly not equal in any sense of the word are equal because it's racist to point out obvious differences?

anyone else here think it's funny when black people get mad and they're like what the heyll



Most religious people are, by definition, hallucinating and delusional.