Give me protips how to spot a hidden jew

give me protips how to spot a hidden jew
here is easy example of Łukasz Jakóbiak because of his nose and chin.

Attached: wesoły kupiec sie cieszy.jpg (1516x970, 273K)

By the name: Jakobiak
By the aparent nose (he is smiling it makes the nose be more inclined to semitic orientations)
By the line of the forhead (although the receiding hairline amplifies it, it must be look into it)
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Tips on general Jewdar upgrade pls

i am considering saying the n word

on Jow Forums it's easy:
> does the poster have an american flag?
yes. they're jews
> israeli flag / meme flags
obvious jews.

Attached: merchant.jpg (630x400, 63K)

now that is obvious in the front. You can't just examine from the side you have to examine everything. The jew is a mongrel since the begining of its anti-race. So it is common so see some features that are similar to Europeans.
You can also look at the cosmetic operations done to hide other obvious features. In the forehead, for instance, with botox. The Dental Procedures (a renewall of all of the teeth by replacing them with porcelain ones). You can also notice the Goblino Ears with the addition of the nose format that somewhat denounces it. One thing that he has into his disguise is the neck that is long. how ever the eyes orientation and space between them also denouces that.
Then you have to add up all the things and make a conclusion:
>skull format
>name (usually they switchnames you have to find the whole name/real name)
>eyes format
>cosmetic procedures done

also, pictures of them smiling sometimes dificult our identification because it deforms some of them details.

Attached: file.png (1977x965, 2.19M)

It's not the case for that kike but one of the most exclusive features of the jews are the long ears. Netanyahu is a good exemple of that

Attached: cover-r4x3w1000-5afa98aa249f3-netanyahu-l-iran-deploie-des-armes-en-syrie-pour-menacer.jpg (1000x750, 78K)

Most of the time these jews that make public appearances are more non-jewish than jewish. They are the lowest of the caste, however they are important because it is them that the non-jews relate the most.