How did Buzzfeed News fuck up so badly?

How did Buzzfeed News fuck up so badly?

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>How did Buzzfeed News fuck up so badly?

Are you SERIOUSLY asking this question?




Get out of here faggot with this stupid shit.

Immediately after this article came out I saw commercials about signing petitions to impeach Trump.

It was pretty hilarious when I was watching shows I dvr'ed after buzz feed had their shit pushed in.

Buzzfeed News is a different beast than Buzzfeed.
Their award recognizition is the reason why people claimed their breakout article about Trump was legit.
Now their reputation is even more fucked.

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>How did Buzzfeed News fuck up so badly?

I unironically want to know this. Was this just a disinfo campaign to flush out leakers? Seems unlikely considering there have been tons of leaks before and Mueller's never seemed to give a shit. Or did BuzzFeed just literally make shit up in an attempt to create chaos and division, in the hopes that Mueller's office would do like they always do and not say a word, allowing the media to endlessly speculate and Dems in the House to launch investigations and impeachment proceedings?

Jow Forums will probably hate me for this, but I do have a bit more faith in Mueller and the special counsel now at least. I mean the whole investigation is bullshit and based on false pretenses. But that's not Mueller's fault, he's just been given a job and is hopefully doing it as thoroughly and fairly as possible.

They want to be able to question meullers team and subject to lie detectors, There is coordination with meuller and the DNC, or elements of the DNC and that would look very bad if leaked

The problem with having an army of millenial journalists frothing at the mouth to defeat drumpf is trying to keep them from jumping the gun and torpedoing legitimate stories with stuff they read on Jow Forumspolitics

How did buzzfeed go from being known as the site that pumps out "TOP 10 BEYONCE SLAAAAAYSSS MOMENTS" to being seen as street prowling hard hitting investigative journalists?

Hello 4chin.
anonymous:source here.
ihave dirt on president trump..
he really was colluding with the russians

if anyone interest?

buzzfeed has permission to use this story.

As if these awards mean anything in the first place.

From a practical standpoint the drones are now more upset and convinced Trump did SOMETHING. They don't know what. They can't tell you where or when or how he did it, but the news talks about Trump doing SOMETHING a lot so Trump must have done SOMETHING.

I can validate your story if needed. Buzzfeed, please use me as a corroborating source at your will.

lie detectors are useless.

I reiterate. Facts prevail. They are full of shit. Shame on you for believing their shit.

fuck off it's never a real source, and especially not from wapo

I love how this is so bad for msm this time that even cnn had to take a step back an say “yeah this makes journalism look like a joke”

kys retard.

The kicker is the FBI used yahoo and buzzfeed to kickstart the first FISA against Trump people. Its a circular fake news attack

>the Pulitzer Prize still has meaning
Bless your retarded soul.

>How did Buzzfeed News fuck up so badly?

let me count the ways

1. buzzfeed is not a new organization, they are a internet-based advertising vector
2. buzzfeed does not emply any journalists
3. trump derangement syndrome

You would think after the Podesta and DNC emails that they wouldn’t put too much into a WashPo anonymous source.

Nigga it's Buzzfeed. If this wasn't exactly what you expected from the outset than there may be no hope for you. These are the same people who report shit that was literally made up on Jow Forums as fact.

its almost like jews aren't good at forward thinking

They technically do employ “journalists” but they ade all fags

I agree with you. I think that whatever comes out of the Mueller investigation will likely be a huge nothing burger and it will just piss off democrats, similar to how republicans were pissed off about the Hillary investigation but at least Hillary actually did something wrong.

How does the MSM still call themselves news?
How does anyone not know this is a smear campaign?
Trump 2020

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real question:
why'd it take so long?

>trump planted the story to make the left chimp and humiliate themselves

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It was literally just another case of “sources say” but this time mueller had to come out and cut that bullshit out because that’s how people get acquittals

Information laundering. Happens in Acadamia too. Easy to spread a lie when you keep sourcing the next participant.


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Trump is responsible for the leak to discredit the media even further. That way when the Mueller investigation is over and they clear Trump but go after the real traitors then no one will listen to the dying screams of the MSM.

Those have been around longer than the article. I was in California on a business trip a few weeks back and those commercials are all over the TV being injected into people's brains. There isn't really a message to it either, just "Orange man bad, let's work together to impeach him".

All you millennials don't remember when journalism had integrity.
24 hr news cycle is bullshit. Filled with hype and advertisements, but leads to people not checking their sources and writing up a good piece because their trying to be the first to announce. Complete garbage.
Go back to one evening news broadcast for the day and make it relevant and worthwhile. Solved. Stop sucking off the advertisers for their greed!!!!!

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being as that may, if they are too leaky they will be investigated and found out as colluding with the DNC

Approvals and discussions. Red tape so to speak. What if the Buzzfeed story is true? Mueller would be fucked as well.

Still guessing that it was a canary trap for someone outside of Mueller’s team. Started by someone outside of his team too.

>according to people familiar with the matter
Could we please, please, please stop reporting gossip as if it's news?? I am sick unto death of it. The Buzzfeed story was gossip, this is gossip almost everything in the "news" is fucking gossip. It's all so tiresome.

I too can corroborate. I heard about it from a guy at the bar last night and his dad works at Nintendo.

>how did buzzfeed fuck up
you need at least 20 IQ to post here

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There is plenty of news out there they do not touch. It’s 24/7 of the same talking points with tons of opinions thrown in along the way.

Three of us now. Now we need Navy Seal copypasta and it will be over for Trump.

someone please make another delicious reddit meltdown thread for this

I'll tell you why. Lanny Davis is a trump ally that has been activated to destroy the media by constantly eroding their trustworthiness

When they tried to go mainstream making a separate division that was partnered with regular (((MSM))) like new york times and bbc to be the hip millennial news. They for a time were at least as "legit" as the other old media shitholes but they entire company is collapsing on ad revenue so they're doubling down on retarded clickbait across the board.





>viewtiful joe had a fleeting moment of hope that he is associated with a real news organization
>at peace with himself that he can finally be proud of his resume
>gets himself a nice pack strawberry citrus double IPA and a seytan banh mi to take up to his studio apartment and celebrate the occasion
>checks twitter
>overwhelming feeling of dread flows through his body as he sees his blue check friends cynically equivocating when they should be excited at the inevitable end of the drumpf regime
>tfw he will never work for the new york times

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>Buzzfeed News is a different beast than Buzzfeed.

stop perpetuating that astroturfed buzzfeed funded meme

Thats what the media does. They roll the dice. They throw shit at the wall and see what sticks. It almost never sticks. Thats why they call Tump "Teflon Don"

This entire hit piece was a knee jerk response to Trump cancelling Pelosis globe trotting gubbment shutdown vacation. That came oit and theybstayed up all night trying to come up with this.


i switched on CNN today and they were ripping into Buzzfeed pretty bad.
they mustve done fucked up

The unironic thing is that the information Buzzfeed wrote about may be true. The problem is the source (maybe). Canary trap...look it up. Call this a bunch.

Isn’t Buzzfeed one of Facebook’s trusted news sources?

The fake news doesn't like it when someone fucks up and makes (((their))) agenda so clear even the simply goyim might catch on.

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Buzzfeed is a perfect target for intelligence psyops. Naive, ambitious, stupid reporters looking to make a name for themselves. They're not really considered a reputable news source by non-Millennials. Their job is to insert lies into the mainstream with the hopes that one of the alphabets will pick it up and amplify it. I don't think they expected Mueller's office to repudiate them so fast and hard. They were looking for two or three weeks of crippling anti-Trump coverage.

this post gets the dumbest post of the day award.

Cite and record every single one of these awards, if a (((media))) company ever receives one of those awards, you can believe that it's totally and utterly fake news

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Buzzfeed is at least useful as a profiling method. It's an excellent way of determining whether someone in your life is retarded or not. It's like a pleb filter but for IQ.

They were the first ones to post the dossier

Apparently the rumor is the new incoming AG is the reason why this fake story was debunked so fast. Imagine if Jeff Sessions was still AG, Trump would be facing impeachment proceedings over this bullshit lie. Sessions should have been fired the moment he recused himself imo.

The state of this board.

It turns out lying is really easy to determine. Apparently Jews forgot the real world isn't the same as their twitter blog.

This whole thing was a planned shitshow from the start, designed to clutter the news cycle to smokescreen Trumps turbochad move about canceling Pelosis taxpayer vacation while there is a shutdown.

I felt like a crazy person watching that commercial.
>Let's band together and impeach Trump
"For what!? What did he do!?"

Why Trump picked him in the first place still eludes me.

I really wish shareblue would pay us a visit today. I made a nice collection of screenshots from a few days ago when buzzfeed's >story broke and they were flooding the board.

Theyre lying through their teeth because they know they fucked up, now doubling down on it. Even though they admitted they didn't see shit related but now magically they did prior to reporting.

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He supported Trump in the primaries so Trump rewarded him with the AG position. Sadly Trump didn't know how unfit Sessions was to hold that office. A pitbull like Giuliani should have been AG

Holy fuck dude. Someone made a typo on a taiwanese national socialist decoupage forum?!?

Fucking blockhead joe is a doubble nigger who writes the mental equivelent of popcorn

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>It turns out lying is really easy to determine.
I have a theory that peolpes ability to lie is still stuck in the pre internet era,
and the internet makes debunking lies so much easier that it doesnt work anymore for most habitual liars.

Liberal shills BTFOd yet again. The leftist tears are so beautiful

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That faggot has been running those commercials since 2016

Lol. I'll never forget when Sam crushed him so hard for his attempt at a canned interview that was probably already somehow 99% written, that he had to reach out to his (((connections))) to get Sam's show cancelled.


1) Mueller’s spokesperson could have simply said the entire story was false, he didn’t do that...not even close.
2) BuzzFeed contacted Mueller’s office prior to publishing the story to let them know what they were going to report. Why didn’t Mueller’s office tell them it was inaccurate then? Curious. They could have ya know.
3) A bazillion bad stories have been published about Drumpfffffff the traitor and they’s shot down none of them. Why didn’t they say this story (pic relevant) Newsweek ran a week ago was inaccurate????
4) Guess this proves the “Fake News” meme is bullshit since all of Dumpy’s enemies, 100% of them, that he calls fake news clearly reported they were unable to verify the BuzzFeed piece.
5) Lastly it shows Mueller to be fair and unbiased...not an operative of the other bullshit meme...the “deep state.”

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God bless you lad, keep em coming.

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How long till mass leftist suicides? Not very long I imagine

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The day of reckoning is fast approaching.

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it’s not news it’s emotional propaganda!

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They didnt fuck up
They used the lowest forms of life to get clicks and laughed all the way to the bank
Dims BTFO again

Fuck off kike
Go report the actual slides from the salty niggers and fuck off

>winning jewish awards

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you already got btfo'd in this thread you shill

Wew lad

Hang yourself and itll all be over

>you'll be blogging and tweeting for the rest of your life JOE!

>still trying to cling on to it
it's just pathetic at this point


It shows that these are planted fake stories to desensitize the left when it comes out that the Russian investigation was a fraud.
>Mueller was’s job was to deflect as much attention away from the truly fucked fbi/doj

This shit is so fucking funny. The liberal cope last night was COSMIC.

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Yes. I think it was to catch a leaker.

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What if he's just saying that to see if there are leaks in his investigation?
I mean, just to clear up any confusion, we are talking about Buzzfeed news, not the clickbait site.
It was started by Pulitzer prize winning journalists.

Just FYI.... buzz feed is spoon fed to kids in school, just like leapfrog, apple, Microsoft, google, etc...

All the late night shows who were like "IT'S OVER FOR TRUMP" got ridiculed once again!

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Buzzfeed has been clickbait since it’s inception.

Nigga pls.