N for Nigger

Anyone else notice Netflix stopped allowing/showing star ratings because all their SJW horse shit was getting 1-starred?

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I thought it was because of the Amy Schumer shitshow, specifically, getting one star ratings when it was supposed to be the comedy hit of the decade.
>muh vagina

>still having a Netflix sub

Yes this was the case.

Streaming services are the new cable. I go to watch stuff on Amazon Prime, there's nothing. I have to subscribe to a "channel" to get a good movie. Want movies they don't have? That's another channel. It's cable... but at least you can watch everything on one service then cancel it and swap around.

I'm sure they'll find a way around that soon enough.

It’s because Amy Schumer got her feelings hurt from a a low rating.

I’m not joking.

this is correct

exactly. it happened right after Amy Schumer bombed and they justified it saying the stars dont work except they fucking built their business on the star rating system

This is real? How can that be a good idea?

"Who are we really fighting for?"
"people that don't always agree with the US"



>he doesn’t torrent everything
I amazed that zoomers don’t know how to do this. For a generation that’s spent their whole life with computers they’re pretty fucking tech illiterate.

Stop paying for their shit. If you absolutely must consume feces there are unlimited free venues to stream their shitty shows on.

I boycott netflix and I can even get it free through my Tmobile account, but I never bothered, fuck em.

Right, the one (ten?) million dollar prize to improve the ratings, 10%, shows how much they cared. Though to be truthful, they didn't use the results of that, rather, just classified movies finely (foreign, drama, thriller, based on a book etc) and went to that. Still, though - I like a sense of control.

Pay to watch something? WTF?

Fucking THIS. Stop making excuses you onions boy faggots. Don't give them money

i have prime because of the other benefits, and hulu because we got it for $12 for a year back at christmas
everything those dont have i watch on streaming sites

the stuff I like is hard to torrent
people don't seed older movies or shows

Did any of you guys see this fat nigger making a white boy feel bad for raising his hand and calling it "white privilege"?What kind of a fucking degenerate do you have to be to watch this and agree with it?


They got rid of it after Chuck Schumer's niece's show bombed.

I'd flix their net if you know what I mean.

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>subhuman neckbeards organize mass abuse and dishonest use of the rating system
>wtf why did they stop doing ratings?

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Yes. Their content is horrible sjw propaganda and they had to get rid of the ratings to save face. I'm so happy that I cancelled my subscription to that garbage.

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release release release release release release release release release release release release release release release release release release release release release release release release

and dont give a fuck if its trash

I remember the good old days when Demonoid and I can't remember the name of the video game private tracker I used to use were around. Good stuff.

What are some Jow Forums approved shows?

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Nothing. Jow Forums wants us to be miserable and bored because it's all degeracy. Otherwise I'd say stick to reading.
>who is that semen demon?


What are some good, wholesome shows on Netflix?
>Tidying Up
>Violet Evergarden

Attached: 50405210_2616076821740944_8072464828960079872_o.jpg (2048x1536, 153K)

>On Netflix
The Last Kingdom
Death Note(?)

>Off Netflix
Legend of the Galactic Heroes

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>Death Note
That's good joke

Thats why I put the question mark, it's been a long time since I've watched it.

Yes, angry impotent MAGA-tards proved yet again that they can't handle ANY social aspect of anything on the internet, or ever act in good faith, so Netflix cut to the chase and just removed the system.

And good for them for doing it. Every other media entity should get a clue and just remove interaction, likes, ratings, commenting, because it contributes absolutely nothing and only serves as an outlet for frustrated impotent white boys to spray their nerd rage all over spaces that didn't ask for it.

They brought back star ratings

Rome is absolutely KINO

Haha, I remember bearshare

>stopped allowing/showing star ratings because all their SJW horse shit
most netflix originals are shit

>secretly we are winning

Babylon Berlin. Its set in 30s Germany.

You mean valid criticism of shit tier shows? Nice use of euphemisms though.

and then others expressed valid criticism of the ratings system and it was removed

why are you upset tho?

Travelers is pretty good. So is Punisher.

her stand up special was so bad, they had to change the entire way things are rated, to try and salvage it.

Attached: amy shumer standup .jpg (1242x1242, 126K)

>Projection: The Post

Again, who is this semen demon?

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>"my vagina smells bad and I'm fat!"
>what a strong, funny womyn.
>you are a nazi if you don't like this.

What's the point in downloading shit when you can just stream it on demand and have less liability?
I don't want to watch most stuff multiple times and when I do I can just stream it again.

Or they could have fixed the system by making you watch the show to rate it and by then using views to boost the ratings.

I'm not upset. The Irony is less people will watch crappy shows because they have no reason to with the rating system gone.

>Death note
Absolute plebian taste

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What's wrong with Death Note?

They also changed the rating on her program about a week after they got rid of the star rating.
I noticed the change in an old Vizio that still shows the stars

It's not widely discussed but I really liked AMC's Hell on Wheels
It's about the race to explore the west and lay down railroad lines, pretty redpilled

If I liked Bird Box will I like pic related?

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seen their new race mixing propaganda movie?

inb4 kikeflix figures out people don't want to watch bmwf race mixing propaganda constantly


It was pretty good, yes. Until about halfway in or more they started getting all "black lies matter" on us. Fucking kikes always do that shit.

get woke, go broke

Io was boring and pozzed.

Project Blue Book is the only decent show at the moment.

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Netflix is garbage, they only have good standup. Amazon is better.

Netflix survives by people paying for one account they share with the whole family so they can't stop giving money to kikes without family bitching.

holy fuck schumer is such a fucking fat bitch so unfunny only talks about her pussy

The off choices.
>pic related

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You don’t need internet access to watch it.

If the power goes out I have something to do.


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For fuck sake zoomers just stream or torrent your movies or TV shows.

Bird Box was trash
>A Quiet Place, but shitty
>Wants you to love the useless fat chick who gets everyone killed
>Wants you to hate the bald dude making all the sense, then kills him off because he was right
>Monsters which make you kill yourself but magically cannot come inside
>Two timelines, but in the future one everyones dead, meaning your other timeline (+50% of the movie) is now spoiled and shitty
>No consequences for making retarded decisions like not steering through rapids
>"I want to rub your pregnant belly" was used as a fucking pickup line. Sick shit

Just pirate like a normal person God damn it.

I enjoyed Gantz and that drill anime.
>pierce the heavens with a drill
>need more drills
>spiral power
>galaxy sized drill bots
>all my lels
Bleach was good until it went bat shit insane.
>all of the Junji Ito mangas are great
>Gyo has an anime and a live action movie
>so does that one about the girl that keeps getting killed and coming back
>this is my bait it was made just for me

Thats not how the Netflix rating system works. The star rating was custom calculated based on star ratings you gave other movies. People like you who didn't understand this are the reason they changed the system

This is the correct response. If you still have a Netflix account you are not just condoning this degeneracy, you are PAYING FOR it. You are quite literally funding the opposition.

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>anyone noticed how Netflix stopped having reviews after bunch of incels formed a reviewbombing brigade
I did

You had to actually watch the show to leave a review before they killed it

>let the show run in the background
>reviewbomb it because it featured an interracial couple

Good question. Unfortunately I did not come across anything that could be considered pol approved. Even in Korean TV series I just watched they inserted a random transsexual with no real purpose for the storyline. Usually the series produced in other countries are less americanized. Unfortunately the degeneracy spreads.

>>Anyone else notice
Yeah... it was two years ago.

>Even in Korean TV series I just watched they inserted a random transsexual with no real purpose for the storyline

The LGBTQIA+? community screeches the loudest about everything, so the producers threw in a tranny for those social justice points

If you liked Bird Box you'll like literally anything that doesn't require more than 10 IQ to follow.

cancelled my netflix account sometime ago not for sjw policis though, i suspect most people will gobble up the SJW nonsense. Netflix is trying to become the next disease vector for SJW progressivism. Luckily its also burning through cash as alarming rates as it produces subpar stinkers which wouldnt even gross 50million at box office.

This movie mad me mad. John Malkovich's character loses his wife due to this dumb bitch just because she's pregnant and then he goes on to warn everyone and be right about everything, they thank him locking him up and getting everyone killed and then the film just skips along without a care

blackpilled talked about this in his video.
Basically alluding to even if the white guy is right people will still ignore him at their own fatal detriment. this is i believe a sort of subconscious fuck you by the producers on their thoughts of western civilization

If you like White woman getting fucked by smart black man, then yes

When you’re talking about stuff on Netflix, people don’t know if you’re talking about the Netflix death note or the actual death note. Netflix made a horrible live-action Death note if you’re not aware.

Attack on titan
Cowboy bebop
Samurai champloo
Family Guy early seasons especially 4th
Sopranos but there’s some bullshit in it
True detective

Movies :
Eyes wide shut
They live
Falling down
The dark knight
Dr Strangelove

Kek actually liking bird box straight up a sjw version of the happening

Yeah I couldn’t even watch it after I saw they made L into a black faggot with a black bandanna mask

-Sopranos are overrated. Have you ever rewatched the show? No? Thought so. Me neither.
-Family guy is fucking garbage
how do you live with yourself
-True detective only S1. S2+ absolute fucking shit
-Falling down is overrated

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And yet their sjw stuff is still popular. Sjw brings in money.

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You need to get into private trackers, learn to use xdcc, usenet, whatever automatic backup services are available, find if the ripper/encoder has an official mega, check if a fan forum may have every episode archived.
I dunno shit about hollywood garbage but you watch watch any anime form the last 30-40 years, even some really rare, low quality show from 12 years ago with barely any following, in multiple resolutions, with multiple translations, still available right now for download in an easy to find location.

Watch everything for free on kodi.

It wasn't the only cause - it was more the straw that broke the camel's back. A lot of shows, especially the Netflix originals, weren't doing well, and I'm pretty sure there were many voting brigades from both sides. But the Schumer show was a pretty big investment that flopped horrifically, like Amy belly flopping into a pool, and they had to scramble to recover.

Netflix is just as curated and manipulative as anyone else these days. Your "suggestions" are now driven by whoever pays the most to be on that list. I ignore that, and deep dive to find what I want.

> east slavic wehraboo (aka a literal cuckold) thinks a classic show that directly influenced everything that came after it is overrated
Makes sense

Yup a long time ago They began to realize people hate their Identity politics crap This led to low viewing of said crap due to ratings So they just got rid of it altogether

>SJW brings in money hurr durr

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I like how abuse is the word they're going for now. Where do you faggots get your memos?

That's what I hate. I know that they're smart enough to hold the shit back until you're halfway through a season and then suddenly there's a lesbian subplot and a black man that outclasses the heroes you've been introduced to.

Same. Ditched Netflix for Hulu, haven't looked back since

Why the ever living fuck do you need a forum of autists and aspies to pick tv shows for you?

TV is mindless entertainment. Watch what you want. TV ISN'T IMPORTANT. If you're so weak that a bunch of people play acting in front of a camera can change you, then burn your TV and get some fucking therapy.

Seriously, how weak ass are you that you need strangers to pick a fucking TV show to waste an hour on?

Why aren't you working right now? That money could prepare for your pure Aryan children that you surely already have. Please, think of your family and the future user. Go to work now.