Do you have any actual proof that white women who get into interracial relationships how low self-esteem...

Do you have any actual proof that white women who get into interracial relationships how low self-esteem? Where's the data, studies, etc that show all these white women have terrible self-esteem issues? You are quick to call out people for not presenting the evidence and data to back it up when it comes to other arguments but on this you'll just throw out "low self-esteem mudshark" and we are all expected to just believe it.

Here's a video of a coalburner dating a black a guy who is unironically called Tyrone discussing this very issue.

There is zero evidence to suggest that every single white woman who "racemixes" has low self-esteem. It's just another meme like "all coalburners are fat" which obviously isn't true either

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Just like women who screw dogs, women who copulate with monkeys probably have some mental issues, perhaps relating to the father figure in their life, or the lack of it.

OJ is that u?

Damn, that’s nice of him to date a girl with an extra chromosome. I guess it wouldn’t really hurt the African genetics since they’re already basically retarded.

No because having sex with animals is not the same as having sex with another human being of a different skin pigment so take your strawman elsewhere.

If i dismiss your Richard Dawkins or Sam Harris by saying I am a Creationist you tell me "bring out your data to support creationism retard" yet i ask you to bring out your data on white women who date black men having self-esteem issues and i'm wrong for doing so?

fuck off virgin
clearly you have never talked to a woman
the most insecure creatures you will ever meet

income is a lot easier to measure

How am i a virgin? I am simply asking you to CITE YOUR DARN SOURCES on all white women race mixers having low self-esteem the same way you atheists stand there shouting about "muh sources", "muh evidence" on the God debate. Let's see YOUR sources on the self-esteem/mudshark issue, pagan.

You made a claim and asked random people on the internet to defend it toaster tub yourself

I work in a grocery store in a rural area as a cashier cuck. The only white women I ever see with black guys are the really trashy kind. Without fail they're a combination of strung-out, ugly, and fat.

Because you live in a rural area. Come to a metropolitan area. Black men everywhere with fit athletic gym women, good looking blondes, instagram girls, teachers, etc

black college athletes blow through stacy mobs all day

Step back Silverback

I didn't make the claim you belligerent idiot. YOU made the claim when you stated in every thread ever related to mudsharks, that all these women have low self-esteem and are fat. Now, the fat part of the argument has already been utterly demolished by all the BLACKED threads we see over on /b/ that shows athletic young stacies fucking black men with impunity. Now let's sort out the self-esteem part. SHOW US YOUR SOURCES, Atheist. Show us your sources that show without a doubt that all white women involved with black men have low self-esteem.

Lmao don't even bother with these autists. All the reasons they give is to soothe their butt hurt that a white woman rejected their race and sought black dick. Truth is they would be bowing to the same white woman if they didn't know. They would love a retarded chick that will ignore all their inadequacies.

Just because niggers speak doesn't make then human

The empirical data shows.

There, of course, will be no studies because no university would ever dare funding one; and any organization that did would be on the receiving end of a shitstorm like no other.

I think the closest we can come would be to examine the porn industry; where there is a decided process that female stars go through during the rise and fall of their careers.

white women have melanin receptors in their vaginas, they crave the 10 inch horse cock BBC

>Posts interracial couple
>Video from 2012
>Autism intensifies
>Find out they are not dating anymore

The only thing you're proving here is that clearly these types of relationships never last.

FYI: He's dating some giant "black" mutt thats on the line of being white.

Attached: 91dd497baf6de4255e2c653c873a8cb6--funny-hairstyles-new-hairstyles.jpg (600x748, 125K)

>posts a reply that has nothing to do with the issue of self-esteem in white women who date interracially.

I used the video (former) couple because i have never seen them posted here before and they were pretty hot on youtube for a minute back in the day. Also, the guy is unironically called Tyrone before the whole "Tyrone" meme took off.

It's not like a more modern example is needed specifically for this thread. There are thousands of examples of prime white women with black men posted to Jow Forums daily. You can go into Instagram and find them too.

It doesn't matter whether a black guy dated the white woman now or 10 years ago, the pressing matter of concern is you not coming up with your sources to support your assertion that all white women who fuck blacks are low self-esteem. As you atheists say to the Christians and the Muslims, let's see yer evidence!

>Dancing Israelis

>9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money

>Israeli War Crimes

>Jewish Supremacy

>The Lobby USA

Attached: meme_flag_un.png (906x900, 300K)

race mixing has always been socially rejected in every society to this day. because you saw porn or jewish propaganda or the couple on the street, you believe its prevalent.

i met girls who tell me how ugly mismatched couples are.
They fail when the _____ man realizes the white woman thinks shes smarter and is using him. The white woman thinks she is salvageable by society but her every thought and opinion is in question for giving her genes up.

Uh, yeah, they're having sex with lower forms of humanity. If some dude started fucking his dog you wouldn't go "I bet that guy has a great self image."