Atheism will uniroincally be the west's downfall

Atheism will uniroincally be the west's downfall

>b..but the pope!
>b..but the church is so bluepilled!
The average Christian is way less fucking degenerate than the average atheist.
fucking admit it already.

Attached: Atheism.jpg (663x410, 118K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Orthodoxy saved Russia.
Perhaps it will save Evropa as well before its too late

Attached: russia-1.png (308x463, 24K)

>Gay marriage and abortion
Oh no, how degenerate. Imagine that, people being allowed to do what they want with their own bodies. Truly horrifying

Aiding the poor:
1) Works as long as it is regulated so that people can only get gibs if they are actively trying to find a job and if they truly need it
2) Should be a Christian thing. Isn't Christianity all about helping your neighbor and being charitable?

>Orthodoxy saved Russia
How did it save Russia? Russia is as degenerate as it gets

It's not atheism that is causing people to be liberal. It's education. The fact that they get information from other sources than the book about the zombie Jew on a stick offers new perspectives. Having better education makes you more likely to be atheist. That's all
Look at Nordic countries. They are predominantly Christian and yet they are extremely liberal

>Atheism will uniroincally be the west's downfall
The Kremlin keeps hammering this fake meme, but in reality, the West is far superior to Jewish Putin and his degenerate crime gang Russia.

>the average atheist
Theism is a congregation. Atheism is an aggregation. Your polls are shit. I attend church every Sunday but I'm a staunch conservative and a literal atheist. do you think I tell anybody I'm atheist? Of course not.

>Orthodoxy saved Russia.
The opposite is true. The orthodoxy made Russia such a nightmarish shithole the people literally welcomed communism with open arms.

>Imagine that, people being allowed to do what they want with their own bodies
yeah, which is one of the main reasons for white genocide, fucktard. White women at 70 years of age having had like 5 abortions on average and stuck with a couple of cats

They're cancer. They might as well be jews and a lot of them are.

>Russia is as degenerate as it gets

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>absolute state of mutt education

gtfo, Nobody wants to be part of your mex cult

Oh, being against abortion is so edgy, isn't it?
So you want to fix birth rates by banning women from having abortions? You know that people will just wear condoms and use birth control pills, right? If a couple gets pregnant, and they don't want it, they should be able to abort it
>5 abortions on average
Sauce? You just made that up, didn't you?



>people being allowed to do what they want with their own bodies.
Shitbag Russians hate our freedoms. That's why they're professional liars on social media to fool the most dimiwitted 'useful idiots'.

>So you want to fix birth rates by banning women from having abortions?
you know, ever since abortions were introduced in your degenerate atheist country, your entire population has been stuck on 10 million ever since the 1960's, right?
It wont be long before your country's population has aged so much theyre gonna be forced to import a bunch of sandniggers to make up for it. Give few more of years

If the czar/church was doing such a great job, why did the people revolt? Why would they literally hand over the country to Jews unless shit was really bad? And even today the Jews are the oligarchs who control every aspect of Russian life. It's just horrible what kind of fucked up sub-humans they have become.

True degeneracy is eternal pointless wars, importing shitty people for no reason, overtaxing, overspending gov't money on bullshit, money scams portrayed as economic policies, hijacking food and water, supressing technology, lying about everything... and all these things have 100% backing by stupid christcucks like you, european Cletus.

Keep up the good work, Norgebro.
Christianity has made Europe, Christianity will save Europe.

Listen, nigger
This depends on how many children a couple wants to have. If they want one child then they will have one child and that will be it regardless of whether the child was planned or came unexpectedly a few years early

Also, I'm pretty sure automation will make 50% of us unemployed before we need to import any niggers. In the end, having low birth rates will save us

Could you give me examples of how tech is being suppressed, please?

Shut up baguettenigger!

>Keep up the good work, Norgebro.
He's a clearly just another shitty Putinbot with a VPN. Russian have a reputation for being liars, grifter, thieve and cheats everywhere in the world. It's why we'd much rather have the nogs.

fuck off child rapist supporter

For centuries the Tzars had tried to give the people more rights, freedoms, citizenship and education. From Peter the Great to Alexander to Nicholas. But the Orthodox church fought against these reforms every step of the way. They wanted Russians poor, uneducated and sitting in church pews every Sunday. When the industrial age came, hundreds of thousands of peasants lost life and limb while operating dangerous factory machinery because they were illiterate. Those Jews were the only people who could rebel against the church. Even Stalin, a former Orthodox Seminary student for 4 years, knew what a threat the church was to the safety and survival of the Russian people.

everything you stated is simply not true. its liberals who vote for open borders and abortions, and liberals are overly atheist. My main post literally address this.
>pointless wars
At least Christianity brought some peaceful periods to Europe, even though it couldnt stop the bloodshed permantly. We never even saw peaceful periods during pre-christian Europe. During Christian medival europe you could literally travel all the way from Norway, down to Constantinople on foot. How often could you do that in pagan Europe? Never.
And if you think the wars between Orthodoxy and Catholicism was ever about anything but power, then youre fucking retarded.

God bless you, toothpaste
saw some good news out of France the other day :) pic related

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Did you know that children are 40 times more likely to be raped in a public school than they are by a christian priest?

Attached: CatholicPriests.jpg (940x848, 374K)

>after 60 posts in my thread it wasn't enough
>he has to post more denial posts

Ivan. First: you have to go back.
Second: Russian Orthodox Church is headed by FSB and a corrupt meme.

Attached: le based orthocuck.png (671x645, 173K)

Shoulda picked a better religion people would have been more open to upholding then. Give everyone some shit choice like fucking Christianity brow beating and of course they're gonna fuck off to something, literally anything, else.


Yeah, better nogs than slavs. You're right.

>I hhhate all abrahamic religions ...nnnot white

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Based Czech. Literally debunks the entire shit.
>Czech 90% atheist
>Germany, majority Christcuck and run by Christcucks
white genocide the cunt

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>tend to be aligned with democrats
because republicans keep fantasizing about holocausting them. just check the anti-atheist rhetoric on Jow Forums.

Much better than shitty Russians.

Yeah... because atheists only became democrats after Jow Forums started posting 2 threads a week on christianity, right? None of them talk about genociding atheists either. They talk about conversion. You’re just a biased atheist.

yeah, you are the other kind of problem. the retards we don't want to be seen associated with, retards who cannot understand even a short sentence in the post they are replying to.
otoh this is yet another parallel between sjws and christcucks: they don't actually want to understand what the other side says, and when they do, they pretend it was something else that was said, because they cannot really answer the original assertion.

The mental gymnastics people do to justify their believe that killing an unborn child is not a bad thing is rather astonishing.

>killing an unborn child
>killing an unborn teenager
>killing an unborn senior citizen
>mental gymnastics
The retardation is strong with this one.

Your example of republicans hoping for mess genocide of atheists was based on the presupposition that Jow Forums had a desire to genocide atheists. I told you why that’s a stupid thing to say. Do you have any other examples to support your assertion or are you just going to call me mean names and pretend you’ve won an argument?
Not a christian, btw. How typical of the common atheist to assume someone is a “christcuck” for offering any sort of pushback. Pretty pathetic desu.

>because they cannot really answer the original assertion.
This is why, when you tell a theist you don't believe in his gods, he immediately changes the subject to unrelated topics like big bang and evolution. He has no valid argument for your non-belief, he can only attempt to challenge well-documented theories with his poorly-crafted and specious religious conjecture.

>. its liberals who vote for open borders and abortions, and liberals are overly atheist.
Does your home country Russia have abortions? Isn't Russia literally the abortion capital of the planet? And don't you have millions of chinese taking over Haishenwai (formerly Vladivostok) and the rest of Eastern Russia? Talk about open borders.

Attached: Senate report Russian meddling.png (874x1236, 859K)

According to their paid professional shill script, when the Putinbot shiposter has lost control of this thread, he's supposed to abandon it and furious post in other threads to slide this one off the site.

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Then we should bump the shit out of this one so everybody knows what shitty spies Russians really are.

Merciless bump

>Atheism will uniroincally be the west's downfall
I disagree. I think it's the salvation because there's no religion to hold us back from telling the truth and spilling blood in self-defense. It's freedom.

Those people, 'progressives' are not atheists. They just identify with it because they are taught to be anti-Christian. For them, being anti-Western/anti-Christian/anti-white is a new religion. They still take orders on how to behave and seek to persecute heretics. They still champion ignorance like Christians do. They hate the truth, are highly bigoted and are not intellectually curious.

>Isn't Russia literally the abortion capital of the planet?
they were during the soviet union when they were atheists.
Now, after Orthodoxy has skyrocketed, abortions has decreased and population has increased

Atheists are scum
Always bitter and stupid, cope posting stainless steel flea market swords



So dumb it physically pains me


better than living in a society that blatantly worships human sacrifice desu


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>It's a Thing Everyone Has Known Since Forever episode

Attached: Christianity vs Atheism.jpg (1115x2600, 1.06M)

>Now, after Orthodoxy has skyrocketed
Newsflash: Russian orthodox is so shitty today, large chunks of the congregation are breaking away from it. And now that Russian girls are getting abortions in private clinics instead of government hospitals, Moscow has no clue how many are actually being performed.

This is a half lie. The reason they overthrew Nicolas was because he was a very, very weak king and the socialists were simply very strong. They seized power, simple as that. Nicolas sucked and didn't modernise Russia, he could have done so and the church wouldn't be able to complain, but he didn't and the throne was taken from him.


Hi shill.
Nice cherrypicking you got there.
Good images for the side you support vs bad images for the side you don't... hmmmm

>the socialists were simply very strong
That tiny minority of Jews were strong? What synagogue do you attend, Rusbro?

>population has increased
It would seem that was a lie, too.

Attached: Russia_population_chart_1950-2100[1].png (756x562, 35K)

No. Feminism will be.


>Russian orthodox is so shitty today, large chunks of the congregation are breaking away from it.
yeah dude, thats why Orthodoxy has tripled in percentage in just the last couple of decades and thousands of new churches/cathedrals have been built the last year alone. and 200 more churches/cathedrals planned just in Moscow
>Moscow has no clue how many are actually being performed.
and neither do you. A certain fact is at least that their abortion % has dropped severely since the massive increase of Orthodoxy.
Feminism is a product of atheism.

>Experts estimate that the actual number of abortions in Russia is 5 million to 8 million a year, with the majority performed at private clinics
what a cancerous site you've cited
they just claim muh experts and lmao 8M abortions. You know thst America had at most 1.4M abortions yearly. This cannot be real.

No. White men let their women run crazy is.

>muh russia
>the kremlin
look at this fucking nigger, just fucking look at him

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now thats a bullshit poll if ive ever seen one, lmfao

>thinking it were only jews who were in the bolshevik party
jesus go kill yourself mutt
marxism was just up and coming in that era and with jewish leaders all around the ruskies were being rused into revolution
just like our lefty sjw's are being used by kike globalists to protest traditional society.

>Imagine that, people being allowed to do what they want with their own bodies. Truly horrifying
Imagine not only believing, but continue to spread that lie.

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>They seized power, simple as that.
No, that's not correct either Ivan. There were women protesting in the streets for bread, right? There must have been a reason for that (no bread is my guess). How did they get no bread? My post-grad degree is in economics, so let me break it down for you, like my brother Tosh.

The Tsar was spending ridiculous amounts of money of foreign wars (Japan) and selling Russia's grain to do it. Russians were one of the few peoples in the world who were still serfs and peasants in the turn of the century. So whnen the Tzar needed cannon fodder and horses for his glorious wars, he took them from the farms and wheat fields. Domestic production of food plummeted and the people starved. It really was an entirely preventable famine.

So why did the Tzar feel he needed to divert dire and scarce Russian resources and food to the senseless war in Japan? The orthodox church pushed him to do it. Nicholas II was a slave to the church's bidding and literally restored much of its power at the expense of his own.

Even today, the church blames everybody but itself for the evil it causes. Case in point: the head of the Russian Orthodox Church recently told state TV that the internet is run by the Antichrist.

I'm sure 'antichrist' is just a collective noun for Putin's social media liars.

you mean... worshipping a zombie god and munching his corps and drinking his blood is... good? please explain.

Dude, you are so filled with bitterness and foolishness you resort to frothing out the mouth and leaning on embarrassing retards like Varg for support. You shills have shitted up this place with ten times more antichristian threads than Christian threads. As a result we will stay and fuck with you until you faggots go into irrational antichristian convulsions

Pretty epic bro

>Atheism will unironically be the west's downfall

Actually, a large increase in Atheism would result in a renewed emphasis on science and technology leading to a new golden age of mankind.

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So you don't have better data to compare, you're just attempting to dismiss the source because you don't like it.

>they just claim muh experts and lmao 8M abortions.
Ironically, the original claim was that the Russian government had lost control of the actual abortion statistics data because of the private clinics. You're literally proving his point.

>You know thst America had at most 1.4M abortions yearly.
That's of all age groups. I'm reading that Russian girls under 18 alone are having that many in Russia as recently as 3 years ago. Staggering.

>look at this fucking nigger,
As we always say, better to be a nog than a slav.

I'm sure that worked for their fabricated climate change.

Wow. And I thought liking Star trek and being atheist just meant you did weed and raped toddlers all day!

Atheist here. I was fine with gay dude marrying. It didn't effect me. Unfortunately the left has shifted further left into degeneracy and idiocy. I haven't changed. The left has. No way in hell im going to support that I have to believe a tranny is really a female or I'm a bigger t for not dating "her". No way in hell im going to support a ten year old drag queen dancing in a bar at 3am while grown men throw dollar bills at him. No way I'm going to support the anti white rhetoric, white guilt, and replacement plan they have. No way in hell im supporting made up pronouns and trans- animal bullshit. Among other shit. Not a huge fan of all the right does. But the left has lost their god damn mind.

If they start pushing pro pedo shit like it seems like they want to... well... that is the hard line for me

>yeah dude, thats why Orthodoxy has tripled in percentage
The new improved Post-Stalin toothless church that so weak it's literally falling apart before your very own eyes? Very impressive.
> A certain fact is at least that their abortion % has dropped severely
Not a fact, Propaganda Pavel. The young schoolgirls getting half the abortions because degenerate Russian mobsters are raping them and forcing them into pornography and prostitution are getting their abortions at private clinics. That's why the Duma is trying to pass a law to stop it.

Atheism is stupid but most Christianity is cucked so what am I supposed to do?

>muh white genocide!!!
Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognize the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.

You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums

They think they are redpilled(cringe) but dont understand "redpilling" is just low-effort political indoctrination. They likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Their entire worldview is Jow Forums posts, infographics, and memes. They probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where they try and help the other person and their mother won't feel the need to smack their ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.

Read your own piece.
The church was indifferent over his abdication, which obviously turned out to be a mistake.
Proof that the Orthodox Church was pushing Nicholas for war with the japs?
And yes Russia was weak at the time they took power, because the tsar made russia weak because he was not a good tsar on most points. He was young.
Stop making the church look bad and focus on the Marxist jews that killed the Orthodox Autocrat.

Attached: Screenshot_20190119-215331~01.png (1080x1025, 407K)

That's because Americans are oversensitive retards. This is what happens when you spend decades telling your people that they and their country are exceptional and unique
No other people in any other country are as fragile as the ones in America

I'm dismissing a source which hasn't posited any source except muh experts (who? what study? how did they reach their conclusions)
and you're saying a religious nation of 100M people has 5 times as many abortions as the kike fuelled USA of 300M people.
Where are you reading that Russian girls are having 1.4M abortions?
Post a legitimate source or this is just the same old Jewish fake news meant to cause a ruckus

>kike globalists to protest traditional society.
You're literally working for shekels from the kike globalist Jewish Putin and his inner circle of Jewish oligarchs. I guess you accusing me (an atheist) of being Jewish is the shitty Russian Jew equivalent of painting swastikas on your synagogue walls.

Whatch doin, rabbi?

>posited any source
If your native language wasn't Russian you would have made this mistake. Ivan. Plus the fact that the Duma (you Russian parliament) thiks it's such a huge problem they have to pass a law to control it? Yeah, the site is correct and you're the liar (which also proves you're Russian hiding his true indentity).

Whacha doin', rabbi?

says the leftypol shill mutt who's claiming that it wasn't a weak tsar and a cancerous marxism but the "opressive" orthodox Church that caused Russias downfall
also apparently putin is a jew shill now, which is definitely true, but then you also gotta admit that every American politician is pozzed atleast as much
you think trump isn't a jewish shill?
>in the current year
>literally outing yourself as the kind of person who will go extinct before the next century
lel no debate necessary anymore, You can talk all you want but I'll have 10 kids who will debate and discuss in the future and you not even one.

Wow are you really this retarded? The screen shot you captured literally says the Orthodox church wanted to the Tzar to invade Serbia, and the Tzar did as he was instructed by the church.

Either the Soviet propaganda really did a number on you or you really are ignorant about your own country's history:
>I don't like all these fact and evidence disproving my stupidity
Whacha doing, Putinbot rabbi?

We have a lot of overly sensitive retards here but the gay agenda is just that, an agenda. It’s a political lobbying group here that now has mega corporations pushing butt fucking on the entire country including trannies on children. It has nothing to do with the lies they told in the 90s and before and everything to do with politics, and gays defend that behavior.

>now thats a bullshit poll if ive ever seen one,
So if the population is rising, like you claim, why is Poutin's gubmint running all the programs to outlaw abortions and push Russian women to stop being such whores? There's a reason he started these policies. The truth is that the Russian people are shitty degenerates who will never amount to anything.

>If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags
They are obviously the overnight disposable VPNs created by Putinbots

>You can talk all you want but I'll have 10 kids
What about their black fathers?

> Shaming people for cucking to the Jews.
> Burger Flag.
Oh the irony!

False feminism is a product of Judaism like comunism or sodomism.

Otherwise you are right, just compare Italy to France or Germany and see the number of Christian in each country.

>putin is a jew shill
Whoah, how did I miss this gem. Do you get extra kopecks for this swastika, rabbi?

Stop dreaming. Atheist support democrat because they support their decadent life style.

The only reason cuckstianity has dulled its fangs is because life is good and safe in cuckstian countries.
The moment things get tough, you can expect book burnings, witch hunts, inquisitions and all the wonderful things associated with the dark ages.
Religion is a dangerous weapon that needs to be abolished ASAP.

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Kys, you Hillary cock riding subhuman.

>the leftypol shill mutt who's claiming that it wasn't a weak tsar
I never said that, I said the Orthodox church pushed him into wars, you proved it, now we're all laughing at you for being such a stunning fuckwit.

>Hey look at me, I'm from the Netherlands!
>I'm defending mother Russia
>I'm defending mother Russia
>I'm defending mother Russia
>I'm defending mother Russia
>I'm defending mother Russia
>I'm defending mother Russia

Jesus you stupid fucking Jewish Putinbots are terrible at this propaganda thing.

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Sure, yet their only result for the moment is dooming our country that have survived’ 1500 years by remplaçons is core population with low iq nigger and sand nigger. I guess you should be happy they are not Christian mostly Muslim.









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Why do you hate Jew ?
Also using the term Putin bot and’ not being a leftist ?

Marxism is a full-blown religion. Don't lump atheists together with marxists.