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Damn, Laura Loomer is sexy.

bumpin for the vid


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Correction: Jews rise up against anyone in the right or left that attacks Israel

She’s angry because they’re connected to Farrakhan who always makes the Jews BTFO

She really doesn’t care that they’re “lefties” as much as she cares that they criticize Israel

Please stop assuming Jews are on anyone’s side but Israel

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won't one of you just fuck her already?

This black woman’s ancestors were probably owned by Jews, and now she’s being told she is discriminating against Jews.

and I thought the women's march is a bad thing

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>Jews continue to pretend to be victims by every side
Do you not understand this is how they play the game? They always pretend to be victims of their own actions.

jews are fucking parasites

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Loomer needs to get hitched and have a baby quick, shes hitting the wall hard and is losing it.

That's going to make people hate jews more though.

It's afraid

Well that should be a warning then.

Why would you be against the Jews and Israel anyways? That's bad luck?

Because traps are not gay. They can't even get pregnant.

based and kikepilled

>Why would you be against the Jews and Israel anyways?
Got a few hours to listen?

Wow. Is the Women's March /OurMarch/??

You must be surrounded by bad luck. There is no greater gift than Jewish friendship. It's like finding a lucky penny on the ground or a four-leaf clover

Dianne Feinstein Michael Bloomberg Chuck Schumer Barbara Boxer

if i was american i would vote for the craziest right-winger to put all leftists in labor camps

Jews always set up 2 opposite sides, and then make you except their middleground solution, they already set up of course.

>The Women's March hates Jews

Look at me. Im the nazi now

Yeah we on the right are not going to come to their defense. The jew fucked us just like it fucked everyone else. Time to die jews.


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Women are the niggers of gender

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Sorry I'm Jewish, i know you're wrong
The jew side of my family is fucking nuts

video at this link:
loomer says "the women's march is the real nazi party" in the very beginning

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>worship this epic controlled opposition goy!!!

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I can't wait until "youre a fucking white woman" is an sjw insult.
they already abandoned fags.

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wtf i love the womens march now

So (((their))) pets turned on them? Tough shit. I think it’s hilarious.

>These fake @AOC anti-Semitic lib woman’s rights activists cheered while men dragged a true women’s right activist off the stage
It's all falling apart for leftists.

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this so much. Now all we ahve to do is arm the niggers with the knowledge of who really has a tradition of slavery and should pay reparations.

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> rogue jew attacking the left for being antisemtic
> controlled opp

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Honestly how much more evidence do you need that loomer is a based kike

I really hope we devolve into a gangs of New York style reality, with trans queer gangs fighting Muslim gangs fighting kike gangs , while we watch with amusement

Literally just remove all jews

this is what poland did in march 1968. They just fired everyone getting a goverment paycheck if they were jewish. Rational was that jews are disloyal potential 5th columnists who cant be trusted. 80% of jews self deported from poland.

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women's march just gassed a jew.

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I'm in it for the lulz that LL always brings. I love seeing her get dragged off kicking and screaming.

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>disliking anti semitism be it left or right
Your nose is showing.

I love that the creatures (((they))) imported here are turning on (((them))).

Perhaps I judged the Women's March too early

I'm about halfway through but this is a goldmine.
Basically a bunch of Jews started up the women's march then got a few shitskins involved for optics and oppression points. They slowly took over the movement and turned out to be Nation of Islam-tier anti-semites.

>“Tamika told us that the problem was that there were five white women in the room and only three women of color, and that she didn’t trust white women. Especially white women from the South. At that point, I kind of tuned out because I was so used to hearing this type of talk from Tamika. But then I noticed the energy in the room changed. I suddenly realized that Tamika and Carmen were facing Vanessa, who was sitting on a couch, and berating her—but it wasn’t about her being white. It was about her being Jewish. ‘Your people this, your people that.’ I was raised in the South and the language that was used is language that I’m very used to hearing in rural South Carolina. Just instead of against black people, against Jewish people. They even said to her ‘your people hold all the wealth.’ You could hear a pin drop. It was awful.”

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Laura Loomer is a disgusting fat slob
I don't want her representing my side no matter how dire. She's a joke and needs to go hide in a hole

You animals always play both sides.
Don't for one minute think you fool anyone here. We know you both set up the Women's march, and lead the protest to it.


shocking really.

No one likes traitors.
They got what they deserve.
I hope that our government deny them entry when shit goes down in America.

It becomes better and better

>It was around this time that Morganfield says she first heard that Nation of Islam members were acting as security detail and drivers for the co-chairs. “Bob called me secretly and said, ‘Mercy, they have been in bed with the Nation of Islam since day one: They do all of our security,’” Morganfield told Tablet.

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Dear lord.

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Laura loomed is controlled opposition at worst and belongs in Israel at best.

This bitch crazy quotient is an even higher digit than the number of cocks she’s stuffed down her throat.

Everybody hates Jews

Didnt she try this shit at Romero and juliette in the park? Isn't that when she got sued?

Julius Caesar with Trump as Caesar. But Caesar is a sympathetic character in that play and she just showed herself to be a retard.


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Why do even the "based' right-wing Jews make themselves so fucking unlikeable. Do they have to mention that they're Jewish every 5 seconds and create a scene in public jfc

Why does Jow Forums lump all jews together?

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Damn, Laura really let herself go

>It was there that, as the women were opening up about their backgrounds and personal investments in creating a resistance movement to Trump, Perez and Mallory allegedly first asserted that Jewish people bore a special collective responsibility as exploiters of black and brown people—and even, according to a close secondhand source, claimed that Jews were proven to have been leaders of the American slave trade. These are canards popularized by The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, a book published by Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam—“the bible of the new anti-Semitism,” according to Henry Louis Gates Jr., who noted in 1992: “Among significant sectors of the black community, this brief has become a credo of a new philosophy of black self-affirmation.”

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Because that's what they are really focused on. They only care about Israel/Jewish interests.

How do I marry into a Jewish family and convert?

what should we call them? colored activists?

coliored activist criticisms of jews will be the blade of the guillotine of the leftist movement in america. To them, jews are just white people. deserving of all the same vitriol theyve been spewing for 3 years. In fact, they've even pointed out that they were always aware that when they criticized wealthy white elites, they were criticizing mostly jews. For them, jewish kvetching is just white fragility.

For the jews, they're a protected class like blacks or gays. Jewish success is a consequence of jewish excellence, and criticisms of jews ought not be tolerated. colored activist criticisms of whites have always implicitly excluded them. Much like how jewish populations in ivy league schools counts towards the white totals, but they still benefit from affirmative action. Call jews nonwhite; anti-semitism. Call jews white; anti-semitism.

They cannot square this circle. If they push that jews are non white then we'll all have a look at the proportions of jews in the highest levels of business and government and must, based on leftwing axioms, conclude that jews are an oppressive force. If they accept that jews are white then they'll start to get forced out of their privileged positions in political leadership.

Go to Israel.

This 100%.
If they don't control a political movement, they are against it by default.


i hate jews too

wtf I love feminists now

Nothing to do with the fact they're jewish. They're just using the same tactics to own them by exposing the hypocrisy.
Jews are seen as an "oppressed" group by leftists, so they can't say nothing without sounding like the ones they're protesting against, except saying they're not real jews or deflecting to the israeli-palestinian conflict.
Just like Candace Owens and Kanye...
I'm not sure it's a good tactic though, because every one smart enough to understand cultural marxism knows that the oppression olympics is a political tool to win the culture war. You can't be that compassionate towards "oppressed people" while being a psychopatic baby-killing, freedom-banning, gun-grabbing, stalin-cheering and islam-apologising vermin. Leftists need to be shut down with LAW AND ORDER. Facts don't work on them.

its simple,
>buy a gun
>shoot yourself in the head

no jews cannot go 5 seconds without letting everyone know they're jewish. Ive experienced it first hand.


>trust us goyim. We are good jews
Never trust a jew.

the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Women of color will be the vanguard agaisnt the zionist infilitration of the us goverment

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Why would you trust an anonymous poster on an anonymous imageboard ?
I'm not asking for your approval.

lmfao, i still can't believe this is a serious post by some kike leftist. the world has become a cartoon.

>Jewish people bore a special collective responsibility as exploiters of black and brown people
this is true regardless of if you think "collective guilt" obligates people to pay it back somehow. I personally don't think crimes committed by your ancestors or other people in your demographic camp compels you to any kind of responsibility. However, I'm outnumbered by ehtnocentric identity politicians who seem to always win every political fight by banding together based on identity instead of sticking to principles. what's it going to be? Are they going to figure out that when we bat for the teams we didnt pick we just end up promoting shitty people? Or are other whites like me going to learn OUR lesson and finally join up together on ethnicity, and then of course win hard?

In the US, in the Jewish-dominated sectors:
-Hollywood's full frontal perversion exposed and shamed
-Legal system/DOJ known to be a partisan, globalist sham
-Universities/academia are worthless, socialist indoctrinating diploma mills
-Practical medicine is addictive or untested pharmaceuticals and health insurance is unattainable and too expensive for average people
-Financial/central banking systems worldwide are unsustainable, corrupt and bankrupt, based on debt slaves for their profits

if the jews are in charge, they are doing an incredibly poor job.
And they also seem to be in a conundrum, as demonstrated in Europe, which is becoming more anti-semitic by the day.

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who cares, chaos wins, jews BTFO, women look stupid. etc etc

It'd be really helpful to that end to have some authentic jewish voices criticizing the behavior of american leftwing jews trying to destroy our nation.

Nah fuck off kikes.

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They're learning why the civil rights movement ended. Blacks and Jews cannot coexist.

>if the jews are in charge, they are doing an incredibly poor job.
this conclusion depends entirely on what their goals are.


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didn't some famous rich french jew say "France is just a hotel" and "I invented macron"

blacks call jews white because they're successful, and are ostensibly unimpressed with the holocaust. There's nothing jews can do to turn this tide.

>this conclusion depends entirely on what their goals are.

This comment is by a jewish reader of the Forward:
>It's a surge of Muslims, who hate Jews, whom Jews have done everything in their power to bring into Europe. They figure that the goyim fighting against one another is better for their interests, since they will eventually settle down and mix into an indifferent caramel-colored mob of idiot consumers who pose no threat to Eretz Israel. If any one particular country becomes untenable for low level Jews to live in, that's certainly no problem, the term "rootless cosmopolitan" didn't come about by chance.
>It's remarkable how such an intelligent people as Jews can be so stupid. Post-World War II was a dream world of white Europeans serving Jewish interests. More than a hundred billion to Israel in foreign and military aid and trade concessions, Holocaust museums popping up on the taxpayer dime, movies about the Holocaust, profitable careers in law, entertainment, and finance...and they had to push the Hart-Celler Act. Hispanics are far more anti-Jewish than white Europeans, Muslims much more so than them.
>Europeans and Jews could have achieved wonders, but the PNAC boys had to push Bush into invading Iraq, liberal Jews had to push for open borders to overwhelm prosperous white countries, had to push "white privilege" and other Neo-Marxist nonsense to humiliate and degrade whites. Why? Was there really some likelihood of a mass pogrom in America in 1964, particularly without this subversive activity? It's really a shame, to destroy the few beacons of light in a world of darkness like this. It will eventually cut off funding to Israel, endanger Jews, and destroy the prosperity which Jews have latched on to in these countries, with nowhere to flee. Is it the messianic instinct, a nihilistic craving for this world to end? They are very candid about their intentions.

Nice pilpul.

my words--->>They are very candid about their intentions.

malcolm x on the jews

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Another indictment of central planning.


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