We constantly complain about Israel, but they are our only ally in the middle of mudslime hell

We constantly complain about Israel, but they are our only ally in the middle of mudslime hell.

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Die for israel

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It's amazing after 50 years of annexation there are map drawers who still think the golan is syrian.

jerusalem belongs to the roman empire

From the National Summit to Reassess the US-Israeli "Special Relationship": A brief history of unprosecuted Israeli foreign agent, smuggling, and espionage cases. youtu.be/OZastzZprEQ [Open]

If you enjoyed this, check out the entire conference. SFW redpills that all Americans should see.

Before Israel was formed, you didn’t have any enemies in the Middle East.

it was never annexed though.
its just perpetually occupied territory.

Tell that to the crew of the USS Liberty. Wars have been fought over less.

We are the number 1 petroleum producer nao. We do not need to be in that God forsaken desert. And any control we need too expert can be done financially. Our navy is also an option if absolutely necessary, but we have 0 reasons for our soldiers to be there. Fuck Israel

19 captchas because muh israel

They’re our only “ally” because everyone else in the region hates us because we support them

One and done.

U.S. and allies should just stop meddling in the Middle East at all. You wouldn't need any "allies" there if you didn't stop invading shithole nations and promoting Israel. Let them stand on their own two feet.

You never really needed the ME anyway, even at the time of the Iraq War something like 60% of the oil consumed by America was produced domestically

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why do we need an ally in a hell we can stay out of?

t. baby boomer

Having Israel there as out ally destabilizes the area and makes them fight among themselves. A united middle east would be bad news for the USA. Israel takes the punishment for us instead.

Lebanon and Egypt would have been better allies.

of course the faggot neocons are going to ignore this

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>A united middle east would be bad news for the USA
It would mean no more refugees or immigrants and they would just do their own thing and be the russia. They wouldnt be an ally but they'll be contained

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That infighting is the #1 cause of the massive waves of Muslims swamping Europe.

and because of that we can't nuke and clear that shithole out.


>our only ally
What about Saudi Arabia you stupid burger? You have lots of allies in the Middle East and all of them are sponsors of terrorism including Israel.

Are you fucking retarded? Israel is like the number one thing that Arabs unite behind in regards to "things we can fight".

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LARPing Palestinians
>le die for Israel!
No, more like let get out of their way and let the Israelis conquer the shithole countries surrounding them
Six Day War really happened
inb4 muh circumcisions

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die kike

>We constantly complain about Israel
no we dont

With friends like (((them))), who needs enemies?

GTFO of the sandbox.

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Ya, nothing says ally like attacking a defenseless ship of your ally, flying their flag, for hours upon hours without letting up killing 100s.

Or threatening to nuke Europe if everyone doesn't babysit your retarded ass.

What an ally, fuck off you God damn kike and go collect your 10 cents from your JIDF supervisor for this sad attempt at changing reality.

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it was annexed in the 80s bro

You must be really bummed out about based Bolsonaro, right Palestine?
You're going to get your shit pushed in when America's great ally brings lasting peace to the middle east... by wiping your shit out

>Bringing peace to the Middle East
We both know that's not their goal.

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Final redpill: Muslims are /ourguys/. Jews did 9/11. Radical Islam is a false flag.

We wouldn't need allies if we weren't constantly at war.

long time ago
One thing about murica is we don't hold a grudge over this shit
We hated Japs in WWII
Now they are based and best Pacific ally
Keep trying Palestine
We aren't budging
Trump fixed the Norks
He's going to get to you before end of first term

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Sad but true.

Why do we need an ally there? Might as well say we should dump hundreds of billions into Rwanda so they'll be our only ally in sub Saharan Africa.

Wow, I didn't notice how jewish they were
Thanks dude

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>Muslim army finally gets reunited like the salahadin times thanks to fucking israel
>giant waves of muslim inmigrants moving to all white nations due to the never ending conflicts and raping their native people
>Israel taking any punishment is bad for america because

But got forbid you use your army to stop the boats and planes from ME arriving to USA, no lets instead send millions of soldiers to get bombed because they can't leave other peoples homes.

Why the fuck do we need an ally in the middle east. If we didn't wage endless wars there there would be no point in soliciting friendship between competing genocidal maniacs.

american boomer trash, so glad you white boomers are dying by the millions, 56% and falling fast

>he thinks there were hijackers
>he thinks there were planes
ffs somebody please enlighten this good goy.

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They're on an entire different continent faggot. Stop deluding yourself.

daaaaw he's such a good goy
it's kind of cute

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Wrong again
You've got Barrack Hussein Obama to blame for that
I guess his name sounds kinda jewish to you, huh?

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The Middle East conflicts are all fake same as North Korea was. Once the corruption is gone you’ll be left with a bunch of boring, peaceful countries desperately trying to start tourist industries

Because then we can bomb the fuck out of the Palestinians

How dare you speak to me you fucking israel dog, giving weapons to al-qaeda just to destroy the very same soviets hitler wanted to fight against, is it your fault israel exist and you all pay with your own people and are happy and proud of that.

keep telling yourself that kike.
That was war, we were enemies

At the time of that attack, not only were we ALLIES, we were directly funding them (still are) and were the only reason they were able to exist (still are).

Go collect your 10 cents kike.

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>they are our only ally
We shouldn't have any allies. Need to get back to isolationism.


>map drawers

Those are called cartographers you fucking non-American savage.

>Israel takes the punishment.
KYS Chaim, we dump billions a year into that shithole. Jews are fucking liars and thieves. Their entire made up history is complete bullshit and faggots like you continue shilling for them. Gas yourself in shame for being kiked.

>our only ally in the middle-east
This stupid fucking meme. What does this even mean? In what way do you think this benefits you or the United States as a whole?

fucking god damn worthless christcuck mutts, what the FUCK is wrong with you?

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a leaf who speaks truth? what is this timeline

>it's an America sides with the scummiest people in the region episode

>map drawers
Topographical evidence of maps?