THIS is America

Are you proud of yourselves, Jow Forums?

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Yes. Native Americans didn't truly build or establish anything.

Native Americans ain't shit

Yes. We don't tolerate subhumans.

that smug maghatter has so much more to learn. the wisdom in the face of the native american is such a stark contrast to the smug kid on the left


Look at that kids nose ffs. That's just another jewish psyop

>Subhuman has wisdom
Get gassed, retard.

Literally the basedest of boys this shit is weak.

Found the nigger

For fuck's sake. The smugness on that cunt wearing the hat and the subhuman's disgusting face makes me hate both of the sides there

it was a march for life that was interrupted by a different march.
also dudes probably a fake trumper, if he's a real one he's just a faggot.

also firewater man is probably an asshole.

This is why Jow Forums is a third postitionist board. We hate both sides.
Uphold Fascism.

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Fuck off Pocahontas

>there are attractive drumpsters
who would've thought?

that's awesome

Now that we’ve seen HuffPo’s take, maybe we can find out what really happened.

Meme flaggot

oh its a bunch of little freemasons in training

I thought harassing people you don't like is alright? That's what all the politicians keep saying.

I speak for all my native american countreymen when I say that boys will be boys

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Let's doxx the little Cunty McCuntface

So this is what DNC interns are up to these days...

Weird... why would they even give a drop of shit to hassle Indians?

100% sure those are liberal kids larping for their same sex parents cause

Old man with drum approached the group of kids, and got in smiling MAGA kids face

'Harass' by standing near him in a public space. If Redskins are this soft it's no wonder they got their asses kicked.

Not an argument, amerimutt.

WOW SO MANY LARPers or Dumb Cunts

the young kids were on a rally , theyu bumped into a native savage rally crying about no muh scalping and raping white women /kids
Sages get into it with very restrained white MAGA group ,

Could you imagine Nigger Lifes Matter so restrained

The Lefty Twatter lot have doxxed this kid and his family ,

reminder that 80% of pol looks like this

leave the Injuns alone, they've been through enough. And when this country is majority nonwhite the new elite that supplants the white elites will have zero compassion for them and they will be begging for paleface to come back

all of the militaristic ones were killed. Have you never seen a western?

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The “harassment” consisted of standing there and smiling. That’s it. Leftists are so delusional that they think even existing wearing one of those hats is a fucking hate crime.


There were two events scheduled for DC today. The natives were marching for something, and the kids were part of an anti-abortion thing. The kids were grouped together on the steps of the monument, when the natives approached them banging drums and chanting. Some kids just clapped along and laughed a the whole thing, some just stood there smiling. The kid in the famous photo is being doxxed and harassed because he didn't move when the native got right up in his face banging and chanting. And now that the left has targeted him, the kid has to be destroyed.

Nothing better in the world then seeing MAGAfaggots self-own themselves. Seems to be a trend.

you must be ugly as fuck huh? to be that fucking vile?

native american didn't build shit, they just came from somewhere else and paint caves

>Old native man belligerently bangs on drum while larping as Chief when in reality his ancestors were drugged up alcoholics

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they're literally just standing there

right. like characteristic.

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There is tons and tons of video showing that you're little COINTELPRO attempt is just bullshit there little MAGAdook. This was on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial.

Fuckin' knew it! Another case of 'PoC' starting shit with whites.

So what did the kid do wrong? He's just stood there.

I disagree.

They're clearly shit.

brave. you must be poor and ugly. shame.

>here is am sitting on the side of the pavement.
>there is a march down the street but i ll just stay here speaking my ideas, no need to clash.
>suddenly a wild faggot appears.
>he approaches me from quite the distance screeching "stop harassing me".
>lord give me strenght to not punch him in the face.
>his breath stinks of rotten cheese also.

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Natives are literally retarded. The most pitiful group of people I have ever had to deal with.

Love it

the twatters at Anti/fa are all quiet after FBI involved with lad being doxxed sent death threats

*Sad *

Didnt lash out attack bong banging twat , gets lets ruin him from grown adults

Haha Jow Forums onions basement dwellers can't handle true masculinity

Based generation z is not that liberal afterall

ching chong allahu akbar

i'm not touching you i'm not touching you.

literally has not grown up past 5 years old in the backseat of mom's van. real fuckin cool lad.

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The good thing is with AI this kids faces will be saved in a database only to be pulled up for every college application, job application for the rest of their lives. Hope the mockery was fun boys!

mfw silently standing in place is considered harassment in the current year

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That native American is a bluepilled fool.

How hard is it for a bunch of liberals to wear some maga hats to false flag some shit?


I love how the Noble Savage remains alive and well in the liberal brain. You people are so fucked up.

Kikes will never turn us natives against our white brothers and sisters. Fuck Israel. Natives and Whites WILL destroy all Jew child rapists.
Stupid shills. Clearly the Indian is the douche here. Look at him banging a drum up in the face of the young pede

LMAO all natives ARE DEAD, there are no real natives left, real natives look East asian, the only natives that are even close to being genetically similar to their ancestors are the central/south Americans. I can guarantee you that the natives of north American are less than 10% actually native.

pic related, actual natives. Mind you these are still not 100% native either.

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Teepee niggers hate white people with a passion. No sympathy from me.

How did he """self-own""" himself, retard?

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Why is this news? Literally nothing happened, the kid just stood there.


bitch, please. i'm an american being paid to live in london because i'm smart. you fucking degenerates are the worst of all human kind. I just had to know if this fuck had been doxd yet and to be honest i am horrified by what i've found here. this used to be a place of radical progressiveness. Now? you're basically a spitting image of what you think of everyone else. pretty sad.

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Fucking lol, the shirts paired with their dumb vacant faces

God bless Gen Z

>LMAO all natives ARE DEAD, there are no real natives left, real natives look East asian
"Native Americans" are a meme anyway. They're literally Chinese people mixed with Mexicans with some Viking blood thrown in here and there. Not joking.

The FBI are going after the LIBTARD Doxxies who released the kids name /family and chilling said *lets end this*

The lad as a teen was restrainded .. in the vidya
watch a few
Try harder kids
pic related
So very true

The Indians were there to protest for abortion rights?

Good Job Young Patriots.

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Fuck off nigger Indian killed to be here first

Just gives them more incentive to fight the kikes. They will have nothing to lose, after all.

That article is bullshit. I was there the natives were teaming up with the kids. Against pedo liberals.

fuck WTC that shirt

The nose knows

>indigenous people
No, they're from northeast Asia.

What QTs
pfft no wonder they raped them genes out of red injuns

>can't use capital letters
>"i'm smart"

I wrote a long autistic post here once about how Natives, especially norther plains natives, should absolutely be on team white power at this point.
They're too bitter to see the writing on the wall
The demise of whites will = the demise of what little sovereignty they have left
lets see will foreign niggers, arabs, chinks and South Americans:
>have sympathy for "crimes" in the past committed against north American Indians by whites and continue with gibs and muh casino subsidies?
lol no, maybe the casinos but just because degeneracy
>Will the Chinese and Niggers have respect for the natural beauty left in America
we all know the answer to this, the white man is overall starting to transcend materialism, at least more so than any gooks or subhumans
Natives and whites share the same homes at this point, and losing them to foreigners will sink us all.
Natives are simply too dumb and or butt hurt to see this and vote/fight for their actual interest.

Meanwhile Mexicans are blowing each other up by illegally cracking open gas lines.

I think we're fine.

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This is the Jow Forums I love


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>get doxxed and murdered by liberals

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You fucks are useless kikes. You all know nothing and you all suck nigger dick

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so white men aren't even allowed to stand in public in america anymore? lol

this just shows the immense stupidity and bias of modern media. Imagine if those were antifa going up against a white peoples march and you'd have a national outcry. Appeasement has never worked

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FBI said it was two rallies an No arrests were Made , But Anti/Fa released a Racial slur

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French revolution and it's consenquences were disasterous for human race
Religion of egalitarianism must be destroyed
If french revolution never happened white people would be still rulers and actually manage to make peace among others

I feel bad for natives desu
>live basic, but simple comfy hunter-gatherer lifestyles with a great emphasis on respecting nature

>people come over and kill you with a disease you have no immunity to, and turn your once beloved land into pic related

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