Gun bans work

Plain and simple, America has a gun problem and ((we)) need to fix it. ((We)) have to take action on a federal level because the states cannot be trusted to act. All people do is cross state lines to get a gun. It needs to stop, NOW.

Here are just a few things that WILL stop this problem once and for all:

Mandatory firearm registration- works in Mexico it will work here
Mandatory firearm safes; Mossa-- I mean police officers will always have access
Mandatory psychological examinations to be conducted by Dr. Shekelberg to determine if a goy is fit to own weapons

Waiting period for firearm purchase extended to three years to coordinate our laws in line with safer and more effective Mexican gun laws.

Ammo purchases made only for the caliber firearm specified on registration.
Tax on ammunition to be charged to fund holocaust museum in every US city

If a firearm registered to you is used in a crime, immediate prison sentence for the owner, unless that owner is a precious jew, in which case he is immediately forgiven and to be rewarded compensation.

It's long past time for America to get tough with gun owners and the NRA and the violence they allow to happen. Mexico and the UK have paved the way for us, all we have to do now is follow their lead. Enough is enough and we the American people need to stop allowing gun owners and the gun lobby to hid behind a 200 year old piece of paper.

We want to be as safe as Mexico and England the time to act is NOW.

Attached: Mexico the Gun Control Utopia.jpg (800x450, 102K)

imagine the smell


Attached: American gun odds for mass shooting death.jpg (1100x1050, 261K)

>Countries with higher rate of mass shootings than the US.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Norway?

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This gud thread.

No. Try to take my guns. You'll have a bad time.

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Our rate wouldn't even be that high if it wasn't for niggers.

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:WE ?

>Norway destroyed everyone.

Did not disappoint. lol.

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