If the jews did 9-11 then why is IXXI on Jesuit rings?
I hear a lot on this board about jews and freemasonry and it's ties to Hinduism and ancient Egypt. The Jesuit angle doesn't really make sense to me. Does anyone have any Jesuit red pills for me to swallow?
I get that the Jesuits have taken over and are destroying the Roman Catholic Church from the inside and trying to steer the world into a one world government. What does that have to do with the IXXI rings? Are Jesuits jews?
There is lots of talk that associates Judaism with freemasonry. How do Jesuits tie into freemasonry?
It is obvious that IXXI has ties to freemasonry. Why are the IXXI rings Jesuit? Are Jesuits jews? Are Jesuits freemasons?
Are Jesuits non-Jewish masons?
Neat, I’ve seen a lot of stuff... that’s new to me.
Jow Forums love to talk about jews and 9-11. Why doesn't Jow Forums like talking about Jesuits?
My mom's family is full of freemasons and they want me to join. Something about passing on the freemason traditions. Frustrating.
Blaming the jews is pretty easy people do it all the time. Could "blaming the jews" be a psyop to hide the true troublemakers?
whitey stole this from us
That ring looks similar to Roman “age” stuff. Also looks like their strike minted method.
But 911 in roman is CMXI not IXXI.
the founder of the jesuits was an illuminati aka luciferian
yes, they're conversos
William Cooper, and Barry Chamish both accuse Adam Weishapt of being a Jesuit.
ask them about 33 vertebrae in the spine, moving energy up the spine to achieve a higher form of consciousness, the mason's use of the "Jacob's" ladder imagery, and what stimulating the root chakra has to do with moving energy up the 33 vertebrae of the spine to achieve a higher form of consciousness. The thing about asking masons about what is going on with freemasonry is that they are sworn to secrecy and can't tell you the truth. Lots of people who talk bad about freemasonry aren't sworn to secrecy so they can tell you the truth. You have to assume that the people who are sworn to secrecy aren't telling you the truth because they are sworn to secrecy. People in secret societies are sworn to secrecy so anything they say can't be trustworthy. Being sworn to secrecy means you are untrustworthy.
You say nine-eleven not ninehundreteleven. Or do you remember the terrorattacks of ninehundreteleven?
Who's that? Got some names? Are Jesuits secretly jewish?
There is a lot of talk on Jow Forums about how the (jews) are the enemy that everyone is afraid to name, but this is really oversimplifying the matter. The first point is that a relatively small group of ((zionists)) are the real problem, not the general blanket term (jews). ((Zionists)) have a hidden reprehensible history of sacrificing their (jewish) brethren in order to cover up their true intentions and achieve their goals. The next point is that the ((Zionists)) are led and financed by the (((Illuminati))) cabal of (jewish) families that have unimaginable wealth and the ability to pull strings across the entire world stage. The (((Illuminati))) are mentioned far less on this board than the ((zionist)) (jews), but it's pretty obvious that (jews) are basically just useful idiots used as pawns to further the nefarious plots of world domination that is the heart of the ((zionist)) (((illuminati))) plans and ambitions. ((((Jesuits)))) are even less frequently discussed than the ((zionist)) (((illuminati))), but it is the despicable ((((jesuit)))) relationship with Satan that is really driving the whole ship. The ((((jesuit)))) order is the true enemy that is rarely discussed even on Jow Forums. One might even say that naming the (jews) is the greatest trick of all by the most secretive order on the planet. Naming the (jews) is child's play. The ((((jesuit)))) order is where the evil that plagues our planet truly originates from. The other lesser levels are all just obfuscation. Isn't it time that we start naming the true satanic ringleaders?! What do we know of their evil structure and plots? I call on you Jow Forums to say what you know so that we can all learn the real true truth of this prison planet that we live on. If we don't strike at the heart the heads will continue to plague us all.
Adam Weishaupt was a cover name, he was funded by the Rothschilds and would go on to found the League of the Just (where his teachings were spread by Marx)
I did not know about that connection. I know about the whole secrecy thing. Our ancestors have been involved with freemasonry since the start. I am the first generation to not be involved with it whatsoever. Bunch of NWO freaks.
people on Jow Forums can openly attack "the jews" and no one bats an eye. When you start suggesting that (the jews) is just a blanket term shills tend to come out and call you a shill because you aren't just naming (the jews). ((Zionists)) are a small part of (the jews) that regularly sacrifice (the jews) to achieve their goals. The (((Illuminati))) are the (jewish) leaders of the ((zionist)) (jews). Why don't we name the (((Illuminati))) instead of just naming (the jews) when the (((Illuminati))) are clearly the (jews) that are pulling the strings? What do the ((((Jesuits)))) have to do with any of this?
“Auspice Maria”
>I did not know about that connection
You do now! There are ladders and 33 all over the place in their symbolism. They will tell you the ladder represents Jacob's ladder. If you ask them about it they won't give you a straight answer because they are sworn to secrecy. Protip: the root chakra is your asshole.
Care to elaborate?
Lots of talk about the jews and 9-11 around here. No one knows anything about the Jesuits and their IXXI rings?
It’s an A and M, not IXXI.
People blame (the jews) all day and night on Jow Forums. It's funny how everyone starts clamming up when you mention (((The Illuminati))) or ((((The Jesuits)))). Isn't it a good time to start naming the real string pullers instead of just naming (the jews) ad nauseam?
A and M for “Auspice Maria”
Care to elaborate some more perhaps? Or are you content with just dropping little breadcrumbs?
People talk about how Alex Jones is afraid to (name the jews) but he names the (((Illuminati))) all the time. Aren't the (((Illuminati))) all jewish families? Isn't naming the (((Illuminati))) just being more specific than naming (the jews)?
The truth is no one can bring themselves to accept the truth.
Can you name the shape M and A make when overlaid?
Go on Jow Forums goys. Just keep (naming the jews) ad nauseam instead of digging just a little bit deeper. Ignore this thread and keep feeding the shills. You are totally making a difference.
If you have knowledge please share it.
something like this perhaps?
Look at Ignatius Loyola. A "converted" Jew. Also founder of the Jesuits.
jesuits are edomites, they hold a higher rank
in the adams family over the fake jew kike
jesuits are shemites just like fake jews.
amalek and edom are both house of
shem but they hate each other. this is
how bad their mental illness is, they
want to rule everyone but themselves.
just going to clam up then?
the jesuits like the fake jew amalekite, have
a history of being thrown out of countries.
they're all sons of satan by way of lilith
and saturn.
Oy vey!