Be honest, this was your first redpill

Be honest, this was your first redpill.

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Ancient aliens actually

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that or some AJ doc

That "documentary" is a prime example of intellectual dishonesty . It's almost entirely fabricated.

Or was it Michael Moore's tv show?!

nope. dubya's antics and 9/11, followed by bankster puppet obongo and his peace nobel. i think about that time i checked out of society.

Somewhat true

Not proud of it but when I was pretty young it was Metal Gear Solid's ideas about shadow government that first made me wonder if things like that could be real

Yes it was. I was like 10 when I first saw it. Turned me into a 9/11 denying, fedora-tipping Atheistic, Libertarian.

I cringe so hard looking back...

You and me both