Only libtards play mono blue control

Only libtards play mono blue control.

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True. Red/White is patrician.


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red/green turbo weenies checking in

i am white so i play blue white and green

also are the dimir jews

Black and Blue just like what I'm gonna do to your mom's eye if I catch you tapping land.


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Oh shit

jewish as fuck

Orzhov are jews.

reminder, (((gideon))) isn't white

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jeskaichad here, and I use a jace avatar, you mad?


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b-but i'm not a libtard and i've really liked mono blue control decks since the mid 90s

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oh i thought they were christians

gideon is literally a jewish folk hero

o tru

fuckin based
i didn't even know about this card

Unironically based
>political compass:
>B/R — R/W
>U/G — B/G

The most redpilled play style is x4 carnage tyrant stompy

I blame whitey for getting rid of mana burn.

Black Blue controller is bae

total jew strats

Jews are nuDimir
Delve & Exploit are textbook

The government is a bunch of saprolings in disguise, fucking all of them are mushroom people


Thinking about throwing together a multicolour Sliver deck, thoughts?

who else here /NAZBOL/
(this post was made by selesnya gang)

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Standard players are cancer, and only faggots play mono anything.

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I've got a blue/black troll deck - fite me kid.

You'll probably win but it'll be the most painful victory you've ever achieved :)

jew genes detected

Don't forget to make up for what you did Jow Forums.

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30 year old boomer spotted

Mardu Master Race reporting in. Alesha best commander.

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>No appreciation for constructive use of time

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In time they will come to see things your way.

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>mfw I've been playing Selesnya since guilds of ravnica

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>literal tranny
Degenerate, kys

>he never played free indestructible aritifacts

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Mono blue is based as fuck
Leovold best commander

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I'm a Jodahfag personally

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>t. paid $1000 for their legacy deck to not play the game retard


> t. paid $700 for their deck to lose to Jund in modern retard

submit Jow Forums

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>when blue and black niggers tryna to cast skills around me

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>hurkyll's recall's you with counter backup

Wrong on all counts except LL
Authoritarian Right is White
Authoritarian Left is Black
Libertarian Right is Blue
Centrists are Green

Hehehe nothing personelle, kiddo :^)

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Hahahaha!!! I've always loved artifacts the most user

I remember playing a game with 19 other players. We had been playing for a while and someone played Vindicate. I had a card that created a copy of a spell for each possible target.
Cue half an hour of counters and counter counters. This was back in the Mirari days.

>only shitlibs, basedboys and failed chads play magic the gathering

Ftfy m8. Fuck magic that gathering and fuck mark ((rosewater))

Artifact players are in brainlets. Shit is way too easy.

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mad cuz bad