Diversity is our strength. Even if the source of diversity is illegal immigration

Diversity is our strength. Even if the source of diversity is illegal immigration.

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>the less we have in common the stronger we are
people are fucking stupid

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At least the growth dropped.

Rome wasn't built in a day either.

right wait til they grow up and this flips
political science is an absolute fucking joke

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Nobody asked me therefore the poll is bullshit.
>Muh 500 liberal arts majors represents the population!11!

>study shows kids brainwashed that diversity is good eventhough it erodes trust repeat the propaganda.
Imagine the surprise. Look you could indoctrinate people that it is good to jump on one leg 3 times a day it they get ostrasized from society. Then after some decades do a poll.
>oh wow kids totallly love this one leg jumping. This is really what they want. It’s a good thing we made it wrongthink NOT to do or like this. See? many people agree, so it is what they want.

Not stupid just indoctrinated.

Of course they do, they're fresh out of the indoctrination centres. This is why they want to lower the voting age in many places.


Diversity literally means difference. Good observation. So yes they say the more different you are from eachother the better you get along. Really? Makes no sense. But if you dont accept it. There comes the bullying with bogus terms such as racism till you fall in line and stop objecting.

>Go from millenials to zoomers
>>Generation is 6-7% less white
>>Approval of diversity only increases by 1%.

It's not like spics won't be able to vote.

>Diversity is Unity
It’s Orwell-tier

Their flimsy fucking plan is never going to work, especially if retards on Jow Forums understood it so easily. People of all races and ages are waking up to this bullshit.

Multiculturalism destroys diversity

>diversity of innocence
not enough criminality

>tfw Trump supporters are more cucked than Sweden
I want off this ride

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Imagine the foreign invaders young white people are being forced to co habit with liking diversity, what a shocker. Every young white I know is in some state of cognitive dissonance on race, or they're outright racist. The only thing holding young whites back is the jq, with that piece of the puzzle they should uncuck fast.

So, propaganda works? Wow, what a shocker.

>Their flimsy fucking plan is never going to work, especially if retards on Jow Forums understood it so easily. People of all races and ages are waking up to this bullshit.
Dear nip, or english teacher or whatever. Dear person in Japan. I don't think you understand how it is they plan to do this.
Yes it's illogical and makes no sense. Because when you are doing something destructive. It doesn't make sense, from a perspective of doing something that is good to people. So they never relied on logic facts and reasons for this. Here is what they rely on. Intimidation! plain and simple. People know it's bullshit, but they want to make it illegal for you to say it. Look what happens when someone calls you a racist. What is happening there? Think about it. It's BULLYING plain and simple. They are saying if you don't agree with them you are the worst possible human being and should have very bad things happen to you. And they are not shy to tell you the last part either. So you have two choices. Cave into the bullying or stand your ground, which is becoming increasingly hard with all the group pressure and pressure from all over. Right. Because they will literally try to ruin your life if you don't capitulate. This is the point of making everything hate crimes, and micro aggressions. Basically things that can be anything. Therefore anything can be a violation if they want to use it like that. See how that is! Anything can then become a violation to shut you down. So microaggression is just next level 'racism' it's that term on steroids. Because anything can be concieved a microaggression that they want. Or they can ignore it if it's something they want to permit. Turn it into violation if you don't fall in line!
They know people will figure it out. Because of how illogical it is. But they want to intimidate you and make it so that it becomes essentially illegal to say anything else but what they want people to say!

So it's like that guy in north korea the father of the guy who runs it now. When he died, they were all crying on camera and video right. Ohh how sad our great leader has died. What they don't say if they don't cry or whatever, or pretend to. Then they after turn off camera go shoot them in the head. So you bet your ass you will get your best pouty face made if you were in that situation. This is intimidation is the way they want to push this. Not logic, because it makes no sense. Because it's destructive, and they know that.

Retarded fucking poll. Of course the younger generations will find "diversity" good as they're more "diversified" than the older generations.

>So, propaganda works? Wow, what a shocker.
Right it's kind of like a review of how well their propaganda process is working. Like a work in progress.
>we are not quite there yet but they are starting to agree to this diversity we are decisively pushing and indoctrinating them with. But it is starting to look promising. Maybe we need to step up the indoctrination a little bit in some areas, but it is looking pretty decently.
I mean that's basically what it is. Because remember nobody was asking for diversity. They just started telling us how great it all of a sudden was. And then allowed mass immigration to commence.

>Retarded fucking poll. Of course the younger generations will find "diversity" good as they're more "diversified" than the older generations.
Correct. That is the thing they want to keep this up long enough till whoever remembers how it was is dead. Essentially. And brainwash the rest. And then they can erase history or revise it to pretend it never happened. As if it was always like that. Right. And that multiethnic societies and their natural problems. Well everybody had that. It just becomes the new normal and people would be nonethewiser because it'd be all they fucking know! And that people in the past they were always diverse but it was just like mental patients who had delusions about living in a monoethnic and monocultural society or however they want to backsell it. And good thing they are dead and whatnot.
In other words this is like a longterm strategy. Not a shortterm one.

It's all so tiring.

And they will even stand and tell you that these brainwashed kids. That you'll die out and they are on the same team together or whatever. What team, team brainwashed.. my goodness.
And ofcourse even more nefariously. It'll be white/european people who dissapear in their nations if this keeps going on. And everyone else they don't dissapear, they have their own nations with massive majority and populations. AND they then take over the empty streets and empty society where white people used to exist. Like the unicorn or whatever. There used to be some white people and they were very bad, because some asshole told me so. And people like michael moore, the evil jew he is, he is salivating over that possibility. And made that quote about white men are like dinosaurs who don't know their time is over. Ofcourse he'll never get arrested for hate speech. No that's ofcourse selective of who is against their agenda.. they can get away with anything. Same way as they allow blacks to say the most foulest things against white americans in public. And they just get away with it. Not even a slap on the wrist. If a white american said something similar. They´d be calling for the electric chair or some crazy stuff like that.