Your hero Andrew Anglin just lost a huge battle in the federal court lawsuit against the Daily Stormer:

>Daily Stormer publisher ordered to disclose details sought by lawyers in 'troll storm' lawsuit

>A federal court on Friday ordered Andrew Anglin, an elusive website publisher accused of leading an anti-Semitic “troll storm” against a Jewish real estate agent, Tanya Gersh, to disclose his net worth and other details sought by lawyers seeking damages. Jeremiah C. Lynch, a U.S. magistrate judge for Montana federal court, ordered Mr. Anglin to reveal the details in a 30-page order entered as part of a civil suit spurred by articles published on his website, The Daily Stormer, starting in late 2016.

>Mr. Anglin, a 34-year-old Ohio native, published Ms. Gersh’s contact information on The Daily Stormer in a crude, anti-Semitic post that accused her of attempted to extort the mother of Richard Spencer, a white nationalist activist, and encouraged readers to “call her and tell her what you think.” “Tell them you are sickened by their Jew agenda,” Mr. Anglin wrote for The Daily Stormer. “And hey — if you’re in the area, maybe you should stop by and tell her in person what you think of her actions.”

>Ms. Gersh said her family received hundreds of intimidating emails, phone calls and text messages following Mr. Anglin’s initial post, and she subsequently sued in April 2017 for invasion of privacy, intentional infliction of emotional distress and violations of Montana’s Anti-Intimidation Act, seeking compensatory and punitive damages. Mr. Anglin asserts that he left the U.S., and he has not been seen publicly since the lawsuit’s start.


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>Moving the discovery process in the case forward Friday, the court compelled Mr. Anglin to provide lawyers for Ms. Gersh with financial details and other information relevant to their suit, including phone numbers, email addresses, usernames and social media accounts he might have used in connection with the so-called “troll storm.”

>“Anglin must provide a current financial statement allowing for preliminary evaluation of his net worth, as well as the name and location of any institution where he has maintained an account between January 1, 2016, and the present,” the order noted. “If Gersh ultimately obtains a judgment for punitive damages, she may seek additional discovery as necessary for the purpose of enforcing that judgment.”

>Mr. Anglin intends to comply with the court’s request, his attorney told The Washington Times over the weekend, despite previously raising concerns about disclosing the details. “While it may compel out client to do something he was reluctant to do, I can see no likelihood that the court will have a different set of rules if we are forced to file our own motion to compel,” lawyer Marc Randazza told The Times.

>Ms. Gersh is being represented by the watchdog group the Southern Poverty Law Center. SPLC lawyers did not immediately return messages seeking comment. Launched in 2013, The Daily Stormer gained national notoriety after Mr. Anglin published an article in August 2017 mocking Heather Heyer, a woman killed hours earlier while protesting against white nationalists congregating in Charlottesville, Virginia. Major internet companies in the U.S. and abroad, including GoDaddy and Google, among others, subsequently refused to do business with the website.

no one here likes Andrew Anglin he's the literal definition of a loser who goes to the third world to sleep with cheap non white prostitutes because he's a beta loser

Nigger, kikes are suing patriots all over the western world, this isn't exactly new.

Just yesterday French intellectual Alain Soral was sentenced to one year in jail for muh antisemitism.

Stormfags were always infiltrators on Jow Forums they were just better at it than commie fucks from /leftypol/

They used to get laughed at years ago on Jow Forums but the left has gone so far that they now seem sane.

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Stormfront and the Daily Stormer are two completely unrelated entities, apart from the same word "Storm" in their name.

Anglin was a member on Stormfront before he started his gay "total fascism" blog.

He is a stormfag which makes Daily Stormer a stormfag site

This, stormfront tried to subvert here a few times between 2010-2013 but their boomer smoothbrains caused them to leave in fits of rage. Daily Stormer just steals Jow Forums content that's relevant to its message and for some reason adds additional racial epithets.

Oh look at these kikes

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nobody here likes anglin except for anglin

fuck off retard