Bring down the whole USA system

I hope Trump sticks to his guns on the border wall no matter what. If Dems make a deal and fund the wall, great. If they don't, DO NOT FLINCH. Eventually riots will happen when food stamps run out. When that happens, declare an emergency and send in the military to put down the rioters. The more shit starts to fall apart, the more emergencies he should declare. Eventually the Dems will realize the only way they can avoid letting Trump become a dictator is to fund his wall. And if they never realize it, then LONG LIVE GOD EMPEROR TRUMP

Attached: burning-ship.jpg (300x242, 20K)

>Dems fund wall
>wall gets built
>nothing changes
What next, cuckservative?


Then we have a wall, retard. Trump wins either way.

What's the wall accomplish, cuckservative?
Say it outloud.

>incase of funding skip riots step and proceed directly to sending military
shit its not that hard user

Keeps out the fucking shitskins obviously

Which ones?

Would prefer a permanent shutdown of the fed.

Then we start taking soil away from Mexico until they decide to do something about the problem (meat houses)

No crisis here, it's actually kind of tranquil....And Remember Walls Don't Work

Attached: Jim-Acosta-at-the-border.jpg (1200x675, 99K)

The Democratics still don't understand that we don't care how long the shut down goes.

>meat houses
Quick rundown

>we have a wall
Not a wall, a series of steel slats, which in the hinterlands of AZ, NM and TX will do nothing to deter 99.9% of the north bound traffic. You see, in those regions, the Border Patrol can be more than 50 miles apart from the nearest next patrol. The coyotes know this, and will preplace a set of ladders, one on each side, at the least patrolled point along the installation of slats that are more industrial art, if you have ever traveled to caddilac ranch you will get the idea. Patrols timed, the caravan shows up, the ladders are placed, and few minutes are actually tacked on any traverse of people or drugs northward. Pitiful. The 5 gorjillion is nothing more than pork. An ancient technology in a world where 1 billion would finance a fleet of drones, in flight 24/7/465, which could act as spotter for the already embattled Border Patrol on the ground. But FUCK ALL THAT says trump. I promised a knuckle dragging solution to a bunch of mouth breathing drewlers, and that is what I will throw a playground temper tantrum to get.

It's fucking crushing. He's not going to save the United States. What a fucking monumental waste of resources this shitty experiment has been.

look at his tiny hands

Attached: american-collapse.jpg (696x467, 56K)

leave it closed forever...

Attached: shut_it_down.png (1071x727, 23K)

Attached: jim_acosta_at_wall.jpg (1200x675, 179K)

And the 10s of millions that are already here -- who will be given amnesty after the wall is built?

not if he doesn't accept daca

How many legals are already here, who don't need amnesty?

you don't think they have motion sensing technology? It's not that hard to run a low voltage on metal fence and detect when something touched it without alerting person touching it, and you can differentiate from small animal/child vs human

This is what rich old boomers actually think is going to happen.

trump is just a zionist distraction from the demographic changes in the USA
this country is already less than 50% white if you didnt know
we are officially a banana republic