At last I truly see

If we tax the rich we can lower OUR taxes

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How about instead of 15$ minimum wage we gust put a 70% marginal tax on all income above 15$ per hour? The majority of people don't make 15$ an hour, so it would work.

If I was rich I'd just move. Fuck paying 70% lol it would be cheaper to just take holidays to America. would spend most of my time on holidays anyway.

Guess my managers and hundreds of staff members will have to find another job. Maybe with my friend down the road, oh wait he's leaving too.

>Lol politics is all about how many resources you can take from other people bro
>Lol it’s not possible to oppose theft of earnings on principle bro

You get to leave the country but you don't get to take your business with you or shut down the company out of spite. We should attach a rider to the tax hike turning American businesses abandoned by emigrants over to the people who work there,

I see Jow Forums is back to shilling for the tax bracket dominated by Jewish billionaires.

>dude just ensure that nobody will ever register a company in America lmao

>Let's tax everyone who isn't us so that we can live free!
>W-wait where is everybody going

>you don't get to shut down a company out of spite

Says who, you flightless leech?

because the rich pay 51% of tax's and if you made it even higher they'd move and go pay there tax's some-where else

if you had money really worth moving for you'd just move the money. this is what's already happened, long ago. if it's inconceivable to you to have multiple foreign tax shelter accounts, you're not part of the true capitalist class anyway. you don't have a plurality stake in the monopoly money.

income tax is all bullshit, it isn't about making money, it's about social manipulation and terror/tyranny over the underclasses.

They are not wrong. But at the same time the progressive tax is needed because of inneficiencies in the system. Flaws in its nature. The system itself should produce no such inefficiency. The system.

Same can be applied to foreign corporations, you don't have to have a legal code full of loopholes for foreign and "foreign" capitalists.

If you want to do business in America you need to follow American laws, and those laws can include "pay a living wage" if we elect politicians who aren't in porky's pocket.

These are the typical conservative responses I see to this tax plan. Only a few decades ago, we taxed the rich 90% and our country was prosperous. Take your weak shit somewhere else.

This plan is caved in head retarded.
1. The rich have no loyalty to this nation or any nation, like the french rich when taxed at this rate the mega rich will structure it so they dont pay a dime and the low level millionaires will run to another country.
2. The people you actually want to tax will not pay a dime. They can hire an army of lawyers to find every loophole in the book. You'll get a few car dealership owners, mittlestand type business owners, and the "poorer" millionaires, but if you think a tax like this will hit the soros and rockefellers of the world then you are beyond naive.
3. The money collected by the IRS does nothing except pay the interest on the natl debt. Look at the grace commission. If you really want to tax the rich abolish the IRS and raise consumption taxes. Theres no loopholes to be had. You buy the thing, you pay the tax, its thst simple. What paves our roads? The gas tax, not money collected from the irs. IRS money goes straight to zog. Impose luxury taxes on things the ultra wealthy purchse (jets, yachts, etc.)

explain nordic countries

None of the rich actually paid those taxes

>If I was rich I'd just move.
Typical fucking patriot. Then why have walls if you should be able to move wherever you fucking want when you want to make your life better. Hypocrite.

>fuck you got mine

wait i thought I was the evil white conservative?

I'm generally for super super low to non-exisant business taxes and fairly high progressive personal taxes. You lubricate businesses so that they can easily make tons of cash but if that cash is being paid out into salaries and bonuses instead of r&d and content then you make back the money through the people paying themselves the most. Rich people will still stick around because they can't be as rich in other markets anyway so just taking them from 150m to 130m isn't a big deal for them

Someone should tell him that this negatively impacts large portions of the Jewish community and therefore is antisemitic.

>tax people making over $10mil
>everyone negotiates $9,999,999 salary

jesus christ are all of Jow Forums underaged or never paid taxes before?

lmao hold on

The "rich" will just move, idiot. The IRS only gets 5 years of taxes when you renounce your citizenship and they can buy a passport from any country they want.

That isn't how it will work. They will WAY overestimate how much they will collect. They will, however, spend the budgeted amount. There will be a shortfall, so they will say let's tax $1 million at 70%. Then, $500,000. And work their way down the list, until EVERYONE is paying 70%. When you tell a thief that it is ok to steal from someone else, he will also think it is ok to rob YOU. The tax rate on all income should be 0%. If the government needs money, let it provide valuable services and products people will willingly buy, and use the profits however it pleases.

>If we tax the rich we can lower OUR taxes

Kek. No, sweetie, the government will just spend that much more. See how the Britcucks got ass-banged with the VAT.

Also, assuming you were able to collect that money, we live in the era of big gibs and big spending--the muh 90% tax in the 50's predates all gibs and Social Security was quite a bit different then, not the least due to the immense ratio of workers to retired persons.

So, assuming you get every penny your little shekel schnoz can find, it still won't pay for fucking SHIT and AOC's merry band of retards wants to spend even MORE money per anum.

Good fucking luck.

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>Lowering taxes
Liberals are just so fucking retarded

If you scaled back all the unconstitutional shit, you wouldn't even need this money.

Also 70% marginal tax won't bring in much money, when they realize this, next step is to punish the middle class once again.

Also, I don't give a shit tax (((billionaires))) at 99% if you must.

>We should tax A
>Are you A?
>If you aren't A, support me

Jesus Christ Twitter has ruined all forms of dialogue. This isn't even an argument it's just a request to steal from someone. Just like that stupid AOC post.

>tfw federal income tax was supposed to be temporary
Yall niggers be clownin

>you will lose your business to the state
First south-africa and next up the united states. Nice

The rich get out of paying taxes. Quit jerking your dick off over increasing the tax rate when the amount the actually pay will invariably be way below 35%, 50%, 70%, 100% or whatever arbitrary number you charge. That righteous endorphin rush you get from punishing your enemies makes the impotency of this idea all the more pathetic.

I know you will never advocate for closing loopholes though because you'd have to stab too many ((powerful allies)) in the back to get it done. This is what being a cuck looks like.

Up until a decade ago there were no niggers so at least you were paying for peace of mind.

>make political decisions because some people make moar money than you

its retarded. most people with that kind of wealth usually have the means to pay ZERO tax.

>rich people earn money the same way regular plebs do! Let's tax that!


you are such a bunch of clueless faggots it's amazing.

Here is a hint: Rich people are very often rich because they know how to handle money.

That normally involves knowledge about establishing a business or several businesses. It also involves knowing about stocks, mutual funds, options, real estate and other investments.

So if you introduce a tax like that you'll very quickly come to the realization, that most rich people reroute their earnings/profits/gains into such investments (sometimes tunneled through a business) and keep only a relatively small amount of cash. I'd be surprised if some of them even had more than 50k on their private day-to-day bank account.

You idiots probably actually think they'd let those 10 millions rot on some giro account. And that's also why you are poor. Because you're dumb.

So in conclusion: That tax ain't gonna earn shit.
Don't believe me? Well, here is some reading material from 4 years ago, idiot:

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The mega wealthy make no pretentions about loving this country, they are "citizens of the world" and will just change their address to whatever sketchy cultural backwater nation that will let them hide their wealth from you. These aren't the typical rank and file Trump supporters you're imagining in your head for whatever reason.

You responded to me but basically what the other guy said. I wouldn't mind paying high taxes if I had faith in my government looking out for its people.

But if you think I'd keep my business in a country that's importing shitskins by the boatload and then asking me for 70 fucking percent of my earnings then fuck that. I'd move my business elsewhere and export whatever it is that I make. If I loved the country but not the government I'd just take lengthy holidays home.

>The mega wealthy make no pretentions about loving this country
Then why should anyone else?

>government steals other people's property for themselves = my life improves

why are you assuming that

Capital flight inbound.

Which walls would you be talking about ? Maybe if walls were being built, niggers were denied gibs and tax was spent on things a patriot would desire then I would stay.

Paying 70% taxes to the American government would make one the opposite of a patriot, more like a cog in the zog machine.

the rich can fuck off to other nations with similar taxes like ours THEN pay massive import taxes. dumbass
name ONE single loophole they'll exploit. dumbass shill
>taxes ONLY pay off national debt
imagine being this retarded

daily reminder people like ^^^THIS^^^ are the real shills.

what? you really thought corporations wouldn't try to push a narrative here? sweetie...

I'd obviously just shrink the business in America to the point it's just a warehouse and transfer everything I had built to the point of 10 million overseas. I'd use a million loopholes like the Jews do and instead of the money being in America, being taxed at a fair rate it would be abroad benefiting a more intelligent or patriotic government.

I guess you'll just introduce some more laws ? Again making America a bad choice for business owners, well done.

$15 per hour * 40 hours in a week * 52 weeks in a year = $31,200 per year
I wonder what would happen to society if your 70% marginal tax on income above $31,200 annually came to pass.

> look this isn't complicated
> banning food-stamps only applies to poors
> are you poor?
> if not, you should support banning food-stamps

good logic. what else can we change using this logic?