Why are Gypsies so universally hated?

Why are Gypsies so universally hated?

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because they don't pay taxes, they commit crimes, they're needlessly rude, they ruin societies, they bully mercilessly, and they expect the world of everyone.

not to mention they have dirty romanian blood

why do you think?
they're all the negative things traditionally associated with brown people
they smell, they're dirty, they steal, they don't work, they're violent, they're rude, they gather in gangs and pick on people, all that shit

They are a more stupid version of niggers. Also they never wash.


They're Jews who failed at Jewing


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90% are just terrible

the mixed ones are normal, but are moody motherfuckers, at least the females

Because they're assholes.


gypsies are Roma people, that makes them our true ancestors from Roman Empire. They've escaped the collapse and been woke ever since

>t. gypsy

give a dollar, I'll tell you your future..

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You will know when you meet some

They're scum who will do anything for money except work. That includes selling their children and swindling the elderly.

Even the pajeets didn't want them.

They steal

Gypsies have absolutely no relation to the roman empire, they were musicians sent from india to persia, they then got kicked out of persia and have been wandering ever since

They should all be sent back to india, if that is not possible then they should be exterminated. They take pride in the fact that they do not integrate, they take pride in committing crimes and leeching off the native population.


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They have no understanding of the concept called "Private Property". Everything is communal with them, including non-Gypsies' belongings.

Trust me, niggers are worst than gypsies

Lifestyle defined by criminality, to the point where they were originally driven out of India for being useless

my father rented out an apartment to a romanian couple. ooooh boy. they constantly lie about EVERYTHING. every little thing they just lie straight out.

the guy got a job as a workshop supervisor in the oil industri because he said "yes yes yes i know everything" at the interview.

a week later he got fired cuz he didnt know shit about anything nearly related. fucking scum.

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Why is it that all gypsy families have QT lolis? Can I get one on the cheap?

thanks for this info.

all other races than white are subhumans.

the time for arguments have passed. "shotgun noise click"

Gypsies are not human. Prove me wrong

When I was a kid there was this gypsy woman in town from time to time, selling some cheap tat. Used to be if you refused to buy it, she'd loudly curse you and your family.

Saw her again a couple of years ago, if you refuse to buy her tat, she thanks you for your time, I think someone's "had a word" with her.