You already know what this is

You already know what this is.

Attached: F635039C-7C0D-46EC-9A3E-0A42BA9F8CFD.jpg (4032x3024, 2.91M)

A Tide ad?

>no antibiotics ever
hf eating your sickly disease ridden chicken

All organic things, fine cuts and brands.

As a New Yorker this is 0.006% of my weekly income and I could eat a lot more if I wanted.

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did you buy a 2 large bottles of bud light?
what is wrong with you?

Dox yourself to the FBI/RCMP with a shoppers card, the thread (version 4015b)?

superbowl = DFF

I hate those fags but I still listen since I have no friends


I thought it was a Canadian instore prices thread. Since it's not that, what kind of shitty thread is this?

brb posting to r/hailcorporate

>Bud light
>Brooklyn NY

Spic detected

Attached: $60 lasagna.jpg (3000x1693, 1.33M)

Show me some prices or get out of the thread.

Note I paid cash.

It’s a Saturday night.

Those are cheap ass prices for top quality eats in NYC, OP. I had to live in ghetto ass Bronx for four months, and the cost of groceries at the local place was outrageous. Guess there's a dangerous location tax or some shit.

I would've pissed in your mouth for free and you could've saved a few bucks

>get out of the thread.

Those are excellent prices, user. This makes me so glad to not be a Cancuckadian

Almost makes you forget about the hoards of niggers and spics, eh. At least you can get fat on the cheap

OP is a fag

Look who's typing, Ahmed.

Bodega prices are worse, this grocery store is decent.

This Saturday night might get interesting- a/s/l?

I’ll get a steak next time.

I pay $20 a week for my laundry to be collected, cleaned and home delivered again. There’s upsides to living in the hive.

I want to go to there!

Attached: Kjell-625x352.jpg (625x352, 36K)

Was Jennifer hot?

>meme flagger don't know how to cook food properly


Holy shit man I thought that was Canadian money, even with organics you can get a better price. I also wonder, wtf part of a chicken is a "tender", the amount of extra meat handling negates all the free range antibiotic free crap.



>40 oz Bud for $2

Not bad price but... why?


again why?


Was she hot? Nevermind, I'll grab the security footage.

Attached: poolside.png (769x960, 924K)

shill spotted

>inb4 schizo calls me a kike using buzzwords


38/m/long island
I can be there in like 30 minutes

These are Alaska prices. Just so everyone knows, everything costs 500% more in Canada because they have to fly in groceries from the mainland.

Go to the food town and I’ll see you there big guy

literally what?

tender loin


All that a man's body ever needed.

Just get a chicken breast and cut it into tenders, save yourself a dollar or two.

Exactly. Btw are these Canada tier prices?

Attached: 20190119_154544.jpg (4032x2268, 3.54M)

>buying 2 bud lights
>buying bud lights
>buying them for $2 each



organic is a sham. there is no such thing as "organic produce" or "organic meat" outside of the doctrine in chemistry that organic compounds contain carbon bonds.

for example, cyanide and strychnine are both 100% organic, so they must be good for you. you should buy products that contain cyanide and strychnine. don't forget that both cyanide and strychnine were produced in nature long before humans discovered them, so if derived from natural sources, they are natural.

I should start a company that sells 100% organic, 100% natural strychnine and cyanide.

I'd make a killing.

They’re 24 ouncers and I bought them to fit in with the working man

I agree but it typically indicates a family run farm located within 1-3 states.

I buy most of the greens at a farmers market.