Warszawa here, why is Warszawa such a faggot shithole? I hear LGBTQ used now in public, despite Q not being part of the polish alphabet. most young people are raging liberal faggots, I came back a year ago from the West, and I can barely understand warsawniggers when they talk, Ukrainians have injected their fucked up pronounciation (why the FUCK are there so many Ukr*ps in Warszawa btw?) and people are lazy when it comes to words, they don't even pronounce ę at the end of words like niggers
they also use fucking retarded words like 'paragon' for receipt and 'reklamówka' for a shopping bag (which means of the advertisement????). also now I see gratis everywhere, nobody uses za darmo anymore, fucking warsaw niggers
I see shitskins everywhere and everyone is crying about adamowicz being JUSTified, and Uber Eats shitskins mowing down babushkas on the side walk because they don't realize there is a fucking bicycle lane
>pic related, it's the chuj aka stalins dick, now lit up in faggot colours