Fuck Warszawa

Warszawa here, why is Warszawa such a faggot shithole? I hear LGBTQ used now in public, despite Q not being part of the polish alphabet. most young people are raging liberal faggots, I came back a year ago from the West, and I can barely understand warsawniggers when they talk, Ukrainians have injected their fucked up pronounciation (why the FUCK are there so many Ukr*ps in Warszawa btw?) and people are lazy when it comes to words, they don't even pronounce ę at the end of words like niggers

they also use fucking retarded words like 'paragon' for receipt and 'reklamówka' for a shopping bag (which means of the advertisement????). also now I see gratis everywhere, nobody uses za darmo anymore, fucking warsaw niggers

I see shitskins everywhere and everyone is crying about adamowicz being JUSTified, and Uber Eats shitskins mowing down babushkas on the side walk because they don't realize there is a fucking bicycle lane

>pic related, it's the chuj aka stalins dick, now lit up in faggot colours

Attached: chuj lgbtq+ stalina.jpg (194x259, 10K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Give polish gf

Come to Warszawa and talk about refugees, you will have your cock sucked midsentence, but only if you're a foreigner

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Hey man relax. Poland is one of the least cucked country in Europe right? Why dont you move to a different city? All big citys are degenerate, no matter where you are.

all capital cities are bad, which is why you shouldn't support capital cities

At least don't pay taxes there, don't live there, don't buy stuff there

>least cucked country in Europe
The government is giving away jobs to Ukrainoids who aren't even citizens, they guarantee them retirement fund even though they aren't citizens, the two most popular parties are literally jewish.
Most Polish people aren't cucked, but the country and the government are jewed.

I spend half my time in Budapeszt, people are much friendlier and way less shitskins, lots of European tourists but at least Fidesz isn't importing 200K+ shitskins a year like PiS is

Also I keep my money offshore, I just go to ATM to pay for living expenses

Get the fuck out from Warsaw
LGBT caliphate needs big corporations to survive.

nah, its very catholic, its quite cucked

Dude, Hungary is a porn capital and has abortion on demand...

Do they even pay into ZUS? I thought most are paid cash under the table

Butthurt janusz complaining whilst working in the UK

Nope. Most of them aren't even properly registered, don't even pay income tax.
nope, studying

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Up to 3 months and it's hard to get, you can always get a gypsy coat-hanger surgeon to help you though

Meh, Warszawa is worse, all the women are liberal turbokurwas to the max, most girls and people I meet in Budapeszt are conservative and against shitskins

>t faggot from Piździszew
Hang yourself kurwo pedale

Remember the deal, butthurt poles. Either you serve UKRAINIAN BVLLS or Mama Merkel (or who the hell rules Germany now) will flood you with ARAB, TURKISH or BLACK BVLLS

You paying yourself or using student finance

Btw, I'm a Brazilian in Poland.
White-god tier cuz my family were immigrants from Europe

Here in Krakow, they don't have too many shitskins (thankfully). But two niggas joined my gym and I'm getting really upset about it.

I'm starting to support Ruch Narodowy.

Ps; I do think PiS will betray you all, and if you try to change the support, PO will eventually get the power then they will fuck anally all Poland.

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okay taras bulba

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KYS faggot

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I'm a resident, so I don't pay for education up until uni, I'm in college right now. Thought about getting citizenship, but HMS Britannia seems to be sinking faster than anticipated.

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>just run away bro
Yeah that will fix the problem

Amount of faggotry itt is astounding.

How come you even breathe you fucking retards?

If you can’t manage in Poland you wouldn’t manage anywhere. Yes. You are loosers like every single wykopek kurwa. The only thing you’re able to do is spew shit here. In circlejerk around your kind. Jeeezus. Powieście sie lamusy

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Congratulations, you've just described the biggest problem
>vote for PiS, they suck church dick and keep being cucks about a lot of issues
>don't vote for PiS, leftists win and gloat about it for the next 4 years
at least they made some sort of a deal with Salvini, I'll wait for what comes out of it before the EU elections

>cucked sven-wannabe spewing shit

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PiS is run by kikes man, they are traitors same as PO and any big party.

The Kike Mayor of Warszawa who tried to ban the independence march (WTF) has made the rainbow a hologram now and positioned GROM snipers to kill any vandals on sight


Attached: faggot rainbow warszawa.png (764x682, 704K)

> being this short sighted
No wonder you’re a fucktard

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Stay mad faggot or how about you turn that anger into something useful? Go stab up a nigger or blow up their squatter camp.

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That city I will forever have a fond memory of. Tinder over there is pussy paradise compared to Stockholm. God fucking damn...

That's exactly my hope here in Poland.
I am supporting PiS tho (Dominik Tarczyński) and I like the Kaczynski speeches... With the upcoming European Elections incoming, I expect Salvini+Orban+PiS to make something greater in East against West.

What is making me confused is WHY Orban still allied with EPP?

OP you should calm down and counter-react these idiots crying about Adamowicz. He was so pro-Germany. So basically Germans are trying to take Gdansk AGAIN...

I've fought the Feminist State in Brazil for 16 years. Eventually, they will fail. Do not give up, use boomer memes if you need.

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>this retarded faggot
How’s that shitter cleaning job doing for you eh Sebuś? Mamusia is proud of you? She stopped sucking dicks thanks to you? Such a good boi

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A subtle reality is that Poles have a major inferiority complex with the west, westerners, and western culture. Its some kind of Soviet holdover.
What this means practically is that, contrary to Jow Forums memes, Poland gladly accepts all this degenerate cultural garbage as part of that complex, and eats it up - afterall, they dont want to be seen to be backwards of the rich and successful western nations!

Dont get me wrong, there are good things about Poland and the Polish people (as with any country), but for the most part "based Poland" is nothing but a Jow Forums meme

No, it's not "East against West" man, it's Europe against them. It is Europe against Israel, USA and Russia. Those big parties are all in central bankers' pockets; PiS, Fidesz and whatever party Salvini represents. They're all jewed.

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Project more faggot, I'm not a wagie like you, just rolling in neetbucks from auntie May. Don't forget to keep those toilets pristine for your boss though.

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You just never been abroad to have proper comparison
Wiec skoncz pierdolic

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Salvini Lega is rising up quickly.

But you know... Even Putin was kissing the facken jew wall. In times like these, there's a powerful saying "Friends close, enemies closer"

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i can buy you and everything you and your family and it will still be enough for at least a rolls royce
Meanwhile you’re just a useless internet fag and a neet.

You are not wrong, but here this is different. You are either their puppet or an enemy and if you are their puppet you're one for life. So I won't trust any bastard who I see in a mitska kissing that bloody pile of rocks. Yes, Putin is their ally same as Trump and the rest of the elite.

Don't forget we're both browsing this shitty website, if you were any better than me we'd never meet here LARPer.

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Rather, im a Pole that lived in the UK for over a decade, and returned here. You might not agree with me, but thats fine.

Ill add; as a flipside to the Polish inferiority complex with the west, I cannot stand the Polish superiority complex with Ukrainians. Its so pathetic to see Poles laud over their tiny, impotent power over these people instead of seeing them for what they - poor, but good hardworking people. I get it, the Polish have been fucked in the ass by everyone for the last century - but the solution is not to take out your frustration at the first opportunity you see.

The alcoholics doing shady stuff on the streets? No sympathy, beat them all day and all night with nightsticks. But most of them are hardworking good people.

Lol, why do you expect a capital city to not be anything other than a complete shithole? All capital cities are multicultural shitholes, that’s kind of the point, they’re supposed to be an international hub. People talk a lot of shit about Sweden, but it’s really just the big cities like Stockholm, Malmö, etc that are garbage; small towns and the countryside are fine.

What the fuck are you doing in Sweden? You must be a fucking cuck who sucks Arab cock

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the fag lights make it look kinda aesthetic™. retrofag colors

The biggest redpill about Poland is that the people who "rebelled" against commies and soviets weren't really trying to get freedom, but rather a new master who was more benevolent and most important, way richer than the old one. Just like they pleased their old master by praising communism back then, now they praise liberalism and want to be accepted by them. They react to any sort of disapproval from their masters like a dog does when it knows it did something wrong. Bringing up the idea that we shouldn't think about tying our future to the EU forever since it's future is uncertain is for them a treason since the idea that there should be no masters above them is completely foreign to them.

I completely understand why did Moses have to go through the desert for 40 years to remove the slaves from the nation, you can't just make people remove their slave mentality.

Very well put


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Why do most violent child rapes happen in the Swedish villages by rapefugees? It's always a few dozen rapefugees that get put in some random villages then they form a childrape gang and the authorities do media blackouts

I remember once on some island they cut the internet so people couldn't track down some muslim rapefugees of peace

Bump. Interesting hearing the perspective of a Pole.

>they also use fucking retarded words like 'paragon' for receipt and 'reklamówka' for a shopping bag (which means of the advertisement????). also now I see gratis everywhere, nobody uses za darmo anymore, fucking warsaw niggers

Born and raised in Canada to Polish parents.
receipt - rachunek
reklamówka was always a shopping bag - this isn't new to me
Gratis - I had no idea what this meant when i went to Poland 10 years ago, it had to be explained to me.

On a side note, when I visited 10 years ago I used asked to go to the park, I said "do parku" instead of "bojisko", nobody understood what i meant. 3 years later I asked to go to the "bojisko" and everyone looked at me like I was stupid and a called it "parka" Weird.

Now receipt is "paragon", like the a transformer meme

Reklamówka I'd never heard of until last year

Gratis - I knew what it meant, gratuit in French as I'm fluent in a few languages, but I didn't get why the fuck Warsaw niggers were trying to LARP as French all of a sudden

It's probably because of television and internet and english words being injected all the time. Oh what the fuck is lub? Everyone in my family uses albo, now I see lub everywhere, and after western jewish programming whenever I hear lub I think lube as in buy some lube goyim

Also there is a SHITTON of kikes in Warszawa, I don't get where this fucking there's only 30K jews in Poland meme comes from, but I see kike names ALL THE TIME EVERYWHERE, I'm talking like Lebensztejn

Burn it all down.

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How do you tell that they are jews? Special clothing or just by their faces? In New York City, a lot of Jews have the beards, hairstyle, and hats on expressly to prevent blacks from assaulting them.

Reklamówka is especially retarded, you don't know how many times when I first came back I was asked if I wanted a reklamówka from the cashier, I thought it meant to be added to their spam list, I was like fuck no

Then I'd pay for my shit, and go can I get my bag in polish (siatka), and they'd fucking chimp out going wtf I asked you said no, I'd go I don't want any fucking spam I want a shopping bag you retard, most of the time it was a ukr*p chimping out

Also paragon. First time I took a taxi, it was late after clubbing, the taxi driver kept asking me if I want 'paragon'. It sounded like some exotic designer drug, I was like no I don't want any fucking paragon, and he kept asking me, I was like no I'm going to bed. Then as I was getting out with a friend I'm like give me the bill (rachunek) and the ukr*p starts chimping out as if I was trolling him, fucking ended up macing me in the eyes like a ukr*p, ended up punching him and cracking his head through the window side door

I remember paragon used for my whole life, maybe it was rachunek during my childhood but the change wasn't noticeable.
Reklamówka always meant the big shopping bag that has the name of the store printed on the sides, hence the name. Small plastic bags are usually called "zrywka" from them being torn away from the roll.
And remember that there are still a lot of local dialects in polish. In my hometown "jo" is used permanently instead of "yes", and small sidestreets that appear in the city centers between the bigger ones are called "gasa" from the german gasse. Such local names are brought to different places when people migrate within country and are sometimes absorbed by the locals if the name sticks.

>It's probably because of television and internet and english words being injected all the time
foreign words = high status. again this points to the inferiority complex

>Oh what the fuck is lub? Everyone in my family uses albo, now I see lub everywhere, and after western jewish programming whenever I hear lub I think lube as in buy some lube goyim
I've heard this in Polish media and it's weird. Another thing which got me after watching a Polish TV show was them saying 'Lekko" instead of "Letko" I did some research and apparently "Letko" is hick-speak while "Lekko" is proper but fuck me if I'll change because some warsaw faggot wrote so in a book.

>Also there is a SHITTON of kikes in Warszawa, I don't get where this fucking there's only 30K jews in Poland meme comes from, but I see kike names ALL THE TIME EVERYWHERE, I'm talking like Lebensztejn

Here's a secret, the Polish gov is letting jew reclaim their citizenship very easy. I know a women who works for a Jew. This jew's mother was a child during the holocaust, needless to say she doesn't have any polish papers to verify her identity. This lady managed to get the jew a polish passport in a very short amount of time, like 3-6 months. This guy has no polish paperwork, neither does his mother. Meanwhile I have an expired Polish passport and i need to provide info back to my great-grandparents in order to get my passport re-issued.

Poland is being re-colonized by the jews.

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>I hear LGBTQ used now in public, despite Q not being part of the polish alphabet.
this is the funniest shit i could have possibly read today. thank you.

They have Polonized Jewish names, like Lebensztejn (Lebenstein), or other names like Siracki (of Syria), Iracki (of Iraq) etc.

There's also tons of crypto jews, a lot. If you were here in Warszawa and saw the names, you'd be shocked. Like half of the court judges are part Jewish, etc.

Don't get me started on (((Jonny Daniels))).

> Meanwhile I have an expired Polish passport and i need to provide info back to my great-grandparents in order to get my passport re-issued

Probably because you were born abroad, I was born in Poland and never had an issue getting a passport. Do you have a PESEL?

>I've heard this in Polish media and it's weird. Another thing which got me after watching a Polish TV show was them saying 'Lekko" instead of "Letko" I did some research and apparently "Letko" is hick-speak while "Lekko" is proper but fuck me if I'll change because some warsaw faggot wrote so in a book.

wtf same for me. I've never heard of "lekko" before, only letko. I've had some intelligent poles tell me I speak ancient Polish I'm like wtf. Do you pronounce the last ę in a word, ie. dziękuję? In Warsaw nobody pronounces it. Kartę is pronounced karte.

>foreign words = high status. again this points to the inferiority complex
Appears so. Which is kind of hilarious when you speak fluent English to begin with, yet speak Polish from centuries ago. BTW when I go to my village they all speak the same, outside of Warszawa, but when I go talk to anyone downtown they all speak like dumb niggers. Most Warszawians are fucking retarded btw

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Have they put up any pro family images yet or just buttfucking fetish ones?

I have one on my phone I snapped a while ago, let me find it

Poland is a country that moved straight from developing to decadent without the prosperity phase

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>Probably because you were born abroad, I was born in Poland and never had an issue getting a passport. Do you have a PESEL?
I don't know what PESEL is. The issue is I essentially need a new citizenship.
>I've had some intelligent poles tell me I speak ancient Polish I'm like wtf.


>Do you pronounce the last ę in a word, ie. dziękuję? In Warsaw nobody pronounces it. Kartę is pronounced karte.

Do they say dzięki? This shortening is also something I noticed. I pronounce the full word.

>Appears so. Which is kind of hilarious when you speak fluent English to begin with, yet speak Polish from centuries ago
It's a strange world. Growing up there was English and Polish, all a sudden I noticed a ton of english words being used by people in poland. It never was cool to me, it just sounded out of place, much like seeing a black man in a polish city.

I can understand nearly everything except the odd technical word when somebody speaks to me in Polish, but I have a very hard time understanding Polish news. It's a combination of new vocabulary and the speed at which they speak.

I had a teacher from Romania and he reported the same thing with english words being used in place of native ones because they were perceived to be higher status.

I also know a guy from Iceland. He hasn't lived there in nearly 50 years and he also has a hard time understanding modern Icelandic, but has no issue understanding recordings from 50 years ago.

This was from a Warszawa bus stop ad.

Święta = Christmas holidays, (((they))) are trying to normalize race mixing.

I must also point out a huge proportion of bus ads are destroyed, ie. people come at night, bust the glass, rip the ad down, etc.

Attached: nigger bus ad.png (664x857, 1.08M)

>I don't know what PESEL is. The issue is I essentially need a new citizenship.

Yeah, they will want to verify your citizenship if you don't have a Polish birth certificate. This is normal

>Do they say dzięki
Yeah I always say this generally, some people look at me strange for some reason

>It's a strange world. Growing up there was English and Polish, all a sudden I noticed a ton of english words being used by people in poland. It never was cool to me, it just sounded out of place, much like seeing a black man in a polish city.

Yes, and not just English, but a lot of French words. For example, ekran = LCD, but now it's monitor pronounced with polish pronounciation

>I can understand nearly everything except the odd technical word when somebody speaks to me in Polish, but I have a very hard time understanding Polish news. It's a combination of new vocabulary and the speed at which they speak.

Polish news or a political paper always BTFOs me. The speed at which they speak is a big one, they speak turbo polish. Also they speak super formal Polish splattered with new words I never knew existed.

>I also know a guy from Iceland. He hasn't lived there in nearly 50 years and he also has a hard time understanding modern Icelandic, but has no issue understanding recordings from 50 years ago.

Yeah I basically learned Polish through my dad, who learned it from his parents and grandparents, which dates back 100+ years into the 1800s (my family tends to live long, ggrandpa lived to be 96 despite being wounded 10+ times in WW2).

Also Poles living abroad tend to speak their language as taught by their elders kosher, not influenced by Jewish media back home. Poles in Montreal, Poles in Greenpoint/NYC, Poles in Chicago, will speak better Polish than Warszawa niggers.

>Yeah I basically learned Polish through my dad, who learned it from his parents and grandparents

I did notice I like listening to my grandfather the most. His language is the clearest sounding and easiest to understand.

>Polish news or a political paper always BTFOs me. The speed at which they speak is a big one, they speak turbo polish. Also they speak super formal Polish splattered with new words I never knew existed.

Haha, glad to hear it's not just me

What's your prognosis for Poland long term? I'm considering moving to avoid the coming diversity wars, and because I can comfortably set-up a decent life there, but from what I'm seeing Poland is only 20 years behind the west in terms of the progressive sickness. I figure if I have to fight in a war, better to do it while I'm younger and face a better chance of making it through then pass the fighting to my kids.

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Here is the same as well my beautiful city, I will never allow those bastards to stain the little honor is left

Gib polish twink boys

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>I did notice I like listening to my grandfather the most. His language is the clearest sounding and easiest to understand.

Ironic. I understand my grandpa the best. My dad was, how shall we say, mouth washed by my mother?

>Haha, glad to hear it's not just me
This is what I hear all the time. There is actually a huge expat community in Warszawa, that speak Polish but are illiterate (we never went to school). Nobody will believe you when you claim you don't read or write Polish fluently despite speaking it natively, but that is life. Flipside is you can fuck any Polish chick if you speak unaccented English (as in US/CA not UK cuck). Which is very sad in itself, but in Warszawa you'll see how slutty they are.

>What's your prognosis for Poland long term?

Very good. Poland is doing much better than portrayed, if you're a low tier worker, you are actually treated better than in Canada. However, if you're educated, you live extremely well. You also know fluent English, which at minimum triples your salary.

We'll give you BPS


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I feel sorry for you Poland bro :(

Make sure you channel your rage into something productive, fighting back against the destruction of your culture.

Nie lubię RN tak bardzo ale teraz wydają się najlepszym wyborem

>Which is very sad
indeed, again with the inferiority complex

>Very good. Poland is doing much better than portrayed, if you're a low tier worker, you are actually treated better than in Canada. However, if you're educated, you live extremely well. You also know fluent English, which at minimum triples your salary.

I'm not a wagie. Self-employed. I'm looking to turn my maple-bucks into into land/a farm so I can LARP as a szlachtcic.

In reality I'm a tradesman so I can get by anywhere, and with the head-start my money will get me I know I'll be ok.

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based, give me a cute polish bf now!

Thank god I am a white male living in Russia. The least cucked developed country in the world.