Best President ever. Niggers, spics, chinks and poos BTFO. Leftists sucking nigger cock right now to cope.
Sebastian Ortiz
i wish ann coulter would stop making the shill's job so easy. i break my wrists and inflame my carpel tunnel for hours and hours fighting the good fight, and she comes in with her kikey buy my book hot take (apparently anything that isn't gassing every illegal in the country is amnesty) and now they've got a whole new talking point. just
>Does Jow Forums do anything these days other than accuse each other of being shills No
Brayden Smith
I've said before that in America unpasteurized products are often illegal outside of special importation right? Such absolute fucking horseshit. People were thrown in jail for selling the stuff.
That's why >SHUT UP ANN became a meme in its own right. Everyone who's been around long enough knows her own interest extends as far as her own checkbook.
Ann just wants to sell books. Just like Drudge just wants clicks.
Cooper Hall
But it's not Not True Socialism(TM), folks.
Asher Gray
He is?
I did hear he’s bad on guns though
Zachary Davis
Ann Coulter's time is done, her star is fading, and those of Lauren Southern and Tomi Lahern or whatever are rising. No less coal-burners are they, but at least they have viable wombs.
Trump offered a VERY fair deal. Democrats look insane and unreasonable for not taking it.
Jayden Powell
So constitutions isn't as important as immigration? we're talking about a guy who openly talks about gun confiscation and red flag laws. Trump's gonna lose a shitton of support with this guy
Nathan Scott
Ah yes, the American mutt in you reveals itself. Egalitarianism was a mistake.
Breaking news: Trump signs EO banning everything. Nuclear boots on the ground in 30.
Angel Reyes
> In 2010, the Archbishop of New Orleans ruled that for purposes of Catholic church discipline in relation to abstention from meat, the flesh of the alligator is characterised as fish. Based and swamppilled.
Bro, it's a fair deal. No way was he ever gonna throw DACA out. It makes sense to use them as a bargaining chip.
Elijah Jenkins
>I'm afraid of boob-related products, especially if daddy state doesn't approve of the methods of delivery The absolute state of some homos here
Basically a farmer will sell to lots of people under the table because fuck government beancounters telling people to boil away the flavor but you can't have a dairy making unpasteurized products on a big scale usually because it's considered unsafe, but it's not unsafe to import plenty. Dumbasses.
It's not only tastier, it is more nutritious. I would love to be able to raise kids eating hearty roots, beef, and unprocessed dairy but it's damn illegal.
No, fucking skeletor already declined five minutes before the speech even began. She shot her own party in the foot, Trump now has more justification to declare a state of emergency and build the wall unilaterally, and the Dems are also basically taking the credit for the shutdown and DACA people running out of protection.
Hillary and Bill Clinton cost him his job in 1992, and Barr has since advocated for prosecuting Hillary for her manifest crimes. You fags wanted a LOCK HER UP guy as AG, you're getting one.
You're fucking retarded. >skin and nipples are the same color Please go be shitskin elsewhere.
Lucas Watson
I dont know why but i've always had a fascination for selectively breeding certain insects and animals (and trying different diets on them) gators is one the animals i like to play with