*sips tea*
*sips tea*
>countries that border mexico are safer than ones that don't
Wow, I didn't realize that Guatemala was a far safer place than Canada. Surely this is supported by facts.
>native born AFRICAN Americans
>no black cities on the border
>there are 5 billion more people in the world now
100% of illegal immigrants are committing a felony by being here illegally. *sips monster©*
Oh sweatie...
hey look it's fake news
Jesus Christ. Such blatant lies. This country is so fucked.
>Legal immigrants and h1b visa holders commit few crimes
>let’s just ignore the cartels and ms13 and the economic impact of illegals on labor markets
Fact sheet:
>immigrants are better than you
>you’re dumb and uneducated
>you’re racist af
Have a nice day!
Spics in general commit more crimes than whites. Illegal immigrants are all criminals.
Anyone that types *sips tea* should be fucking shot.
This fact is made all the more impressive by the fact that many of them are listed as white upon being arrested.
>>Facts from Bizzaro world
Fucking saged
100% of illegal immigrants are breaking the law though
if you want social security, you need a border. if you want open borders, you need to abolish welfare. it's that easy.
Nice sources, Senator
Look willing conflation of immigrants legal v illegal, outright lies, and posturing
why do you hate immigrants? you realize that your country ONLY exists because of immigrants right???, they're just as important to american progress as the constitution
and those statistics include the anchor babies that have committed crimes?
100% of illegals commit a crime.
>sips tea with my balls in your face
America is not a nation of immigrants you dolt; it is a nation of settlers and conquerors.
1: wrong
2: nogs don't live in border counties, only cities
3: retarded non-point
Are we going by the broad-as-fuck definition of immigrant that the left uses, as in people who move locations? Then America would have been founded by immigrants. In reality it was created by settlers, conquerors, and traders
>Immigrants commit crimes at a far lower rate than native born Americans
Native born Americans includes 2nd generation immigrants and beyond so that does absolutely nothing to dispel that claim
>tard thinks he has a point
Illegal aliens already are committing a felony by being in the Unite States
>countries that border mexico are safer
Guatemala is fucking terrible.
>open borders 100 years ago
This is a blatant lie, and if he meant more like when the nation was founded that's even more bullshit. Anywhere that has an open border policy does not have borders at all and is no longer a nation.
Yes it includes them in the "native born American" category which is why such statements are highly disingenuous
For some reason that’s so regarded it made me smile.
Someone said something on Twitter. Respond
100+ years ago the various european ethnicities were at each other's throats and it was an extremely delicate process to assimilate them all into a pan european american culture, so now he argues for a more reckless version of that with a people are don't share a reigional/cultual/religious history, while at the same time in the name of progressive tolerance making nearly no demands that those people assimilate
oh snap
>immigrants commit crimes at a lower rate
Not the illegal ones
>counties that border Mexico are safer
What is the ratio of law enforcement to civilians? Police + feds + border = lots of law enforcement
>we don't have open borders, but we used to 100 years ago
Why are dems such faggots?
It says counties, you illiterate nigger.
Have a great day!
This just shows a breakdown of all crimes convicted per 100k people of any demographic. NOT crimes committed as a percentage by each demographic within a population. Therefore the “rate” of crime per demographic isn’t shown at all.
1. Illegal immigrants ≠ immigrants. False category switch.
2. Not if you take out niggers.
3. And now you see what happens when you allow people of a different race to flood into your country. One group eventually wins.
Go kill yourself.
illegal immigrants commit a crime by just being here.
As to no. 3- there is like two studies that don’t properly differentiate “immigrants” based on place of origin or legal status. Not sure how much of the information they have comes from law enforcement and federal bureau of investigation statistics, but regardless, the sanctuary state/cities do not keep records that are available for these types of studies so the claim is based on incomplete and likely incorrect information anyways.
1 post by this id
and AR-15s cause less deaths every year than Illegals in the USA
every one of these blue check faggots when they go crying about good and bad people, they recoil from it like a jew getting audit paperwork.
>full retard
The US Immigration Policy began IMMEDIATELY after the Confederates surrendered to the Union.
The Chinese Exclusion act was passed in 1882.
For fucks sake if you're going to talk my countries history at least know it.
>sips tea
Can you fuck off back to tumblr
>counties that are on the border
Probably because nobody fucking lives there period. What a misleading statement
oh wow, democrats want to analyze the demographics and geographics of who's actually committing crimes in the US
careful now, wouldn't want to sound racist
Odd. I thought Juarez was often referred to as the murder capital of the world.
>counties that border the more prosperous/tourist filled north mexico are safer than those counties that democrats have been filling with minorities in order to multi culti the entire country
thanks libs
100 years ago we had extremely tight quota based immigration
22.5 thousand likes
I bet 100 years ago Mexicans stayed in their country rather than pouring in by the millions too.
>Native born Americans
This faggot should post the stats instead of of tiptoeing around the nigger problem
Is this an Oc or something?
this is an accurate meme
100 years ago everyone had open borders. It lead to two world wars.