What's your political ideology?

What's your political ideology?

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Whichever gets me this, obviously.

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Asberders 9000

Future cop like op

Traditionalist and Monarchist

Gas The Kikes
Race War Now

I think the world is gonna roll him, he ain’t the smartest tool in the shed

There isn't a name to describe it yet, but in time there will be.
One could only describe it using the political compass by means of adding an additional 4th dimension, namely the globalist-nationalist axis and then folding the resultant hypercompass several times along the various axes.

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Megatonist is a political, geopolitical and religion rolled into one a basic convergence of rational necessity based upon ultimate truth and preferable outcome.
Everyone will eventually arrive to this conclusion so there is no reason for propaganda or conversion.

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Freelance Anecdotalism

Status quo centrist / apolitical

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Social liberal and economic conservative.

Socially-conservative socialism

Whatever works and doesn't fall for the same tricks stupid humans repeated for thousands of years.

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Right wing populism

something like pic related

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Absolute Egotist

Humans are meant to service me, the God-Emperor. You will tremble before my presence and my enlightened rule will reach across the world.

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Transcendental multi-dimensional fourth path theorism. AMA.

Accelerationist. I want to kill as many white liberals, POC, and Jews as possible before retirement age but I want society to collapse first. Until then I just encourage people to vote Democrat and speed things up.

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NEETisim and Waifuism

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anarcho fascist.
truly the most based and redpilled.

I honestly don't know, I don't really have the experience or knowledge to know.

Less niggers

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I'm a libertarian communist
the most based + redpilled

>/iotbw/ in the streets
>1488 in the sheets

>you mean cucked and bluepilled, meme flaggit

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Ethno-nationalist, conservative, with a bit of libertarianism.

i dont know but i know not everyone should be able to vote. there needs to be an iq test or have a test on political promises at voting booths. im not gonna waste my time researching who im gonna vote on if some buck toothed nigger is gonna vote against me because he thinks that the politician has a good weave or whatever. both sides apply. voting due to memes is fucking retarded

Libertarian national socialist anarcho-primitivist fascism.



Well, on a good day, Sorelianism. On a bad day, Anarchism. Either way, Jews lose.

Consercucks are all whiny faggots and even more annoying than the left

progressive populist

not gay



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Italian fascism, that's a really wonderful thing