Why aren't you a catholic?

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The pope is a commie apostate and the church itself is has been preaching nothing but heresy since Vatican II.

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I don't believe the bible is true.

Has some good advice here and there, helped unify a lot of the wotld, inspired a lot of amazing art, and the catholics fund a lot of astronomical research too, so I got no hated for 'em.

bercause go fuck yourself nigger cuck bitchboy fucking cum guzzling faggot

I am though. Tempus Fugit, Memento Mori.

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cant read shit

cuz I read the bible & got suspicious, then read the Great Controversy & Desire of Ages, then read the bible 4 or 5 times, then did 2 hours of Bible study per day for several years

Heresy. DELETE.

My relatives in England were partially responsible for splitting the Church of England away from Catholicism. It wasn't good for either side, now both churches are lost and debased shells of what they should be.