
>chaos has always been the faith of the imperium
>Allowing your daughter to date a genestealer is fashionable and cool
>Just because chaos cults have been driven off 149,000 worlds doesn't mean you shouldn't accept them on yours
>Defending yourself is bigotry

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Ywn experience 1960's London

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not as comfy as 10 years earlier

>This is now just buskers and seemingly a billion Chinese

I knew the video before I clicked the link

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fucking same lad.
woke up 4pm Thursday, stayed up throughout the night then crashed at 7pm Friday. Woke up at 1am then crashed earlier at 2pm, woke at 7pm. Now I'm browsing fucking Brit/pol/ after I said I was quitting Jow Forums this year. Fucked it
feeing weirdly optimistic lately regardless. Went for a walk friday and saw this beautiful rainbow (it looked a lot better in real life)

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Your only hope is now to stay awake until tonight.

Fuck the '60s

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what happened to Britain?

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Invaded by an army far worse than you.
How is Argentina these days?

Going to be homeless in the next couple weeks. No kids so unlikely the council will help. No money to even put down a deposit on another place. Nobody I can stay with. Anyone got some advice?

America bankrupted us during WW2. Every other participant benefited from the marshal plan except Britain

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Go back to parents

>Ywn be this cool

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Live in your car? That seems traditional

dazza from wigan wanted a kebab

Can't. Not had any contact with them in a lot of years.

shit thanks to 70 years of pseudo socialism but maybe we can get rid of all this shit if Espert (a lolbertarian) wins this year elections

Buy a Kia

Wish I had a car to live in. I'm literally completely broke. Got barely any money in the bank (About £100)

>No kids so unlikely the council will help
ask them for help first, if the money problem is short term they might help you out if at genuine risk of homelessness

Only thing I have of any value is my PC and it'd probably only be worth a couple hundred £ used

Suck it up and call them. If it goes to shit then whatever, you won't call them again, but they might help.

before you wind up homeless realize you are not on a ball playing sports ball games....

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This user is right actually.

>Suck it up and call them. If it goes to shit then whatever, you won't call them again, but they might help.
Dad lives on another continent. Don't even know my mums phone number

I guess look for the nearest hostel, try find one that isn't full of junkies and convicts. Or maybe try talk to your parents

Wish I had a couple more months until the weather is nicer and I could go live in a tent

Do this. Also call citizens advice and look up homeless charities, red cross, etc who will be able to give you advice and help you not become homeless

sadly been there myself in the past and didnt realise the council could help until it was too late.
ended up broke and couldnt pay rent, was sleeping on a couple of friends couches for a few weeks until the time came for me to go to the council and tell them i was fucked.

they told me if id had gone to them while i still had a place they couldve helped me out but it was made pretty clear to me they arent a paydayloan firm and you need to provide plenty of evidence youre homeless, evidence that goes beyond just ticking boxes.
in the end i went into a homeless shelter with ex criminals and junkies for a few weeks but by that point i was sleeping rough for a week.

Oh. In that case you could try your luck with the council, but I recently binge-watched Can't Pay, We'll Take It Away and apparently as a single male you're basically on the lowest priority for them even if you are actually homeless, and because they're so overwhelmed they don't give a shit even about ethnics with large single-parent families until they've actually been made homeless, and not a second before that.

Try hitting up your dad for emergency money if you have to.

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what does google say about homelessness in your town?

>Try hitting up your dad for emergency money if you have to.
He has no money. Last I knew he was claiming disability payments in the usa

Ok lads. I'm in a new city and I need hobbies that aren't Vidya or drinking.
Suggest things please?
I already fence twice a week and am thinking more sports at the weekend

>Can't Pay, We'll Take It Away
Why are some many of you JF's watching this recently, is it because /tv/ keeps memeing it???

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Where are you and why are you homeless?

also from my experience with the junkies and criminals in a homeless shelter, theres actually tons ofhelp available if you agree not to break the law.
you have to somewhat play the game, dont try and prove how normal you are to them, they dont care if youre 'better' than junkies, youll need to tell them youre suicidal.

>Where are you and why are you homeless?
In a big city and because of rent arrears when my ESA got stopped

Hiking/orienteering, shooting, martial arts

Exactly, land a big fat shit on their desk that’s big enough that they have to sort it out

Some guy uploaded five seasons of it, complete, to YouTube a few weeks ago and they've been slow to remove it. Most comments are stuff like "interesting documentary about Pakistan" and so on.

>Most comments are stuff like "interesting documentary about Pakistan" and so on.

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If you're really desperate and somewhat degenerate you could squat in your flat and ignore the bailiffs for months while the eviction winds its way through the courts.

>Can't Pay, We'll Take It Away
So when the possession order was granted to my landlord, he was granted permission to use the high court bailiff's. If I end up on that show I swear to god I'll cut my throat right in front of the cameras

Best one I saw was a used car salesmen who was going to get a few cars taken away so he went into his office and forged all the documents on the fly to prove they weren’t his. He only got caught because the ink was still wet on one of the signatures

Not possible sadly. From what I've read, you can be arrested for obstruction if you refuse to leave when the bailiff arrives

I've been thinking boxing.
I shoot clays already but I'm renting at the moment so my guns are in storage.
Maybe a musical instrument?

Depends where you live. Also squat in the flat until you have something sorted out by talking to the council and various charities. Please call them tomorrow and if closed do it on Monday

Nice piccy lad

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>I've been thinking boxing
Muay thai would be better. Also maybe do Judo or wrestling

>Maybe a musical instrument?
Learning a language would be more useful

in the shelter i was in, i naturally buddied up with one of the other 'normal' homeless people who were just as mental as me (ie not violent, just a bit weird) and like me, his natural instincts were to always dress smart, be polite and pretend to everyone they arent homeless.

i learned quickly that gets you nowhere, he had an assessment interview after a couple of weeks to find out how he was and he treated it like a job interview, said how much better he was feeling and put a brave face on the situation, said he was keen to find a job. we knew they had supported accommodation that was free to stay in for a long time, he thought that theyd like him for trying his best over the smackheads, thinking they were landlords.
you have to remember that these peoples jobs rely on 'caring' for people, they want fuck ups, though not so fucked up that they have to do anything.
well within a week his first jobseekers payment was in and he was told to fuck off, ended up living in some shared house with 5 other people that was a slum, was skint until he found a job a few weeks later and took months to leave for another rented shithole.

meanwhile i went in and said i had no idea what i was going to do and that killing myself was better than going on, that i wasnt sure if me being left alone to pay bills would be safe as everything was hopeless and i might spend all my money as im going to die soon anyway.
within minutes i was offered a room in a shared house that had its own private shower cubical, free internet, furnished, no rent or bills and instantly onto some benefit that gave me £60 a week. i had to share a kitchen and go see the people for support every couple of weeks but after a few months of relaxing, i bullshitted my way into a job that was too good to turn down, paying 26k a year, meaning i could go live in a 1 bedroom flat somewhere else.

Been along to a few sessions at the local boxing club, just training so far. It's run by this tiny old guy with the strength of ten men, and I've never been worked harder in my life. It's good, though I'm pissing myself for when the actual sparring starts

Just curious but why Muay Thai over boxing?
Not a bad idea actually.

I have a letter from my GP to support my ESA appeal that basically says I'm fucked up mentally, but in nicer words. Maybe that'd help.

>why Muay Thai over boxing?
Elbows, knees, kicks and clinching as opposed to just punching. Much more realistic and useful

why did they stop your esa?

This is what my GP wrote for my ESA appeal. If I take this to the council do you think they'd give me a flat? Replaced my name and pronouns with X just for anonymity

>I am writing as X's GP to confirm the problems that X faces. X has considerable difficulties coping with change, coping with social situations and managing problems. X is easily overwhelmed and really finds it difficult to be around other people. X social anxiety is very high and X sense of self-esteem and resilience can at times be very low. X Has suicidal ideas often and is often consumed by anxiety and depressive symptoms which do not respond to antidepressants and which are linked to unresolved and a lot of deep psychological issues. X would like to be in a position to work but currently cannot master the resilience and coping strategies to hold down a regular job

Said I was fit for work

Can't wait for you absolute madlads to leave the globalist hell that is the EU.

Good luck on getting your freedom back, m8s

Race mixing
Legalization of homosexuality
Smartphones and the interbutt

I like British 60s aesthetic

>03:22 am bit peckish.
What shall I have?

Thanks user. I'll look into it.

Do you have health problems? Play on that if you do as it puts you at risk.

Yes lad bring this in. Also tell them you are willing to move to where ever there is a council flat in the country if they pay for transport

No worries lad. Fried egg sandwich

Going for a bowl of cereal and some whisky tea myself

Evening from the states britfrens
Who here /comfy/?

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Evening I'm more /sleepy/ than /comfy/ fren

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Fuck me I miss drinking. Six weeks now.

Ended up with a cheese sandwich and some biltong.
Still just under my calories for the day but on the plus side it'll knock me right out.

Hallo user. Where do you yanks go when it's nearly 4am and you can't sleep?

Neeting it up in the countryside

To bed, to bed

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Not him, but I've gone out on drives in the early morning sometimes.

Open roads, few cops... one of the few times I enjoy being an /o/tist.

What the fuck is this anyway? I've seen it on here before. Is it just yet another way for interthots to extort money from incels?

I just thought it was funny, a bloke with a Nazi flag watching asmr, pol has gotten everywhere. the song is from a very cheery video that's posted here often

I'm curious what would happen if the population were to give their unbiased views on a things. I think we would find this country a lot more to the right than our government believes

Depends if folk were asked anonymously or not

I work in sales, with the public, often get into long conversations about things and theres plenty who do no hold back when speaking privately. They arent as nuanced as most on here might be and a bit more spergy but theres a lot of hitler did nothing wrong types.
The most retarded group I've had to deal with are norvern labour boomers, one bloke was trying to explain to me how bregsit is thatchers fault just a week ago and has nothing to do with Blair or Brown.

We usually just have a wank and either try to sleep again or just stay up.
Personally I have issues getting to sleep so I take Melatonin

>theres a lot of hitler did nothing wrong types

Surely not. Defeating big baddie Hitler is a huge part of our national story. The war is one of the few things that makes literally everyone feel patriotic, even lefty types

I've heard it twice even recently, once when talking about the Churchill £5 note and the other when talking about Oil prices.
The oil prices guy is about as middle class as they come (genuinely middle class and not plastic deanobox class, upper management type whos a member of a 9,000 a year golf club and has homes abroad), unprompted said "life would be so much easier if Hitler had won, WE would have control of every drop of oil on earth".
The £5 note guy just gave it the usual anti-Churchill stuff, even boomer patriots accept the guy was a monster but see him as being necessary for the job. We were actually talking about WW1 when the conversation got anti-Churchill but he finished his piece by saying that us siding with Stalin over Hitler was a war crime.

Not everyone is ww2ist but almost everyone is racist, around here at least. All I have to do is mention Birmingham up the road and give that normal look, they all know and unload on the people.

Beg and don't blow the cash on drugs, buy an old van or cheap rundown sailboat. You can anchor and live free many places.

Even the Conservatives want no deal.

Wrong Copy Pasta


Maybe if our MPs weren't on their mobile phones all the time in select committees and in the houses of parliament and were actually concentrating on their work that they are paid for, things would be better :/

>always been the faith of the imperium

why do politicians always seem to forget that they are our servants?

Power corrupts everyone. It's an 'I'm alright Jack' closed door system.

Adopt cultural enrichment. Instant kids.
So it’s just a full on witch hunt now? Not even related to the original “drone”. Not one for conspiracy, but this is really starting to look like a coordinated excuse to legislate on drones. This is what authoritarianism looks like, hope it’s all you wished for.

They haven’t, that’s why they’ve all become a big grey blob of utilitarian mush. Stop blaming politicians for the failings of the electorate.

>Every other participant benefited from the marshal plan except Britain
>if only the us gave us money to spend on MORE immigrants!

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When genestealers show up to a new planet, they burrow tunnels down below the cities and mind control females of the planets population, forcing them into the tunnels to breed with. After a few generations they make creatures that look similar enough to the creatures that were on the surface of the planet.
Nobody would let their daughter date a genestealer.
They also have a hivemind (deep in the tunnels) it controls all the other creatures.

press F to pay respects lads

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