>1 year ago the dems offered 25 billion for wall in exchange for DACA and Trump rejected it
>now Trump is asking dems for 5 billion in exchange for DACA
so this is how a master deal maker looks like
>1 year ago the dems offered 25 billion for wall in exchange for DACA and Trump rejected it
>now Trump is asking dems for 5 billion in exchange for DACA
so this is how a master deal maker looks like
sdrowkcab taht evah uoY
Nice source, faggot.
kill yourself shill rat
Uh no, that never happened. Holy fuck you are stupid.
uh.. yes it did sweety
Source it then you tampon.
and guess what? He'll get as much as he wants for a wall, in exchange for absolutely nothing, because the dems refused to negotiate and he'll declare a national emergency. THAT is what a master deal maker looks like
Source or fuck off.
I have NEVER heard this even from the Commie News Network/Washington ''CIA'' Post/NYT/Nor even that dumpster fire known as "Buzzfeed".
Holy shit you tard. They didn't promise anything. Just an iou they could have welched on. Never trust a dem
Honestly, I do think it’s coming any day now.
I'm actually dubious about Trump's bussiness skills, however, remember that Hillary would have been the end to our civilization
It was in exchange for DACA and Dreamers with a path to citizenship. Do is why factchecking is important before running your mouth.
dems offered 2.5 billion a year for 10 years, with the intent to kill the payouts after taking control of the house
trump saw through it
One minute web search proved it OP is correct.
"Why Didn’t Trump Just Take the Border Wall Deal?"
The president wants to satisfy his base, but he wouldn’t take yes for an answer.
MARCH 28, 2018 4:57 PM
And all he had to do was accept a 10- to 14-year path to citizenship for children of undocumented immigrants brought to the United States at a young age.
That deal has been on the table for more than a month now: Trump gives Democrats a path to citizenship for 1.8 million Dreamers; Democrats give Trump his full $25 billion wall funding request.
The Trump administration balked at this clean trade when the Senate was negotiating immigration in February and again in the weeks before the omnibus.
The master dealer always wanted something more, be it sharp cuts to family-based immigration or enhanced interior enforcement.
Democrats were willing to blow money on Trump’s vanity project, handing him a political victory, but they were never going to secure Dreamers’ future by agreeing
to the sharpest tightening of legal immigration levels in decades or selling out other undocumented immigrants.
"Senate rejects DACA bill, $25 billion for wall"
Author: The Associated Press
Published: 3:59 PM EST February 15, 2018
Trump would offer 1.8 million Dreamers a 10- to 12-year process for gaining citizenship, provide $25 billion to build his coveted U.S.-Mexico border wall and restrict legal immigration.
Dreamers are immigrants brought to the U.S. illegally as children who risk deportation because they lack permanent authorization to stay in the U.S.
It's difficult to get a small business loan of only one million dollars multiply that into the wealth Trump has generated. He had something that I do not..she does have some sense of business acumen
Trump was not my first choice, I was a Cruz missile, but I would have gladly jump on that Trump train if I get to skip out on four years of Hillary
>Trump would offer 1.8 million Dreamers a 10- to 12-year process for gaining citizenship
plus all their relatives. CHAIN MIGRATION. i saw some numbers predicting 13-20 million immigrants out of this scenario
>provide $25 billion to build his coveted U.S.-Mexico border wall
over 10 years. would've been cancelled almost immediately. they pulled the same trick on reagan
lets not forget all the details
>1 year ago the dems offered 25 billion for wall in exchange for DACA
That is not a thing that ever happened.
6 threads with same exact NPC narrative.
gay and mods, do your job and stop these lame raids, they're taking up gigabits or something
What happens next week to the 800k furloughed Dem voters?
>That is not a thing that ever happened.
Don't forget that they'll impeach him regardless
>this is how a master deal maker looks like
this is how I know you're a filthy shitskin, memeflaggot, learn our language better before you try this shit
Because if you read the "deal" they offered, the money was not for a wall.
>Because if you read the "deal" they offered, the money was not for a wall.
...but for what?
read the fucking thread, shill
>read the fucking thread, shill
but 98% of the thread is retarded, nothing of value to read.
I and OP are only two sane posters here.
fake news
>fake news
NO !!!