Should homosexuality be punishable by death?
Should homosexuality be punishable by death?
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I'm thinking more of a gladiator island situation, where homosexuals are parachuted in and forced to fight each other to the death for our amusement.
Most ironic thing I've viewed on Jow Forums. I.. I think I need to leave.
No, not for a first offense. For that, 1 year minimum of forced conversion therapy, but not released until 'cured.'
Second offense: Banishment for 10 years.
Third offense: Permanent banishment.
If caught performing homesexual act in the jurisdiction while banishment is in effect, then death.
It already is, it's called AIDS
Seriously, if Trump offered the deal of the century bipartisan compromise of citizenship for DACAs in exchange for common sense fag reform that funds more high buildings and more judges for rooftop sentences, would that be an improvement from what we have now?
Homosexuality shouldn't be punished, the homosexual can still work and fight just fine.
What should be punished are public display of faggotry and promiscuity as both degenerate society.
Homosexuality breeds degeneracy that can and will affect those around the homosexual. Its like a cancer, if you can't cure it you cut it out and remove it so as not to let it damage the rest of the body.
This is not entirely correct, there is a difference between well behaved homosexuals and outright faggots.
One of them is that the well behaved homosexual is barely even noticeable, even to the trained eye.