Where do redheads really come from?
Dont say the British isles dont say central Europe where are they REALLY from?
Where do redheads really come from?
Dont say the British isles dont say central Europe where are they REALLY from?
Other urls found in this thread:
Same place as all caucasians, namely Iran/Afghanistan
The Hittites were said to have red hair, so like Turkey?
The true superior race.
>what is answer?
>don’t say answer!
>caucasians don't come from Caucasus Mountains.
no other race will ever be able to achieve such beauty
It is a curse from god upon the first faggot and his mother and all of their descendants.
the redhead gene was brought to europe in the neolithic from the middle east, specifically, northern Mesopotamia, anatolia and the levant.
They are demonic soul reapers who report to Satan himself. Everyone knows this.
>what is 1+1
what the fuck kind of schizo shit is this
>Same place as all caucasians, namely Iran/Afghanistan
You're retarded. You probably think that the term "Indo-Aryan," which is used to describe language families, has literally anything to do with white Europeans.
>from Caucasus Mountains.
The most recent evidence puts the first white people coming from the area that is now Belarus.
Why does everyone post this picture like it’s some supernatural phenomena?
Oh man, those redhead lolis are hot. I wonder if they have burning bushes yet. It would be so great cumming in them.
Red haired couple = incest.
IIRC, The British Isles has the redhead gene because of the Danish Vikings.
Both Tacitus and Caesar described the ancient Germanic peoples as having red hair, blue eyes and being unmixed with other peoples.
Antarctica with the blondes. From there went around the world, blessing the darker skinned races with civilization, technology and culture. Red headed mummies in china and egypt are proven.
my fucking dreams
well look at the replies rofl
he said "no british isles (ireland) and no central europe (ok?)
literally zero serious responses in this thread aside from a couple
>no responses
>except for some
what the fuck kind of schizo shit is this
Posts 1 & 2 aren’t
>the British isles
>Central Europe
Disappointed, Jow Forums
what's even happening in pic related?
Its a meme you dip.
Someone standing up in the Gravitron ride at a fair. Go outside you brainlet.
suddenly in the mood for gingerbread
one motherfucker did this at the fair in town. He leaned back too far and rippen through that canvas ceiling above him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's yard.
They still use the same machine, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.
...and to this day, his headless ghost can be seen flying though the town, and everybody clapped.
>Where do redheads really come from?
Ignored prayers.
Shit meme.
"burning bush"
Obvs kike is obvs. Go read your historical asswipe again, and continue to be clueless about things like relatively rare species of senna.
hell obviously
Well let's see what the Scots said about it in their Declaration of Independence.
"Most Holy Father and Lord, we know and from the chronicles and books of the ancients we find that among other famous nations our own, the Scots, has been graced with widespread renown. They (the Scots) journeyed from Greater Scythia (Greek borders) by way of the Tyrrhenian Sea (between greece and Italy) and the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar), and dwelt for a long course of time in Spain among the most savage tribes, but nowhere could they be subdued by any race, however barbarous. Thence they came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea, to their home in the west where they still live today. The Britons they first drove out, the Picts they utterly destroyed, and, even though very often assailed by the Norwegians, the Danes and the English, they took possession of that home with many victories and untold efforts; and, as the historians of old time bear witness, they have held it free of all bondage ever since. In their kingdom there have reigned one hundred and thirteen kings of their own royal stock, the line unbroken a single foreigner."
Scottish Declaration of Independence
6 April 1320
florida. windover bog area.
>no, stop with all the redpills!
females from heaven
males, probably some sort of hobgoblin
I've seen this exact same comment on that image here before. Same use of "rippen", and everything... wtf?
from the kish kingdom like other whites, mmm I think they are the sons of the explorers that leave before the last ice age
When a mommy and daddy ginger love each other very much...
welcome to the matrix
Is there a correlation with men having red hair and balding? It seems like most redheaded men I know are going bald. Women with red hair have some of the thickest hair I've seen though.
Holy shit really? That’s 2fuckinspoopy
Genetic mutation
No dude. That's actually the case. He didn't strap in or some shit, and got thrown out of it and got fucked up. They really did ductape the hole. Fucking google shit before you act like a reddit nigger
Argentina of course
I've never seen a redhaired male go bald. Normally we just end up with brown hair as we get older and then grey out.
>tfw in your late twenties your hair is now a dull brown instead of the bright red it once was but you're still a freckle colored abomination
Life is suffering
We had this thread 5 days ago, it was better then.
White Hittites is the answer, when their empire fell they fled into Europe.
from what i recall Western Russia had the most redheads, not the British isles
some Jow Forumstards had stats and a map on this
it's a mutation that's mostly spread by inbreeding
the weirdest thing about gingers is that they're anesthesia-resistant
Aaaw, shit:
Ancient Greeks and Romans were predominantly red haired.
female redheads are the pinnacle of beauty and sexuality, nothing else can compete, even the perfect aryan blondes aren't as hot as redhead girls
if the white race dies out, pale ginger girls will die out as well, nothing else makes me more sad about white genocide than this simple fact.
Google it, you dumb fucking Swede.
depends on how far back you go. short answer, literally everywhere but southeast asia, australia, and the americas. that goes for all europeans, given the migration routes over the last 70-110k years.
the dna line of venus.
Wales. End of, focus on memes, trump and banter.
Red hair comes from a mutation which is passed on through inbreeding.
Light skin, freckles, red hair, all picked up by NW european populations via interbreeding with neanderthals.
Possibly also why the epicentre for autism spectrum disorder traits is the same area, the intense introversion, etc coming from the cave squatting autards
>average family in Inverness lol
its a shitty discount meme
They came from Atlantis which they destroyed
Now they are destroying the Republic. And that's the way it should be
Copy pasta newfren
Hello Boomer welcome to the Internet copy pasta depository
When Herodotus was describing various tribes, he mentioned that all Scythians were redhead. Given Scythian lifestyle they didnt mix for a long long time. Only started when their dynasty ruled over Persia.
best answers from earlyer threads are Heaven and Atlantis.
Scathia came later
Wish I married a fellow redhead. Married a Latina. Feelsbadmang
mount ararat