>MAGA Kids
>one post threads with pictures of attractive women to bait responses
It’s all so tiresome Jow Forums, please end this cycle
Other urls found in this thread:
I personally blame /ptg/. It wasn't like this before 2016. Just look at the numbers. They invited r3ddit here.
I wish it was 2016 again. Good times
>proceeds to post another dumb frog thread
You have no right to complain about this cycle when you're helping to perpetrate it, stupid frogposter!
Friendly reminder it will all be forgotten within the week, the newest dank meme will come out and it will be like it never happened. Even Nancy and Trump know this. Its why they don't give a fuck and neither should you.
>twitter screen caps
>reddit screen caps
Are you kidding? This shit is great. I’ve never laughed so hard or been so entertained.
An actual civil war is the only answer to this mess
Trump BTFO is as tiresome as "HIGH ENERGY TRUMP WINNING XDDDD". It's all the fucking same. No one even tries to debate anymore. Jow Forums has stage 4 cancer.
There's been a silent civil war between Cirnoposters and stupid frogposters for the past 3 years.
Cirno has been owning Pepe at pretty much every battle.
There's nothing that can be done at this point. To save Jow Forums, we must kill Jow Forums.
I've never seen something so one-sided before.
Just relax since politics are such a clusterfuck nowadays.
I'm so tired of memeflags I swear!
this'll put some T back in your balls.
What kind of ideas for threads have you tried that didn't work?
this board is flooded with psyop after psyop, LARP after LARP now
kushners team, sheldons money
take the black pill and let the retards destroy everything as you rally like minded people that watching everything and when it's all falls or very close to falling your people spring to action.
just let Jow Forumsmageddon start already, at this point, the whole board needs a reboot.
I've made plenty of good threads with new material but it gets archived because faggot asswipe MGTOWs want to bitch about women and post pics of sandwiches
it's all good homie, sending you love
Jow Forums is mostly shit
>paranoids who think everyone who disagrees with them is a shill
>unironic natsocs who focus only on the good parts of natsoc and don't realize that there would be no Jow Forums or free speech at all under natsoc
>angry incels
>false-flaggers pretending to be libtards
>sometimes, rarely, intelligent discourse
You can't even block out internet drama bullshit anymore. Everyone talks about it. The only escape now is death.
It will be "2016" next year.
Or even later this year. The Democratic presidential debates start in June. It will be a fun second half of the year and last all the way till November 2020.
sure is. haven't been here for the past 6 months cos it was getting way too tiring, I get back and it's still the same 'sjws are bad', 'heil hitler' and 'build the wall', and yeah I agree sjws are bad and i would like to see the wall built and all and hitler is funny in an ironic context which we all know it is in, but man it doesn't do anyone good reading the same things over and over again.
Its only the begining .
If only there could be peace here in Jow Forums...
But then again, this IS Jow Forums...
OP btfo
Did you fucking expect to fight the good fight in a safe space? Fuck do you think you are? A commie discord channel?