Will all this polarization and anti-White hatred by the left lead to civil war in the USA? What will spark it? Already we’re seeing th left taking violence to the streets. Even Catholic teenagers from that DC “incident” are being doxxed. Is the Left hell bent on war?
Is Civil War 2.0 inevitable?
No. Zionist shills like OP Are trying to meme a civil war so that all the criminals don't get indicted and escape judgment.
Most on the right have civil war blueballs, but we're not rapists and waiting for the left to flop on the ground with their asses in the air, begging for it.
So Antifa Fags cracking skulls with bike locks are just Zionist shills trying to meme a civil war, amrite?
Yeah. The Alt Right and Antifa are 2 sides of teh same shekel you inbred kike.
It'll happen eventually, probably when times get a little tougher. It'll start on ethnic/religious terms then the government will get involved quickly (likely on the sides of minorities). Then it will spiral very quickly into a war between a government and it's people and once that happens, I imagine the right-wing oriented military will join the side of the people and all out war will sweep the world, governments will topple, untold millions will parish and everyone starts over again.
The Left is consumed with visceral hatred. Many of them are openly and publicly calling for violence. This photo is from today in DC.
The longer we delay the inevitable, the more empowered and protected our enemies become, until the day their success in killing us is assured.
The mistake the Western white man has is segregating "war" into some sort of special category. What is war? Just using violence to achieve dominance. What if using direct violence isn't the safest way to accomplish a goal? For example, a spy doesn't just charge in somewhere shooting. A propoganda department doesn't drop their cameras for rifles to go join the front lines. War isn't just something with clean lines that always involves starting at exactly this date and ending with exactly that declaration. It's all encompassing.
If you wanted to wage war on someone who had the means to wipe you out, and your available tools were finance, chutzpah, and media control, how would you do it? You wouldn't be a retard and start randomly shooting, would you?
You've had war since before you were born. You came out of the womb and into a battlefield you mistook for a nation, in a foxhole you mistook for a home.
A year ago i would have said there’s no way it’ll happen. Now I’m not so sure, I don’t think we’ll have full blown war but I think at some point in the next few years there will be large scale violence
>so that all the criminals don't get indicted and escape judgment.
Do people still actually believe in Q?
>Even Catholic teenagers from that DC “incident” are being doxxed.
do you have any proof of that, user?
>Do people still actually believe in Q?
what is there to believe?
Please Please Please
That Trump is still playing 80D chess and Mueller is going to indict Hillary Clinton and many others on the left.
its coming, and its been building up for quite a while, but the past few years have gotten really bad really quickly. Shit is going to boil over.
this book does a great job of explaining how and why its coming. I recommend everyone here read it if you haven't already.
do you live under a fucking rock? or did you miss the now pruned threads that the mods have disposed of
EBT will run out because of the shutdown and then the fun begins
You dont know how wars start . Let me redpill you . Civil war starts by 2 or 3 WEALTHY parties fighting for more shekels .Those faggots in the street are a bunch of plebs which cops will have fun fucking their faces up .
I missed the threads and I'm looking for some proof to use in an argument with zombie libtards who insist that the white school children did some egregious act by smiling, standing, and signing.
I want to put it in their face that the kids are being doxxed and I was hoping you would give me something I could use.
And If I did live under a rock it would still be better than having water on the brain like you, faggot.
I think they are desperate and grasping. IDM was filled with worst possible cancer tier leftists. Womens March, same. March for Life drew hundreds of thousands of nice middle class people. Left retorts by attacking a child... I think we are near the end. Press on and attack.
that's dumb.
There will be Balkanization in the United States, probably within our lifetimes. Unless we are capable of spreading our message rapidly, we will be looked upon the way normies look at the nazis or the confederates today.
Man Jews really did a number on these people. There really is no hope for a good 20% of the country. I used to think they were merely misguided, but I've soon realized that their disease is terminal.
as boner inducing as it would be to shoot leftists in the face no...the psychos among them are only about 10-20%
pretty soon the pathetic boomers will be gone and the shitty gen x'ers will be old..leaving a mass of easily controlled mutt faggots with gen y and z
And the North just hung all you treacherous Southern confederatefags after the war, we wouldnt be dealing with this shit today
Yes, read what Yuri Bezmenov said about demoralization
It's near impossible to save these people now
They seem to be doing that a lot lately
I was actually shocked (I shouldn't have been) at the left's reaction to those kids. I followed a thread where at least a dozen people said anyone wearing a MAGA hat should be killed. They justified by saying the kids were raised to be evil, and anyone older than five cannot unlearn how to be evil.
It is coming.
You assume, wrongly, that this war will be north vs. south.
Seriously. These country-fried-faggots have been mumbling bullshit about how "The South Will Rise Again" since their great great grandpa popped out of his sister's snatch in a tidal wave of grits and gravy. We're still waiting; they're still fucking pigs and playing banjo.
libtard please.
Why do you assume CW2 is going to be North v. South?
College educated whites, including women, went Trump... something the media and shills try to bury.
"Muh suburban retards" is a shill myth. Urban areas went Hillary ONLY due to their black and hispanic populations. The college educated vote demographics Hillary won was ONLY from blacks and hispanics. See pic related.
Hillary also only got 37% of the overall white vote.
We are basically at a point now where it's white people vs everyone else (immigrants, blacks, jews, radicals etc.)
Just look at the demographics vs counties won.
It's time for any of that 37% out there to wake the fuck up as to what is really going on.
Time is short.
The country can easily be saved if we do just those 3 things.
Watching Yuri is always such a bleak experience. All we have now is to watch and wait for the collapse. The useful idiots have already taken full control.
What I was saying was had the North just hung all the Southerners after the civil war we wouldnt be having these political issues today. Youre right though, today the lines would be so linear - South vs North.
You do realize a lot has changed sine 1861, right? North and South has nothing to do with today.
It'll be Urban vs. Rural.
Pelosi isn't a useful idiot she's in on the scam 100%
Add 9 zeros and you got her bank account balance that she earned legitimately with her government salary.
What you should do, is be prepared to kill as many of them as you can.
If you are not actively attempting to harm or inflict life altering injury on a progressive, or cause them to be ruined socially and economically by losing their jobs, then your day has been wasted
Lincoln wanted to ship all the blacks back to Africa. You have a very simplistic view of political history.
>What I was saying was had the North just hung all the Southerners after the civil war we wouldnt be having these political issues today.
Yes we would. Massive geography shifts cause massive cultural shifts. But then the North would have caused a massive international outcry for crimes against humanity for committing a genocide if they acted like you wanted them to, even back then in the 1860-70's. And suddenly, the North would have to fight off the British, French, and other powers of the time.
And they would have failed at accomplishing it, because what you are proposing was not logistically possible, meaning that you just created a Second Civil War, but this time the South has ALLIES.
Think before you spew shit out of your mouth.
We don't have the media protecting our asses if we do bad shit.
I agree with that. Pelosi knows exactly what she's doing, and old enough to know what the United States used to be. I'd say that the new round of Ocasio-Cortez and Rashida Tlaibs are the true useful idiot types now. Low IQ and fed a lifetime of propaganda by their masters. They are only capable of destruction.
Oh im well aware of that, and the only reason he freed slaves in the South was in hopes they would rise up and genocide white Southerners. Which they didnt....
we can only hope
Best part of a civil war 2 would be Israel left unguarded with our military busy at home.
If the Left has no problem doxxing kids and threatening them with violence, we are already passed the point of no return. This level of hatred cannot be reasoned with. The only natural outcome is war.
I don't foresee the US existing in 20 years
In the beginning, they actually sent escaped slaves BACK to their Confederate owners.
>I met God she's black
Ffs smite us now, Lord
When the civil war kicks off, I'm going after the beaner on hill. Living in complete reclusion in the mountains, and illegals still managed to infest here.
Best part of the civil war will be when democrats realise their dead voting demographic can't hold a rifle as well as they can vote
>liberal visceral hatred
As a white boomer, I’ve noticed a sea change in attitudes from non-whites, including asians, when out walking the dogs at various city parks. The friendly smiles of the past are often now replaced with looks of pure hatred.
I have had zero problems from azns ever even in the current year
I'm still trying to figure out the logistics. It seems like it would mostly be large scale unrest in cities with maybe California being the hot spot. Stopping all trucks and trains into the cities would be obvious.
I have no fucking clue what the military would do in this situation.
Sarcasm, am I rite?
The (((media))) is target number one.
It won't be a war it'll just be a couple of weeks of lefties getting their heads caved in. For it to be a war both side have to be competent.
>I have no fucking clue what the military would do in this situation.
Probably splinter.
I would trans end political parties, dummy. 45% of the voter base didn't even bother to vote in the last election. It would basically be muh white ethno staters white identitarians vs the majority of the nation tired of their shit
America will not be great again until it does have a civil war. Democracy is dead. There is only one form of government that can control the animals known as Americans, and it doesn't involve these beasts voting.
We need to organize some kind or world wide movement to get away from TellaVeeSion and start getting on the internet.
We must meme the final deathblow of T.V into existence. We need 24/7 daily threads every day and night to do this.
If we get enough anons doing this everyday we can slay the demon that is the msm
So you're in LA?
Deus vult soon brothers
>I would trans end political parties, dummy.
lol, u wot m8?
Just waiting on the Dawes Act.
You can post threads all day every day but the trick would be getting normies to read them
Depends on the type of Azn, and where you're at in my experience. The further removed from Asia, the worse they become. Most put on a face of friendliness in public, but don't doubt for one second that asians greatly resent white people, and will take joy in seeing us fall. (if we let that happen)
Whites don't really seem to realize how hated they are now. There are no allies.
>I would transcend
Still doesn't make sense, are you having a stroke?
God's not black, she's Canadian
I'm wondering if they would mostly stay out of it. No solider signed up to kill Americans. I could see the Navy and Air Force just shaking their heads no, and the Army guarding bases.
Liberals dream of Cletus getting droned, but I just can't see it, at least not early on.
Listen boomer, your generation fell asleep and wrecked the country so stay out of the way and we'll clean up the mess your generation made.
All the population centers in California have blue water ports. China, India, hell maybe even South Korea and Japan would probably support the commies / neoliberal establishment / lowest IQ side (however they'd rationalize it) and send them all the shit they need by sea.
No the normies don't need to read the threads the idea is that we spread our messages through various means onto social media and that's where the normies read about it.
The the real trick after that would be to get nomies who use the internet to go out irl and talk to other people to get away from T.V and onto the net.
Navy would probably stay together to keep foreigners out of it as much as possible.
Air Force would grind to a halt, no fuelers, maintainers, or atcs around.
Marines are the most right-wing branch and probably form the Right-wing's Officer and NCO core.
Army is huge. But most combat arms are right wing, and the special operations guys are even more universally right-wing than regular combat arms. However, everyone will have to be regular or motorized infantry due to logistics units fracturing... but more can be trained by the ones that are right wing.
Nice try, Shlomo.
that still involves getting them off the tv/msm.
what would be their motivation to stop being spoonfed?
you see the default propaganda mechanisms built into the easy to use operating systems and new devices, don't you?
You are a fucking idiot and possibly a nigger or a sand nigger Jew.
The civil war will launch after the crash of 2019
>muh identitarians vs everyone
This is a meme tier analysis of what a civil war would look like.
>muh left, muh right
You are playing into the jews hand
Our real enemy is not the left
Our real enemies are the jewish media, jewish banks, jewish schools, and the corrupted government.
Is it time for the silver legion to rise again?
That is why we need threads to brainstorm ideas how to take down the msm by means of world wide boycott of it. If we have daily msm boycott threads we'll think of a way somehow if Jow Forums really wants to do something it will do it.
You're forgetting about one group that always sides with the beaners, blacks, & jews. Ever wonder how Massachusetts got so blue on your map?
I've spent the last few hours reading leftist say kids and their families should be killed because over a fucking hat. A hat that shows support of the sitting President of the United States. They have moved beyond doxxing or punching. If this is a jew trick, it worked.
Maplefag here
I dont understand why the left in America(well every western nation as well) is so hellbent on sparking a war. They do know it will be a BTFO for them? With the exception of a few thug gangs wearing black (which can easily be dubbed like the SA dubbed commies in 1930s Germamy) their follow base are mostly beta cucks who could not even handle a gun, let alone know how to throw a proper fucking punch.
Tl;dr its the last breath of a dying ideology.
>civil war
over what?
and who is going to lay down their lives to start it?
These are two things I want to know from someone who thinks a civil war is going to happen anytime soon(with in 100 years).
looks like JF in a wig