New Netflix show BTFO's whitebois

we risin' up like the kings we are, u mad whitebois?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>gib free stuff oogbooaa

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eh. even with the satire it still wasn't funny. pass

>Black people
>btfoing anyone


Does anyone on Jow Forums actually pay Netflix for their propaganda?

Jewish businesses located in Jewish neighborhoods have no positive impact on far away black people

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Will things ever get good??

you feel the pendulum whitey?

I always pay Basedflix for quality original content

Who gives a shit about jewflix

>>...burned the down

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What are the consequences of all this white hate gonna be in the years to come

>litteraly slaves
>calls themself kangz and queens
Whatever helps you sleep at night

mass white suicide

I'm considering ending the subscription because of all the shitty anime they are trying to produce.

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No. I recently watched 'You' though. It was bad.


he will be dead inside of 10 years given his obesity
probably already has life-threatening conditions and is trying to send a message? only a nigger would have that kind of hubris

Jow Forums is full of hypocrites, losers, shitskins, and disgusting ugly fat fucks, I'd wager 80% of the board with an income has a (((netflix))) account.

Isn't that kid a redhead?
Telling a global superminority to stop talking while one of the global majority talks, how oppressive
When will leprechaun americans rise up and reclaim their potato-minority status??

The eradication of whites

Hilarious dude! I'm sure you've really bested them with your wit gained after all of these years on plebbit. They will certainly see the err of their ways and reconsider taking all of the political and cultural power away from the white man. Goodjob leaf.

>all the shitty anime they are trying to produce
I thought they just had that one Jaden Smith abortion from a couple years ago. Neo Tokyo or something like that.

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You mad white bois?

Your women hate you now that the media has told them white men are the nazi devils. Your kind will be erased forever within a single generation lmfao

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Why is this killer mike guy being promoted by Jews so much? They keep putting his music into hollywood shit too. Is he one of them black jews?

There's also Castlevanie and ID-0
ID-0 is just really bad


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That's why? Not the blacked shit? Not the pedo shit? Shitty anime?

lol whites are better killers. Keep all the fucking trash you want.

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But I do use a libcuck friend of mines netflix account.

>he doesn't know
They are pushing so much shit into anime recently. It's the next vector of attack. You thought your Japanese cartoons were safe?

>"against the system"
>has a Netflix show

I thought Amazon was doing the Castlevania one. Isn't it supposed to be halfway decent though? The other one I've never heard of until now.


>watches any (((movies))) or (((TV)))

The last anime I watched was Overlord back in 2012. Kinda glad I don't keep up with it much if it's going to shit.

in reality, there are only about 5 people that pay for netflix. everyone else just got the log in info

>Anything that doesn't help black people needs to be burned to the ground
Given that the only thing that has ever helped black people in all of human history has been white people and white societies, I'd say we safe.

>Put all the niggers in california
>Build a wall
>No niggers everywhere else
>Rest of the country produces trillions of surplus each year, not only does it all go to cali to feed the niggers but the US also has to borrow trillions more because all the surplus isn't enough

fucking shit just end it all already

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And then where will you get free stuff?

The Saxon will come to hate

Does anyone know what Force Multipliers are? They have already been triggered in multiple ways.

fuck goyflicks

Nig nogs falling for a jewish meme yet again. Its like 90 rap era, all over again. Will they ever learn?

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Quick run down pls

lmao why are niggers so entitled?

Might be amazon, I keep forgetting that streaming services are starting to get split like cable TV packages, thus lowering their value as you still need multiple services to get every show (plus probably having cable networks as part of a package deal from providers)

You’re clearly not familiar with which states actually add and take from the federal government coffers

Friendly reminder they've been doing this for actual centuries
Not much has changed
Things only happen when whites get involved.

At this point i'm rooting for the chinks to take over the planet and enslave all of africa ruthlessly, they won't and don't fall so easily to this race baiting shit

The Zoomers Revenge: Fourth Reich Edition

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Ever ask yourselves why were not on the moon and mars right now?

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he says "burn the fuck down, now" but the youtube auto caption censors swears i guess

>South Africa
>San Francisco
>Los Angeles
>half of Minnesota
>Sub Saharan Africa too be honest
Wow they really create culture and development everywhere they go.
Amazing and powerful

>Member when he used to shill for (((bernie))) I memeber
He seems to have a lot of kikes friends, maybe thats how he got this series

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and they need a white man to design a symbol...

What's the name of the show?

Nigger Warning with Killer Mike

"Nigger Killer", do they do this on purpose? are the powers that be trying to destroy the left'

What does he want to start with - welfare or illegal immigration?

>nigger being a nigger
>gimme sumthin even if it aint real at least my black peoples can pretend
niggers are the lowest form of life on earth

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>Fat Niggerman show where he scolds little ginger kid for raising his hand

Fuck off, OP.

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I had to watch it, because I like to see just how (((they))) work. It's so comically bad, I couldn't even tell if it was satire. I still am not really sure.
Like, he has these "ideas for change" and tries to implement them, but they're so stupid and poorly thought out, that to anyone with half a brain, he's just working against his own points the whole time. I couldn't watch the "New Jesus" one though. 2blaspheme4me.
He's a Bernie Sanders socialist who's in a popular rap duo with a jew (but of course people think he's "white"). He originally got famous by being featured on some Outkast songs back in the day.

Damn look at the one on the far right with the camo. Tell me that doesn't look like an ape.

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Just wait, whites can hate quite a lot before they do anything, niggers, on the other hand, reach breaking point incredibly easy
Once enough whites hate blacks at Hiroshima level, and there's a breaking point event (Yellow vests yada yada), people will make the roof Koreans look like a fucking joke.

I'm saying if all the niggers were moved into, say, niggeropolous (nigopolous), that state would never be seen as contributing anything to the country, and would only suck down billions yearly.
It's be every other state in the country as a net gain to the economy, all being spent in nigopolous


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It's hard to trigger someone who doesn't watch corporate propaganda.

This literally has no effect on someone like me because I'm completely unplugged.

Its funny how the only place black people are overwhemingly sucessful, smart and aren't criminals is in fiction. What's funnier is how black people think it makes it so.

>Ever ask yourselves why were not on the moon and mars right now?

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I ended my subscription 2mos ago and never looked back

dont forget Toronto eh

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It actually looks pretty interesting. White men really have nothing to complain about regarding these types of shows...White people have trillions of dollars of wealth...Maybe instead of buying your 4th McMansion, Corvettes, and bullshit "art" you should have been building schools, mainstream news organizations, colleges, and mass media companies to create modern culture for your people....But you didn't do any of that did you? Trillions of dollars and whites haven't invested a fucking cent into their communities and instead pissed it all away on frivolous bullshit, just like the South African whites did. How are they doing by the way?

So if you really think about it logically, this is the future you chose.

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>pure coincidence I assume

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wakanda forever

One of the funniest things in the show is when he goes to an old folks home to rap, and has a sit down interview with one of the old ladies there.
>He asks her thoughts on guns
>Lady says everyone should be able to have one
>Killer Mike agrees, but says white men with guns worry him
>Lady says she thinks it's blacks that commit most of the crimes and violence
>Killer Mike says "did you know black people are only 13% of the population?"
>"so if we're only 13%, how are we committing all the crimes? Did you know all school shootings are white?"
>Lady says, "I still think it's blacks committing most of the crimes"

Opinion discarded.

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>Just wait, whites can hate quite a lot before they do anything
Yep, give it time. The more whites are villified for all the worlds ills, the more frustrated they become. My most recent experience was earlier today talking about that shitty Gillette commercial. The woman I was talking to kept going on about the kind of people that were complaining about the commercial, so I asked "if all the people complaining are straight white men, does that make their arguments invalid?" The answer was quick, a straight faced "probably".

I'm fucking done caring about other races and womens rights. I just don't care anymore. If the opposition is just going to try and oppress you when they get power, it is a matter of self preservation to not give them that opportunity.

My mom does, but shes a lefty. We both know how the other feels politically but as long as we dont broach the subject we're peachy.

Pure coincidence you racist

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Thank you for making me aware of this OP

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This Black Guy's anti-white Gentile stance dubbleplusgood

But this Black dude...

>Louis Farrakhan: ‘I’ll Make Jews My Footstool’

No Netflix show for him.

Based Dontrell.

fucking leaf wasting a get

Killer Mike? More like Carber Mike

Netflix is the best thing to happen since chicks with dicks

says the faggot

i watch it, but i don't pay for it. i'm only interested in a small number of show types, so actual Netflix shows i watch are few and far between. it's usually old shows, cooking shows or foreign movies.

>He doesn't pay some Brazilian hackerman a one-time $5 fee for unlimited access to accounts

Fuck that, it may have been worth it 2-3 years ago, but now everyone is trying to get a slice of the streaming pie. Npw shows are being moved from netflix onto other services. We're going to end up right where we were with cable packages, where you'd pay for dozens of channels and only watch a handful of them. Now people will pay for a handful of streaming services just to watch a couple of shows on each. So why give any money to these swindlers? They're all degenerates, rapists, and pedos anyway. Stealing from them is practically an act of karma.

Run the Jews is so fucking lame, literally more reddit than Childish Gambino.

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o fug

based and redpilled

Meh. Brevity is the soul of wit. The staff does a great opening and ending, but wastes 75-80% of your time in between. Filler of the onions kind.

I just watched the last one, where he starts his own country (pretty based desu), and they have this huge supply of so1lent drinks. Everyone is always drinking it, and they're cheers'ing with it at a meals and shit. They even put the logo on the flag of their new nation.
I've decided this show is pure comedy gold.