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So, your chimping out over the immigrants outbreeding you for the same reasons as the American Indians doesn't bother you?

It'll belong to Tyrone and Pablo soon enough.


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No. "We" didn't do shit. The people who did that are long gone.
The problem is boomers who feel bad for what their great grandparents did and somehow think it's fair for my kids to pay a penalty for it.
Their brainwashed.
You're just the other side of the same coin, equally brainwashed but an arrogant asshole and a boomer as well.
Just Die Already


Is the teachings of plato allowed

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You sound like black people in 20 years

>Native Americans: The first race to accept diversity

True but it's hard for me to imagine the people who did do it would've wanted the country to turn into this mess

>You shouldn't be proud of your ancestors achievements that's boomer tier
>You should feel sorry for what your ancestors did though
Go back to your desert and die kike

Fuck off shill.

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>That image
Imaging being this delusional.

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They are mongoloids and not native to the land and the puritains gave the many beatings because the indians were quarrelsome and offensive

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Conquered . . . bought . . . it's a mix.

fuck you
you display every sign of a simpleton
>ima so proud of what someone did b4 I was concieved
>ima sposed to feel bad for what happened to some nigger 200 yr ago
>ima soo smart only a kike would not chant my mantra
hurr durr

Neck Yourself Faggot

you land is for us, ugly mong, the europeans.

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cuck. yes, we did do shit. It's common to say we when referring to history

'In 1814 we took a little trip
Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans
And we caught the bloody British in a town in New Orleans'

I am in fact descended from these people, and we gave the mongoloids what for because they didn't show fair play and were treacherous and quarrelsome, as well as being offensive. Too bad for you that you're a shit ass spic and an interloper who is not related to the colonialists.

"Men and women captives[2] as well as teenage boys,[3] would usually face death by ritual torture. The torture had strong sacrificial overtones, usually to the sun.[4] Captives, especially warriors, were expected to show extreme self-control and composure during torture, singing "death songs", bragging of one's courage or deeds in battle, and otherwise showing defiance.[5] The torture was conducted publicly in the captors' village, and the entire population (including children) watched and participated.[6] Common torture techniques included burning the captive, which was done one hot coal at a time, rather than on firewood pyres; cutting with knives, beatings with switches or sticks, and jabs from sharp sticks. Capives' fingernails were ripped out. Their fingers were broken, then twisted and yanked by children. Captives were made to eat pieces of their own flesh, and were scalped alive. The genitalia of male captives were the focus of considerable attention, culminating with the dissection of the genitals one slice at a time. To make the torture last longer, the Native Americans would revive captives with rest periods during which time they were given food and water. Tortures typically began on the lower limbs, then gradually spread to the arms, then the torso. The Native Americans spoke of "caressing" the captives gently at first, which meant that the initial tortures were designed to cause pain, but only minimal bodily harm. By these means, the execution of a captive, especially an adult male, could take several days and nights.[7]"


What a giant fag you are. Fucking nigger. You would like for white people to forget their roots, I am sure.



>owned by jews

yeah keep telling yourself that goyim.

Damn right. America as a nation was created by Whites and therefore are native to that nation

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Just remember this the next time you hear some sob story about how noble the natives were.


They ensalved, tortured, raped and conquered each other before the white man came here.

Thule Inuit migrated to North America in the 1300’s and completely genocided the Dorset Inuit. It’s what people do of all cultures.

Why are you so mean to us Dad?

it's like bragging about winning against the emus or something

of course you won, you had an industrial economy, I mean no shit

but the natives have rights to, it really is their land, they should have a place for themselves

American Indians were based in a lot of ways but obviously could not compete with europeans. today they are a sad shell of their former selves. i actually respect them for wanting to maintain their identity but they are lucky they were given the opportunity to do so. at most times in history they would have simply been wiped out. i think people forget that.

You're basically israel.

>Their land
We stole it from them. They don't have rights to it unless we decide to give them rights.

They deserve a place of their own, but not on our rightfully won clay. We should take a piece of Mexico and give it to them.

Yes, and Israel belongs to Israelis.

The magapedes are about to become real woke nationalists.

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The Ottomans conquered the Balkans, and yet today the Balkans is still white

The Muslims conquered Spain, and today Spain is still Spanish.

You can conquer and rule without completely genociding the population, this has happened all throughout history.

You can conquer the natives and even take a lot of land to build cities and highways, but they have a place in this world as well

>You're basically israel.
Israelis needed Whites to conquer for them. Let's not forget Israel/Palestine was a British colony that they so graciously gave up.

Europeans needed space to spread our wings. We couldn't stay cooped up on one continent.

Stay mad Injuns

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I'm saying that you don't need to completely eradicate other people, we can all share the world together

Europe will be white, Africa will be black, Asia will be Asian, all of us can share the world.

Forget your roots or don't, IDGAF.
But stop taking credit for what someone else did. Your not half cut out for walking in your grandpa's shoes, larper.
Your ancestors would be ashamed of you letting everything they fought for slip away without a fight.
If you were cut out for doing anything you would have done it already.

Wrong. The right is starting to support israel less. The left and all of these shitskins they are bringing in hate israel. You shitheads are fucked in the long run. And you scummy kikes deserve what is coming to you.


you walk backer faggots lmao

You’re basically a nigger.

We fought American indians for over 400 years.

It wasnt a one sided fight, those savages werent peacefully chlling when we showed up. They destroyed entire colonies in the beginning. Fuck the losers

Fuck off Smoked LEAF

or not.
you can conquer and do whatever you like.
the problem is 40% of the boomers think they're supposed to feel bad about what happened and think my kids should have to make some reparations.
It's not going to happen. My kids will fight, not just sit around and larp like the cowards on this board.

ok if that's your mindset you can't be mad if you lose

Stay mad, mutt

Texas fought for itself, won independence that loser mexicans wouldnt recognize, and then joined us as the ultimate fuck you to mexico

American indians were the biggest threat to (((them))). The key word is were. Now they think banging on drums and chanting stupidly was a part of their culture.

So this is what this indian PSYOP is all about. To put americans on defense about indians and draw parallels between america to israel because you think that will psyop people into supporting israel in their undertaking. No. Fuck you and israel. We will double standard like you scummy, shitty rats do.

Fair enough, just don't whine when the spics try to take America for themselves then.

It's not so much that eradication of other people is necessary. More that eradication of shit cultures is, and the spread of good cultures continues.

Though it's still important that the world retains cultural diversity, the American culture pretty clearly added more value (at least in ways I care about) to the world than the native one would have.

So all in all, their replacement was a good thing.

Because that's Mohammad dad is dead

>losing to an already conquered and subjugated race that makes up less than 1% of population and lives off of casino money.
Only if you faggots are completely mindfucked

Who gives a shit? power is all that matters, the land belongs to whoever has it at the moment.

We are trying to prevent it from happening to us, Nigel.

You should be doing the same thing.

Not to mention the suicide rate, addicts, and prostitutes

in 100 years you will be 3% of the world population

you are already only 10%

still like those odds?

Nobody gives a shit faggot, it happened. That's all there is to it, i don't wan to hear your faggot rationalizations for why it was a "justified genocide".

>their brainwashed
Ladies and gentlemen. The average 15 year old internet intellectual "right winger" right here.

Kill all Indians, i don't give a shit. Ugly low IQ muds, they're fucking worthless.

Fuck White people and fuck Indians too, i hope you all die. You're all pieces of shit.

Oh joy oh merry joy.

Reverend Swanson, you're drunk again.

Same logic doesn't apply to nazi germany or methmouth sister raping southerns though now does it.

Screaming "THE WEAK SHOULD FEAR THE STRONG" while also whining about losing every "white mans war' for the last 100 years. Mega kek.

Like yours' belongs to muhammad.


What's so funny about anything?

>Fighting and winning an actual old school war of largely hand to hand combat is the same as a third party psychologically disabling your people flooding your country legally

I hope your family dies and his too and Muhammad's too.

oh, I get it. you want to talk about race some more?
so all Asians will just march in perfect unison against anyone who is not Asian?
and the same for all blacks, hispanics, etc?
because, yada yada, great great grandpa did x, right?
you such a naive you're not even worth any more replies.

What's the problem champ? tough shit. Fuck you, deal with it.

the Nazis and Confederates lost to other White people, retard.

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Whatever you say Jamal

>be MAGAfag
>hate niggers and spics for ruining country
>harass elderly natives, cause youre too cowardly to actually confront niggers and spic
>based! le injuns suck anyway xdddd
you guys are just pathetic at this point

Fuck off spic face. Fucking race of 3 foot tall garbage throw away missing link brown misshapen blobs. I hate every one of you brown piles of shit. 3rd world poverty smelly ugly races. South americans, central americans, mexicans. Disgusting mongoloid mongrels. Death to you all.

Wikipedia is not a source, despite how many people use it. Ohio university, on the other hand... "There is ample evidence that most, if not all, of the Indians of northeastern America engaged in cannibalism and torture" (Scheimann).


American Indians were nigger-tier human beings. I have some native friends from the mid-west and they are happy af that the white man is in control because their nigger leaders would have gotten them all killed at the hands of rival tribes.

Only third world chimp here is you, mutt

Your land and women are gonna be ours whitey, nothing you can do to stop it.


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>whites losing
Remind what you are talking about again nigger, white america winning the civil war or white america winning ww2

your pathetic psyop didn't work and your discord server is over with

Your women have already been bleached. More will follow

I'm basically an Arab and you're a piece of shit, fuck you, fuck spics and fuck all whites too. I hope you all die. You're fucking trash kid.

I hope any underage relatives you have get thrown acid on their face, but unironically. I love alcohol, don't you love alcohol? maybe God doesn't hate us as much as we thought.

We were simply more advanced. We conquered this land mass.

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>implying redskins are better than niggers and spics

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BTW, most Whites are sexually unattractive let's not overlook that little fact. The general population of any given race is comprised by subhumans of one sort or another.

Really Billy? was it you and me that did that? i was drunk, can't remember. Hmm, maybe we did. I was really fucking drunk dude.

Yes, racially pure and in touch with Nature or at least back in the day they were. American Whites always had more respect for Injuns than they did for Mexicans or Blacks.

>I'm a semite, you filthy goy
not surprising

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I won't even call you a piece of shit, what's the point? you're not even White. Your skin color tells me all i need to know.

Eh, i mean it's an improvement but i prefer the idea of outright genocide. It's uh.. more dignified if you will.

What's with the commie flag kid?

This is racism and ignorance.

Then and now.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

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>literally who

Fuck Arabs too i'm not siding with Arabs, dear God no.

>racially pure
Injuns are a cross between Siberians and Polynesians.

>in touch with Nature
Most primitives are animists, this isn't any reason to praise them.

>American Whites always had more respect for Injuns than they did for Mexicans or Blacks.
False, most people viewed them as filthy savages before Hollywood invented (((Westerns))).

>hasn't heard of NazBol
sayanim training ain't wait it used to be

native ''people'' deserve nothing


Oh look an irrelevant country