Would a war fix everything?

Would a war fix everything?

I'm not talking about some small proxy war in the middle of fucking nowhere. I'm talking about an all-hands-on-deck, rally the troops, conscript them all, kind of war. Is this what it is going to take to get a hard reset on society?

People have too much SPARE TIME and it's manifesting itself in horrible ways (pretty much the entire leftist/progressive/cultural marxist movement).

I fail to see literally any way out of this without a legitimate war.

Attached: loot.png (1095x600, 1.46M)

The only problem is that to fix anything, you have to be able to conscript the niggers causing the problem. Do you see niggers lining up to fight a war willingly?

Last time that happened the result was tens of millions of whites and East Asians dead, which is probably what would happen this time too, so probably not.

We need a war badly. Think how many people would be on this planet right now if the large scale heavy casualty conflicts of the past never occurred. War in man's natural population control method. Wars are needed. Wars are cleansing.

>>Would a war fix anything

A war wherein the ghetto trash is dumped into the ocean is arguably not a war at all but rather the natural consequence of the world needing to cleanse itself of the weak links .

The problem with the federal government having a war against the US citizens is that they have roughly 27million citizens locked up behind bars so, this is kind of a huge problem when you consider what would happen if say 1 million were set free since there weren't any guards to guard them . Massive amounts of chaos, which is a good thing honestly.

Bunch of nobs. Right in front of Pizza Hut and they didn't invite me to watch this while I eat there. Anyways this is the UK, you have asians and blacks influencing whites

Based Satan but I have another idea

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checked and correct, whites will kill each other and the niggers and spics will just collect the scraps afterwards

>27 million
Uh...I mean, we have millions but not 27 of them. In a given year 7 million people are incarcerated, which counts everyone who spent 24 hours in a correctional facility of any kind. That would include people arrested on Saturday who have to wait until Monday for a judge.