How did the left completely win in Canada and nowhere else?

Why is there literally zero push back against multiculturalism in Canada?

All of the western world is going through a right wing backlash except Canada. There's literally zero chance of anything ever happening here, it's a total victory by the left.

What's different about Canada?

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Canadians are faggots.

Canada is cold, people that live here really want to live here or have no choice but to live here. Immigrants are always welcome because it's a big and cold country that needs to be conquered and rendered more powerful. More immigrants = more people = more money = more power

I take it you think Trudeau wins reelection this year? We were the last country (that I can think of off the top of my head) to have our federal election before the backlash began (with brexit)

They have actual fucking sensible people instead of you conservatards in office.

Canadians know race is a stupid thing to argue over.

Because until recently, Canada's immigration system was mostly merit based. Nobody cares about immigrants when they are non-violent and productive

Canada is a place where people come looking for a better life so we don't want trouble and want to get along. Multiculturalism had nothing to do with left or right in Canada. Canada has been multicultural since Europeans first came and settled.

I know everyone hates Ontario, but look what happened there in their provincial election. They completely shoah’d the entire liberal party. The hatred for the progressives is there, but there is no decent leaders. And very few nationalists.

I hope he does, I'm voting for him purely for the fact the more he and his party fuck this country up, the larger western independence sentiment grows

The West will be free.

Trudeau will get reelected but even if he doesn't it's just going to be another cuckservative. We aren't going to have anything like brexit style populism.

Yes they're very insecure, weak-minded people aren't they?

canada is full of apolitical pussies. unfortunately, even if you don't care about politics, politics cares about you

Mad max is there but nobody will vote for him.

We are short on the nationalist rhetoric that's for sure. I think it will come out to surprise the left once the election starts to come into focus, nobody is paying real attention right now in terms of common discussion

simple. ctv/ city/ global news are all owned by the government. they tell you how to think.

housing prices quadrupled during the 2000s
boomers that owned their own property have been fine
outside of toronto and vancouver there isn't even much violent crime
if oil prices stay low for a few more years and all the people that worked there are out there might be some more rural blowback

>More immigrants = more dumb people = more debt-cattle = more power to run to crumbling ponzi scheme
Unsustainable system that passes the buck continually forward, hoping there's always more saps to cheat

>multicultural from the beginning

Ya, and what has that got us? A divided and spiritless nation. Just mindless economic units, dispassionately leaping from one pointless impulse to another.

Every country has state media. Sweden has SVT, Britain has BBC, France 24 etc... Yet all of them are in the midst of a populist revolution. CANADA IS THE ONLY EXCEPTION that should get your almonds going.


That's the hope here out west

you pinning everything on "we are so much nicer than Americans" has come back to bite you

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No guns

Well I don't think Trudeau is going to get back at least. Regardless, anything short of dismantling the banking cartels and stopping the power of the government and flow of immigration is short of being a pushback.

>My whole life all I've ever heard on tv and in movies is
>My whole life
>Tv and movies
Imagine my shock you formed your opinion on Canada over propaganda.

>I know everyone hates Ontario, but look what happened there in their provincial election. They completely shoah’d the entire liberal party.
nothing happened you idiot. ontarians vote the same way the rest of this shit country votes, mainly hinging on incumbent fatigue. there's no conservative revolution here, the same ~30% of the electorate that vote conservative no matter what did so and the same ~60% who always vote Liberal, NDP and Green likewise did. as much as i like Fored and the conservatives, they didn't win on their own merits or out of some sort on conservative revolution, they just managed to capture the ~10-15% of swing voters who should have booted the Liberals 4-6 years ago. guarantee'd those swing votes will switch back once they are fatigued with Ford and the Conservatives.

>What's different about Canada?
canada has the national social conscience of a guilty Catholic. we literally rationalize everything as somehow a positive no matter how much of a stretch or that we somehow deserve it. that's why we get cucked, not only by the government but monopolies as well.

the election was in 2015 before the euro migrant crisis really heated up and it became socially acceptable to be skeptical about canada's responsibility to literally every brown person in the world. if the election had occured in late 2016 like the american one harper would have likely hung on

>What's different about Canada?

We're also polite.

Leafs are pussies.
The whole world knows this.
Wear your vagina proudly, leaf man.

Unlucky history. Canadians just never had a chance to gain any cultural racism. Your country has been so white so long, the people developed innocently ignorant perceptions of nonwhites.

Just wait until we send our Chinese to liberate you cunts from the Chinese

>doug ford

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And the caq in Quebec, first right wing party since WW2, won on promising lower immigration

Also anecdotal evidence here but there's a very boomerish syndicated radio show, The Roy Green show and the support for Trump from the callers (he takes a fair amount, emails too) is somewhat shocking

Let's be honest here fellas.
We don't have a coherent identity to base a fundamental defense of our values on. The other option of racial identity is completely frowned upon by the overly pc boomers who will lovingly embrace their black grandchild over their country's demise

Voting for bernier would be better IMO. I don't think he's going to win, but what you do is that if he gets a large amount of support, the establishment republican party will take notice and allow them to move more to the right since they know the base exists. And because of the vote split, Trudeau will still win, then setting up the next election for a real right wing party platform.


Bernier would need a candidate to run for him in user's riding, though
>establishment Republican party??

People voted for Trudeau based on his looks, not his policies. GIRLS VOTED FOR A PRETTY BOI OVER STEPHEN HARPER.

I too was in a fucking coma for the 10 years the conservatives were in power before Trudeau

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>what is the CBC

Jesus fuck you people are stupid

This is even more blackpilling.

Why wouldn't he win? He's a Castro.

Our "right" party is called the progressive conservatives. "Progressive" is literally a leftist term and that is enough evidence to tell you what a libshit shitfest this country is(PCs aren't even a true right wing party, they're center-right according to wiki so we don't have a right of the aisle political party basically)

You have zero reading comprehension. All nations have state funded cuck media but all of them have seen a large rise in populism except Canada.

>n't he win? He's a Castro.

Attached: 1534263360182.png (830x6480, 3.84M)

This si what Trump literally said about Justin's mother.

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>t. Brainlet Ontarian
The provincial party is called the Progressive Conservative, the federal is the Conservative Party of Canada.

He will almost certainly be reelected but his share of the government will shrink to minority status, meaning he'll be gridlocked for another few years before being voted out in the following election. It's probably for the best because the Conservatives need more time to unify and find a better leader.

The BBC is literally communist you complete retard

They produce media with a cap on how many British people can be involved


They've filled all the ridings in Canada. Or most of them if I'm not mistaken

Actually it was the first Trudeau who coined the term multicultural and said we were it.

Interesting. I haven't been following as closely as I should. The soap opera down south is just too delicious

The conservative party is also center-right, bitch boy.

You need to have at least a 3rd grade reading comprehension to post here.

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All I see is retarded commercials with refugees at Tim Hortons or holding a hockey stick. What sort of culture is there to assimilate people into?

I must have misplaced the part of my reply that included that suggestion

>What's different about Canada?
We had a conservative, Harper, when everyone else had a liberal. When the backlash hit against Obama, Cameron, Merkel, et al, we weren't in a position to go along because the effects of progressivism were felt less here.

Basically, Chretien ruined everything by being awesome at the wrong time.


>The soap opera down south is just too delicious
You're not wrong.

Yeah I misplace things too when I don't mention them whatsoever at all in posts its a annoying habit.

Québec could've been an independent country, one that can actually afford meat, instead we are surrounded by UK dick suckers, why the fuck aren't we nationalists anymore

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Justin Trudeau is doing a very good job getting people to dislike him (and by extension neoliberal cosmopolitanism). I don't know a single person of any political persuasion who likes him

Just keep lying you glow in the dark faggot

Harper was labelled with some GWB stink from the indoctrination, also. They had to label him as Literally Hitler just like they did Bush.

Legault is going to reduce immigration

Trudeau "bought" the CBC with millions of canabucks to support them. Guess who the CBC is going to show in a good light forever?

Attached: trudeualovessoros-e1474388839226.png (853x473, 459K)

He's fucking based then

Immigration went from 200000 to 300000 under Harper. Harper isn't a conservative, he would be considered liberal in most of the world.

I do. And of course he's from Ontario. Get the fuck out of my province you traitor piece of shit.

Just like dad stopped us in our youth when we got uppity in a brother war with you, you look at those sassy cunts sideways we'll shove your gook masters so far up your maple ass you'll be accused of culturally appropriating africa by your PM.

Well yeah, that's why he won by so much

He wasn't that bad. I wasn't crazy about his deficit spending or his wars in Syria and Afghanistan (why the fuck are liberals all of a sudden war hawks now that trump wants to leave Syria?) but don't think he did a bad job by any means.

Are you missing a chromosome? Re-read my posts. You're genuinely illiterate. I'm saying every country has their own CBC but all of them are better than us. This isn't hard retard.

Pls noe tyrone, never thought a mutt would outright accept that they're a negrified bantu state like zone at this point.

No need to convince me. I didn't think he was terrible. Bland generic cuckservatism while not perfect is still better than the alternatives. I'm glad to see things changing

>Harper isn't a conservative, he would be considered liberal in most of the world.
the media and the people who pay attention to it don't look at actual policies, they look at party names. Harper was a conservative and therefore Literally Hitler© regardless of the fact that he was to the left of Barack Obama.

Couple reasons:
>Canada hasn't ever experienced notable illegal/irregular immigration
>Immigrants for the most part come educated and motivated
>Canada has been 'multicultural' (or at least bi-cultural) since its inception

Cue-jumping immigrants are highly unpopular in Canada (particularly among immigrants themselves). If Canada had the sort of large-scale irregular and unskilled immigration that the US and Europe do it'd be just as anti-immigrant.

If you're not a québecker, and you're white, get your ass here while you can, it's worth learning french to be the last standing white province in maple land

I'm an Anglo-Quebecer who speaks perfect (but accented) French, and I voted for Legault

I'll show you africa we're currently starving the baboon platoons in detroit and chicago of their EBT so they're extra rabbid when we unleash them on your gibs. You have no idea the devastation burger biological weapons can create.

...also immigration isn't and hasn't ever been a left/right issue in Canada. Everyone's in favour of legal merrit-based immigration. The only difference is that the left is absolutely terrified of saying anything bad about muslims/islam, which the right is simply scared, thankfully most immigrants aren't muslim and they tend not to concentrate in ghettos so it's not as pressing an issue as elsewhere.

you were founded by the french and the british that's the big fucking mistake

No, if you accept the legitimacy of "economic" migration, then you're bound to accept mass immigration. The only way to move forward is to argue against economic migration in all cases on labour grounds

>Even Trump's friend cucked Pierre Trudeau's wife
And here I was thinking that Justin was the biggest cuck PM.

Anyone have the chink wojak being eaten by an escalator?

Niggers are right along the border in Ontario but they never cross over at all lel pretty shit weapon you have there bud not impressed.

>you didn't fire your weapon yet so it doesn't work
Go play russian roulette with a grenade

You'd think that'd be the place of the NDP as a labour party, but as nearly everywhere the social left has completely swamped the economic left, and they shill for globalization and big business on the grounds of diversity.

Thats what I said, it doesn't wrk lmao

>Why is there literally zero push back against multiculturalism in Canada?

Its not that there isn't any, far form that actually, but the stupidly corrupt government simply appeal to outrage whenever they get asked problematic questions and turn whoever asked it into derision, more often than not in conjunction with the Canadian MSM who ruin their reputation via disingenuous reporting that aim them directly and or tarnish their reputation. Just look at what Justin Trudeau did to that old lady back a few months ago during one of his speech, how the media prepared the narrative in consequences and how fucking blatant it all was. They don't even bother with the credibility of the law, for at this to even show the slighest dissent is to face persecution, but a orwellian one that is never overt and honest in its actions, always using newspeak to disguise its true intention and not even with any subtlety, just enough so its DE JURE legal.

You know, I only recently started coming on Jow Forums because of stuff that keeps happening in my country. I just started school a few weeks ago and, despite the fact that I live in a 75%+ white city, i would say 90+% of my school and my course are either east indian or asian. There are barely any white people in my school or ANY of my classes and in 1 class I am the ONLY white girl.

I feel like I am being replaced as a white person, that my country is putting into place lesgislation or incentives to make these institutes bring over poo in the loos who cant fucking speak english or even be be bothered to wear deoderant just so they can fill their diversity quotas.

Very few of the people in my program will actually be able to get jobs in our industry because proficient english is a MUST in healthcare and these retards not only barely speak english but they also all sit together in their cliques speaking what i assume is hindi and rarely ever practice english.

And the school cant be retarded, they have to know they are filling their ranks with people who probably wont be employed because of this, so there HAS to be something in place that makes them want to flood the school with poo in the loos.

Idk im really drunk and upset about this shit im sorry if my rant didnt make sense. Im starting to see that what a lot of what you guys have been saying is probably right. Idk what to do.

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What school? Asking for a hunch that it could be the one I am thinking of

i would be doxxing myself sorry

>so there HAS to be something in place that makes them want to flood the school with poo in the loos.

Yeah it's called tuition. They want money.

Universities make money off foreign students and having more people compete for less space.

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East or West of Toronto? The one I am thinking of is East