Superstition is bad

Being red-pilled is basically just not believing in popular myths (diversity is a strength, everyone is born a blank slate, all groups are of essentially equal capability).

The modern left is rife with superstitious ideology (institutional racism, sexism, other not-real things that they genuinely believe are real despite having no ability to prove they exist).

Some people around here express belief in satan and demons. On the internet it can be hard to distinguish humor from sincerity. No one should unironically believe in lucifer, baphomet, or any other malevolent spirit. This becomes a Tulpa that comes into existence simply through your belief in it.

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I express belief that OP is a faggot

digits confirm.
OP is indeed a faggot

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I’d bet dollars to donuts you’ll have some faggy ass justification for believing in Aliens tho

But there is a big possibility that there are inter dimensional beings that would destroy us though

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that it's more probable than not? doesn't go beyond that.

Hey look... more superstition.

> the greatest trick the devil ever pulled, was convincing the world that he doesn't exist
fuck off fedora tipper

The Freemasons are anti superstition. Join a lodge

Baphomet's rack is inadequate imo avoid

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There are many baphomet worshippers in this country and many in this board.

What purpose does superstition have, in terms of evolutionary biology? Why is it so common across all cultures if it isn't advantageous to think this way?

I’m no shill but go ahead. *ting *ting *ting
woman: he looks so handsome in that tuxedo
people in background: shhh he’s gonna make the announcement!

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youre required to believe in God to become a freemason. and they are basically hermetic and sufi influenced pagan-wannabe larpers.

Being red pilled is also knowing about the white genocide plot and the jew world order

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So? OP never said he doesn’t believe in a God. Believing there might be a God doesn’t automatically connect it to a religion, I don’t worship God but I know it might be there because this can’t be random

I just looked up what a tulpa is and JESUS CHRIST! its creepy as hell!
Pic unrelated

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>being red pilled is just x
No, it's not. You're over simplifying a colloquial term for seeking the truth in all matters you faggot. Cut it out.

>The peasant tier mason thinks he knows what freemasonry is really about.

This was me at for thisHave patience, I have autism