Notice on Jow Forums there's suddenly tons of "state" discords being posted

>notice on Jow Forums there's suddenly tons of "state" discords being posted
>notice on Jow Forums this sudden influx of strange meme flags, posts with memeflag OPs that dodge you when you tell them to take it off
>threads on Jow Forums shilling discords
>threads on Jow Forums talking about discord raiders

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Other urls found in this thread:

At least you notice. You're gonna be ok


so I'm not really a newfag but can I ask, what the fuck is a "discord"?

its the most recent meme xfire/teamspeak/mumble/ventrello program, it was bought out by the chinese, then had a 30 notice to email thier arbitertrator mid summer or waive your right to sue them should your data be breached, then they added a store and are trying to integrate it with games. Recently on other boards like Jow Forums they'll make an "x state discord" where you have to post your gun and zipcode

got some sauce on the Gook buyout m80 m8's

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wasnt a buyout it turns out, they were the inital investors; Tencent and GREE

> posts
I didn't even bother to open these threads. Who the fuck wants to waste their time on that garbage, regardless of the botnet.

I think they are part of whatever is going on

>Warner Bros. invested in discord
Glad I don't use that shit either.

discord is a honey pot but these social media thirst teenage fuckwits will dox themselves and smile about it

for what and by who is the million dollar question

well, you tried and I appreciate it but I still have no idea what a"discord" is, I'm gonna go back to shitposting now, bye

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its a chat app, retard

and dont bother cuz any thing posted here is compromised from minute 1.

so don't bother. keep your finger on the pulse here

Don't forget people

Posting like this

If you're not already filtering meme flag posts, you're a newfag.

>tuning out unusual behavior makes it stop occuring

Strawman. I never said that. You should always filter shills and other bullshit to allow for regular discussion. Right now you have bigger things to worry about with a certain Jewish MAGA shill thread being pruned/deleted all the time. The shills are out in force - focus on what matters.

But mocking memeflaggots and exposing their kikery to newfags and sliding their dogshit threads with red pills is fun

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it really is senpai

it's fun to play with them, especially the ones dumb enough to engage. you can feel the cognitive dissonance eating at them near the end of a thread

they fear our power

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Shills are realising they are dying and can't do fuck about it

Boo fucking hoo
false flag incoming.

my shills are wreaking the non-patriots and ((them)) and there is nothing they can do but bitch on the internet.

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We figured out Pelosi’s Plot before anybody else except maybe Trump himself, and the shills are salty that we mocked Buzzfed and then Mueller told them they’re liars.

Basically they thought this was the end of Drumpf for the 500th time and now their vaginas are all menstrual. It’s funny.

They don’t even realize that everybody already moved to private MAGA Pleroma instances. Pretty much the only users left here are shills, bots, and a few oldfags dabbin’ on the jannies.

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