Assaults You Repeatedly

>Assaults You Repeatedly

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I want to punch that ugly kike right in the face

>life ruined because you smiled

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Fuck whitey

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Ban tactical assault smugness.

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Can someone give me a quick run down on what this guy did?

Native American won
MAGAtards btfo. Jow Forums btfo

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hes looking at me!! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!

see pic related, it sums it up quite nicely

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The absolute state of the left.
Killed with assault smiles.

Why are there 600 threads about this cuck

>aggressive ignorance of ethno-nationalism

The Injuns they cream themselves over are literally ethnology-nationalist; and their grievances are about having their tribal territory stolen. It requires a concept of ethnic owner ship of land (nationalism) in order to be valid.

Why are lefties so dumb?

if they had more diversity maybe this wouldve gone down differently hmmmm??????

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these people are sick in the head

>Assaults You Repeatedly

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fuck whitey part 2

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because people get paid for that sorta shit


fucking autocorrect

>Why are lefties so dumb?
They aren't. Every word they utter, every action they perform, it is calculated to destroy whites.

they literally go from land doesnt matter and we cant let in infinite immigrants to immigrating is stealing land and thats bad on a dime


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they are trying so hard to make this something.
>Bunch of kids being kids
>Old indian man with a history of starting controversies and suing people
>Kids were standing around doing cheers
>Indian man walks up banging his drum in their faces

Wait I thought the TSA were necessary and infallible heroes because Trump cut their funding.

Are they back to hating the TSA now like they did during the Bush years?

>only way to beat white supremacy is by speaking to the manager.


And thus I spaketh, crying out in pain, as I struck lo smiting the philistine

trigger by a child

wrong, see pic related

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you assume they are dumb, but they know they are lying for their own interests

Leftist who looks like he's nearly 50 is literally dumber and less mature than me. Amazing.

Doxx him

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Is there a video of the Native American dude walking into the crowd? I can only find video of him walking up to the edge, and then a later video where he's walking around inside of the crowd and eventually walks directly up to OP kid and starts banging his drum in his face. It seems more likely that the dude made his way in on his own rather than the narrative that he was surrounded, but I'm not trusting shit until I see it with my eyes.


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The liberal media did this on purpose. Those kids are fucked and they probably won't be able to get a job or go to college now.

Their culture is Western civilization, which left wing vermin seek to destroy.


Not your personal army. Not your personal news story. The kid is a jew, and it's literally other jews trying to get goyim to care about one side or the other in another manufactured JEW vs JEW news story

Over 100 threads trying to make this a news story. Over a dozen threads call it out as a made for jew TV distraction get deleted.

Nobody cares either way and you can't make them.

Literally nothing. Nothing happened on either side. A jew in a maga hat is being called racist and other jews are trying to make it a doxing and national outrage that fits nicely into the usual identity politics with jews controlling both sides.

Nobody is getting distracted by AOC, Beto, 2020 Dem presidents, Gillette, or the Super Bowl. Dems are losing the wall debate on the government shutdown, and israel jews are trying to re-start a war in Syria while the US government is shut down.

They are trying as hard as they can to take attention off the wall, shutdown, and syria.

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I liked to imagine a force of Roman legionarries just marching through slaughtering the trash. From the black Israelites to the rest. Armed to the teeth, just casually strolling through and impaling them. How much longer?


It took me 5 minutes of research to find out that the March for Life was the same day and that's why they were there. Additionally in that 5 minutes I found video evidence that he approached the kids. It's really not hard.

racebaiting indian bloke walks up to bunch of kids in maga hats and starts banging on drum and chanting at them for vids, causes crowd, and because kid doesnt do anything = kid is bad guy

be a kike and turn a local news march into a national talking point against the right for the next month

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Twitter already did that.

OP increased the light intensity to hide jewish facial features.

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you are wrong.
They were there first.

He's an actual confirmed jew for comparison.

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He's smiling. HE'S SMILING!!!!!!!!!!

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>assaults you by existing
The absolute state of liberal snowflakiness...

Boomer leftists treated veterans returning from 'Nam far worse than anything these kids did. Commiehomo hypocrites and edited footage.

Mike Enoch talked about how when he grew-up with his Democrat family, he would repeat the memes about how nigs just need more gibs, even though he didn't personally believe them.

He told himself that the lies were "necessary" in order to achieve a better outcome. I think that's the case with many high-IQ white leftists, they have internal doubts, but they bury them repeatedly because they've already dedicated so much of their life to X leftist movement, and are afraid of changing for various reasons.

I was literally shaking watching this Wounded Knee re-enactment. You damned land and heritage thieving white monsters are still at it. Our Native Brethren has now walked the trail of tears in DC, a new massacre of the indigenous has occurred.

It would be so nice for once if all these fucking leftist doxxers would be doxxed themselves and have their lives destroyed from where they work on down to where they eat/sleep. But nooo we're SOOOOO afraid!

which one of you did this?

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To see white culture they only need look around them at all the marvels of the modern world, but instead they see more value in a brown man banging a drum. Literally the enemies of humanity.

No much longer if they want to ruin the life of a child for smiling instead of bowing at a literal savage harassing him.

the death throws of a soon to be out bred race

This is why I won’t care when people in the media start getting their come uppins. Pure evil.

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Here's the full video

I like how you people laugh at your own imminent demise. What do you think will happen if and when whites die out? I'm pretty sure the chinks will blend everyone else into nutrient bars before they fuck the world right up with rampant pollution.

The video never showed who approached who first.

They were also outside. It's more likely the injuns and niggers rushed the boys because they saw MAGA hats and went into screech mode. God Reddit is dumb.

They're shilling it. Was supposed to be big. We have the truth. Here's the full vid. Kid did nothing wrong. Indian approached him and started beating drum in his face. Indian has also sued for harassment before.

inb4 Jews make this disappear

Fucking KIKE!

Here's the video showing just that

He could be Italian.

They already did with the first video. Was downloaded and put up. Show flag shill

>whites have no culture
>meanwhile this retard beating a drum clearly is the superior culture

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>we're all fucking dead!
imagine living your life in this state of constant fear because somebody said a word or smiled

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I'm not a kike.

this video doesnt show anything though? they are still in the wrong, it doesnt show the opposed indian walking up first to the boys, which never happened

If you say so...

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From what I gathered:
>native vietnam vet dude is beating the drums during a protest.
>come to end of rally
>a group of school boys are mocking the native (you see pictures of them making funny poses)
>native dude approaches enclave....does the drum thing to ward off evil jew devil from (((sandmann))).

so in a nut shell....this troup of kids basically mocked the protest, vietnam vet approached them to "ward off the jew devil that is sandmann"

smug face captures his contempt for peaceful protesting.

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Leftists gotta pre-occupy their minds with being mad when white males get pronouns wrong, so they don't have to deal with the cognitive dissonance of all their stupid beliefs.

Yup. You'd have to be a retard not to understand the social consequences there. His mom is probably horrified and his dad wants to beat his ass.


No. Group of kids were there. Other guys walk through and approach. See


This really is the same sort of shit.
History will look at this kid in the same way. He'll be ashamed of it for decades

His actions alone were bad enough, but the vocal violence from others is appalling.
>"this is deep"
How could any human say that about another? I fear for the future.

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>guy banging a drum trying to get the kid to punch him
I will feel no remorse.

the (((official))) narrative?


Standing while white

Whataboutism isn't a real logical fallacy, but this is nonetheless a primo example of it
>you say this kid dindu nuffin? Well look at these white people leering at some black kid back in the 60s, how's that make you feel huh? Game, set and match, bigots.

It's an old tweet. She was just pissed off like every woman gets that a man "beneath" dared to think he ever had a chance.

>Catholics apologizing to pro-abortion pagans

Catholics confirmed for cucks, again. As if the Pope literally kissing Muslims niggers' feet wasn't enough.

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Catholic universities and Christian ones still exist in this country. They will be fine.

So he was just standing there while being white? This is ridiculous.

Not white, not american, not even using english as my first language, but I still feel sad for the guy. He was just standing there. Why the fuck is he getting in trouble for not doing anything? I mean did the guy even asked the boy to move? How should he know what the why the guy was slamming his drums and singing for? This is unfair.

well shieet our boys really dindu nuffin wrong, it was a stunt from the start

They really want us to get angry don’t they? They want us to chimp out like niggers so they can label us nazis. They really want us dead

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Funnily enough its the other way around - the boys were approached by Chief Can't Mind His Business and his tribe of retards (they've been there for a million years ffs), beating his crappy drum in the kids face - while he took it in good humour. But no, the kid was wearing a MAGA hat so he's the Hitler youth and must be doxxed and destroyed. Meanwhile Antifa is attacking old men (you're a little whitey, ain'tcha!) and it's crickets from the left. Fuck these cunts, each and every on of them.

Too bad they didn't have more fun with it then

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>leftists saying Vietnam vet is a hero because he beat a drum in a pro-Trump kid's face

>same leftists screeching about Trump being a "Russian colluder", while they literally helped Russia kill more Americans during the Vietnam War, and also spit on and assaulted Vietnam vets

Really causes me to ponder.

yes, we do want you dead

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Those KAAANGZ at the end of the video was a laugh.