It’s great to see these smug racists getting BTFO. Doxxed. Expelled. College and jobs fucked. Lives just destroyed. Karma, faggots.

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Your thread is worth this tonsil stone.

What is there to discuss except that you're petty?

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There is a lot of misinformation about this story it's taken way out of context
The kids were in the Lincoln memorial waiting for the group to be complete to participate in the March for life
This black person starts calling them crackers and stuff so the students respond by chanting their school chant
The native American guy walks up to them when they are chanting
The native man walks up to the boy that many have called racist and want him to be expelled. his reaction was to act awkward. He didn't talk or move just sat there and smiled
Even in the video of his reaction, the native man didn't talk about being harrassed or mocked he talked about native land and tradition and why walls are immoral
There was just a misunderstanding and the students didnt know how to act. They are just children. the real mob here is the internet mob. The number of people saying that, that kids life needs to be destroyed, punchable face, and doxing him on Twitter and looking for his real life identity to lynch him.

Nobody cares about today's media call to arms. I'm not playing the game and giving a fuck either way. Fuck everyone involved trying to make it a thing.

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fuck whity

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Bump, I hope this kid dies

Lmao, why?

fucking useful idiot retard i hope you get the shit beaten out of your from your token minorities as soon as food stamps run out.

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Wtf hes scum but he doesnt deserve that

Unfortunately, he ain't gonna be doxxed at all.

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Oh great another one of these threads about the zoomerpedes with fake maga hats. Who cares.

na. You faggots suck at doxing. You get like 1 in every 1000000. Great job. PS youre fat as fuck and youre family hates you.

Jew psy op or not, normalfag mobs doxxing minors is still low. You people better be glad that conservatives adhere too much to the ideal to ever call you out for flagrant faggotry.

Well done.... You guys managed to start a civil war today. Once all these boys are killed, do you really think there will not be reprisals against the people who did it? Killing children... how is that leftist sanctimony working out for you?

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The funny thing is that being forced out of college(indoctrination) and jobs (servitude) is going to be a good thing for him in the current year.

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See the hitlist they made, they intend to murder these boys...

45 Zoomers fuck Indian guy with massive amounts of facts and logic

They're retards and should feel embarrassed for even showing up, but they don't deserve this.

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>Having peaceful rally
>No fights, no inciting violence, no robbing, no looting
>Black man begins screaming racial remarks at you and your friends
>Continue to turn the other cheek and merely sing school songs
>Don't incite violence or commit any crimes
>Don't use racism, profanity, or try to start a fight
>Native guy walks up and starts playing music unrelated to peaceful demonstration
>Teen stares at native guy, doesn't say anything, doesn't touch him, doesn't do anything other than stare.
>Entire media explodes to say the kid is a racist.
>Internet left shills hard to demand the kid be doxxed and his life ruined
>Kid literally did nothing but stare
>Same people make excuses for the blacks rioting and looting every time a dindu gets shot
>Absolute state of this country

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Dats riteeeee!



user is based.

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>the blatant attacks of fake news from the Left are relentless
If anything happens to these innocent kids...


I don't even understand, even out of context what is there to be mad about? Some fucking redskinned savage is just yelling at a white guy smiling at him. That was super polite on the white dude's part, yet people are upset about it?

I genuinely do not get it. The only thing I have come to a conclusion is that we are seriously at the point where white people are being hated for the littlest things. You know how it's like when you're already so fed up of somebody you know and even if they did something as minimal as letting the toilet seat stay up, that'd just make you go into absolute rage mode, because that fucker was the one who did it? Yeah, I think it's like that, but on a society-wide scale with white people.

What is this? How come there is an old guy banging on a drum in this dudes ear?

You are scum

meme flag faggot, get better bait.

Ay I get these

>endless video of blacks attacking whites
>no reaction from media

>white kid stands still and does nothing
>media says he's racist
What a fucking timeline we're in.

>Killing children... how is that leftist sanctimony working out for you?
I mean, leftists already cheer for abortion anyway. Killing children is nothing new for them.

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. Where the FUCK was this outrage against those blacks that attacked a mentally handicapped white dude just because of Donald Trump? This is all so fucked and just make me further hate this world that I'm in. Justice is so skewed these days.

>endless video of blacks attacking whites
To be fair, the whites almost certainly said "nigger" before the start of each video. In the context of slavery and systemic racism, it's understandable that blacks might want to take reparations in blood.

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these people take pride in trying to ruin a kids life over a nothing

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Kill yourself shitskin