The Smile Heard Around the World

Why the fuck is this such a huge deal? Why are they recieving death threats and being doxxed? What 3rd world mob mentality shithole have I woken up in?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Anytime someone advocates doxing this kid just hit em with this. Name the entire left.

They're unable to affect Trump in any way and it drives them nuts so they're taking out their frustration on smaller targets.

Display any confidence whatsoever when you're Catholic/White/a Trump supporter and when you don't submit to poor pipo of color the media can't have it

I wonder if there was some incredibly revelatory story regarding a blatantly fake story that was peddled all day by the media recently that they would like people to forget.

I feel like this little incident could spark a war

This is what happens when you just sit on your asses and let the leftist filth get away with literally bloody murder. But noooooo, we're supposed to bend that knee and not plan anything extreme here!

>implying the average Jow Forumstard aren't edgy, divisive fuckwit teenagers.

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This story won't play out well for them though. Redpilled white catholics is the difference between winning and losing elections.
Spread this shit everywhere.
The kid literally did nothing wrong and the liberal media is inciting the lunatic fringe to attack a child.
I want this kid on Tucker.

Its uppity, negro.

The entire media/hollywood ruined this kid. Destroyed his life. Tried to make it so he can never work again. Make it so that he gets harassed and beat. All because these kids wore maga hats and smiled.

The left-wing media likes to show every so often that it can manufacture stories out of anything to ruin people's lives.

But it's probably the media equivalent of a slide thread. What don't they want people to pay attention to right now? Probably Trump's offer to end the shutdown.

What about that Buzzfeed article everyone took as 100% legit?

Liberal American mobs are scary. Is it still safe to visit the US these days with them around?

yite peepo will get targeted and killed because of a smile. and that's a good thing.

How absolutely DARE YOU standing still AND smiling while WHITE

Is fabricated. Indian man harrassed kid and drummed directly in face while rastafarians call them gay

I get that he's Jewish. But all he did was what... smile? Say some mean words?

us is no better than pakistan. literal mirrors of that asia bibi case. fucking disgraceful. leftists have no concept of shame.

This is a brainlet angle, jesus

>Why the fuck is this such a huge deal?
This is their attempt at an IRL forum slide

seems as so, but it will backfire as well

Eh, even CNN has said it isn't legit now. People pay more attention to CNN than Buzzfeed.

It's almost as if they need to take their salt out on something after that fake news Buzzfeed

>United "Smile at POC? Get a bike lock" States

He's your next BEN SHAPIRO, Jow Forums!
From out of nowhere, your new jewish e-celeb on every news blog!
Patreon coming SOON!


I do that sometimes for lulz when im drunk and cunts are pissing in the troth.
I even lift my shirt up too like a little kid.

fucking grot

Should be more afraid of whitey actually shooting up a place.

The oppression olympics have gotten so silly the left has invented Hate Standing.

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(((they))) sure are pushing it

They want him dead

I don't think they care about this young man specifically, the left is just trying to make an example out of him in order to scare right into hiding. They are trying to cement the idea that being openly right-wing (especially as a white male) is unacceptable in society and will lead to your life being ruined (doxxing, losing job opportunities, etc.)

>What 3rd world mob mentality shithole have I woken up in?

Multicultural hell my white friend, it will only get worse.

Move over Daisy!

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Smiling is a hate crime now - apparently...

Not everybody belongs to your sekrit clubhouse Jow Forums. Who is this and what happened?

saved and will spread

Donalds shooting himself in the foot with the shut down

Holy shit. Saved.

because the american elite's hatred of white people with a fraction of self-assurance about themselves politically is on a level that's beyond demented. how the fuck do you decide a guy's life needs to be destroyed because someone beats a drum in his face and he stares them down? they're insane and it's only going to wake people up to the depth of their hatred.

these kind of "public happenings" are all so laced with ((()))
reminds me of this shit theatre

I think the liberal lefties have a death wish. They hate themselves so much that they are trying to start a Civil War so that they will be exterminated from the face of the planet.

God bless this young man. He will be are martyr.


a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs.
"saints, martyrs, and witnesses to the faith"

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It’s not enough anymore to the left for you to do nothing and just stand there. Doing that is now just as offensive as actually attending a KKK rally. This kid could have gotten down on his knees and sucked his Syphilis originating native cock while apologizing for everything white people had ever done and he still would have been criticized for not opening his asshole for his Injun buddy to bumfuck.

They’re racist because they didn’t apologize for being white. Also, he smiled and that’s really disrespectful. You’re supposed to apologize to natives, even if they’re being rude and banging a drum in your face. It’s hate standing, like the T-Pose.

here's what happened. 1:12:00
when this gets out the narrative will be destroyed. download before they take it down

>arched nose
I bet he's a kike mix or somethin

It is religion

This is just like witch burnings. You have all the elements
>original sin (whiteness)
>a repressive moral code
>cultlike behavior
>smashing idols of nonbelievers
>persecution of nonbelievers

It has been studied, and religion is GENETIC. To a very large, if not overwhelming degree, your belief in some higher power is a result of your brain structure. This is likely a trait passed down because religious people have a higher birthrate.

So you've largely removed these people from religion, but they still have the religion genes. Thus they re-create it under different premises. That's what SJW shit is, it's simply a different religion. These people are fucking crazy.

(((Christopher Columbus)))

Jews killed the native americans.

The pro-life march made them very angry, so by doxxing participation for false bullshit they hope to create a chilling effect

The indian approached them

Start about 1 hour in to see the black guys taunting the kids, then at 1 hour 12 min the indian approaches the kids and gets in their face

Probably should download this as well since they have been removing it.

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SAMEFAG - been posting this topic and 1st comment all night

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Can I get a quick run down?
I missed it.

Fucking wrong. He's shooting the parasites in the foot. Trump isn't a fucking nigger.

At some point you have to ask yourself, does CNN work for Trump? Is this all apart of his 12D chess?

Surely CNN knows that by reporting fake news, while in the short term is a win for them, in the long run it always comes back to bite them in the ass.

If this had been ANTIFA standing in front of a singing MAGA cunt doing excactly the same, you guys would say he was trying to intimidate, that it was a dog wistle for violence, that he was trying to provoke violence, etc.

And you would be right!

You fuckers think that double standards make you twice as good. Fuck Jow Forums, this piece of shit deserves everything he gets.

How's your wife's Somail Boyfriend doing?

The Indian came up to him and started banging his drum and hooyaing heeyaing in his face you fucking retard, he instigated it and all the kid did was stand there and smile awkwardly. If some Trump fan came up and started banging his drum and chanting bullshit in an antifa punks face I'd be surprised that he didn't get bikelocked, as much as I hate them I wouldn't say they were instigating violence in that hypothetical situation

SPREAD THIS! YT been scrubbing these quickly. Here's another well done video with the extra footage

These are all shill threads, while they and the media cover up this:

Kid gets a drink thrown in his face by an adult for wearing Trump hat:

Crowd attacks a homeless women for protecting Trump star:

Kid gets beat up at school for supporting Trump:

Black man gets harrased at Starbucks for Trump hat:

Kid gets kicked out of restaurant:

Trump supporter gets punched in the face for MAGA hat:

Man gets kicked off plane:

Smiling while standing still counts as intimidation in your shithole country?

holy fuck, that is huge user

We don't have many Somalis, and those we have are universally hated.

The Indian guy is half fucking blind and was hooting anyway - that means it's instigation? You're playing into it as much as you don't want others to. Release the grip from your neck to let air in once in a while dickbag.

No one instigated shit, but there is only one smug face to be found.

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Hatestanding carries a ten year sentence now. Thank you, King Nigger.

You would expect the niggers shouting about how God hates gays would be the outrage story, but instead it's the white kid in the maga hat. White privilege at work I guess.

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I think you need to learn what 'instigate' means.

>half blind
What the fuck are you on about? He could see well enough to walk over to where the kids were innocently chanting their school song and start banging his drum in a kids face. I mean the video (not the 6 second version, but the one which actually shows what happened) is right there...

>standing still and smiling is now considered hate speech by the left


I want the kid on cnn and I want him to show them the video of what happened live on television with the volume way the fuck up .
This would save a lot of people from manufacturered media rage .

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>Meanwhile this is totally ok

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>Whats the obvious shill angle on Jow Forums

/looks startled

I've been fond of describing progressivism as a secular apocalyptic religion, but I never reasoned it out that way. You are spot on.

This is the new america after we imported tens of millions of 3rd world retards and gave them free food and money to shit out as many babies as possible

Why are people so dissimulated nowadays? Specially whites. People pretending beating a drum and chanting at your face isn't some kind of provocation.

Whats the actual story on this?
Is it possible to get an unbiased breakdown of what happened here?
I keep seeing "MAGA Kids harass natives" or some shit on the news, but I've seen a few saying its the natives who started it, not the kids.

No, because that happened numerous times. Nobody bats an eye at situations like this, only when there is violence.

Do you understand this simple thing or is your self-hatred and IQ too low to grasp this? In any case, go neck yourself, subhuman faggot.

>dumb pepe's actually think these cunts are leftwing
> you will never see us coming

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Smiling nervously while standing while white.
I'm literally shaking right now, can't believe this happened in America in the current year.

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Even if that were true (which it isn‘t). Is it a crime to have a "smug face"?

Admit it. It is in your mind because it came from a WHITE MALE wearing a maga hat. That‘s why you subhumans afe frothing at your mouths.

>spoonfeed me
How about thinking for yourself? Watch the videos and decide.

I'm amped. pretty fucking angry.

Every video I've seen seems to start after they are already standing there.
I was wondering mostly if theres any evidence that shows who approaches who.

i LOVE how that one dudes just reading the holy text the entire time, dudes got no time for this shit. Funny af

Your country may look like modern Brazil in a century. What's the point of getting angry anymore?

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Smug face?
I bet I could film you in an awkward and intense moment and take a frame out of it to paint any narrative I want to run with too.

Kid was just caught being white in the wrong place at the right time. Apparently that's cause to be painted internationally as the face of racism in the current year

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I was watching the new york times video and I can hear people saying "build that wall" in the background.

Nigger made the same claims in 2015.



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I'm impressed.

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I love when we have such a fortunate media op to watch hitlers meinkampf chapter on propaganda played out to a t. I also appreciate the art of war.
>weve been infected before
>Jow Forums is immune
Kys jew fags.

Will this be the thing that wakes up white americans that just want to keep their head down?

What a fucking inbred retards.

Does it really bite them in the ass ?
Are they still on television ?
Is the kid or school going to press charges or will they cuck TO CNNs narrative and expel him ?
I watched the full video that kid was smiling uncomfortably that's all that happened yet CNN turned it into race war material and people eat it up and to top it off Indian man plays right along with it even though he was the one who walked up to the kids .
CNN is literally making it's own race baiting narrative it's not even news at this level .

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