How big is too big?

how big is too big?

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more than 22% body fat

fat women producing healthy children is a meme spread by lazy women.


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If there is back fat and side boob it has gone to far.

Probably when the back problems start

I love threads like this, because you can just shitpost them into the ground, knowing it will all be safely deleted soon


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People who think things like these are good are incredibly shortsighted.
It becomes harder to maintain/lose weight as you get older and that's specially true for a woman. A girl might, big emphasis on that word, be able to pull the "thicc" look in her mid 20s or so but beyond that it's like waiting for a grenade to go off and you end up with an absolute sack of fat and flesh. You wake up next to that a couple of times and you'll start thinking that maybe you should have picked a skinny one.

fuck her now in the moment, shes a braphog
she will be gigantic by the time shes 25 though

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Nobody believes meme flags, kike. You’re just sad that people aren’t buying your shitty diet foods. Lite and diet food sales are down like 40% over the last decade and people want meat again.

Bigger than 4 feet tall is too big for females. Females should not grow past being 6 years old.

14 years old

Diet drink sales have gone up, high fructose corn syrup days are over.

>you need to buy diet foods to keep your weight in check instead of just closing your mouth
Ah, you're one of those slow folks.

think about your post for a second

Why is she walking like that? Flinging her hand forward?

She's fine.

Vivian Blush

Who is she?

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Guys I am about to get married. I have lots of options since I happened to be rich(I drive Cayenne).
>Should I propose my love to marry me
>Should I get a sex slave from village
I know this sounds weird but I can't do kinky things with my love but I am equally horny and want to do kinky things with my sexual partner.
Married men pls help. Which way I will be more happy?

>Lavon affair
Thanks user

its really proportionate to your own size.
if you're a disgusting mommyposter then it leads to giantess tier shit
but if you're normal then ideally small enough for rough pounding with the best jiggling possible.
tldr; get built and lift fugg her