daily nice right on schedule i see
> be whores
> abuse and molest their own children
> abuse any men in their life if they're not giving them money
only a nation of jimmy savile clones, so fucking cuck'd beyond imagination, would allow this whore to remain in a job and not in military prison.
>not even dancing around the issue
>just straight up declaring she gets a pussy pass
Fuck this gay earth.
>you will never be molested by a drunk qt soldier girl
Why live
Why the hell did feminists push so far they think women can “fuck” men? They get fucked by men, this is just stupid
Let off with a stiff warning and transferred to drive the commanding officer after she passes oral interview.
>Being this much of a sperg that you report her instead of having an early morning PT session with a qt3.14 British lass LARPing in a military job
Faggots should have never been let into the military
>meme flag
It's the fact that she got off scot free.
>I support sexual assault because I want to get pussay
lmao Jow Forums are the niggers of Jow Forums
what did you expect from faggots where the only time they see pussy is when they go and feed their cat? these faggots would cheer on young boys being raped by women and it totally wouldn't be pedophilia. that's how cuck'd they are.
As are you for Europe.
god i wish that was me
This coming from a person whose family tree is based on being sent to a crime Island.
>sex assault on male
Give that horny bitch my number.
another sweet AI post!
haha true
>defending sexual assault this much
lmaoing @ your life son
None of this is surprising. Fems are given so much leniency in the Army.
>nearly 40% of young women and 26% of young men did not feel that their first sexual experience had happened "at the right time".
>Most had had sex by the time they were 18 - half had done it by the time they were turning 17.
>Nearly a third had sex before turning 16.
All seems as expected until
>almost one in five women and one in 10 men said they and their partner had not been equally willing
Psychopathic women get away with murdering their kids and husband all the time is this new?
The reason there is so many crazy cunts is because our ancestors kept giving them pussy passes and yet her we are again with half the men in our countries walking around with the the pussy pass gene.
>Using an @ sign
>The poorest county in Europe
Awww poor baby is gonna get ptsd from the mean army lady wanking you off in a taxi. Faggot
drunk male trooper in 3am sex assault on female windsor castle guard is let off with a reprimand because he is a man
: ^ )
How can a woman even sexually assault a man, honest question
show the world your shrimping spoon and moon goon @dannyocoulson
Women should be nowhere near the military
>drunk chick tries to kiss you
>rubs her body against you
>you have work to do
>cry for help
The absolute state of the Queen's guard.
doesn't change the fact that you defend rape because you can't get laid
How long till rape charges are brought against the guard for denying this woman her birthright of his child-custody payments.
if she has a std ridden slampig pussy
>Queen's guard
more like queers guard
touching him without consent
molesting, fondling gropping
God I wish that was me
clearly he's a faggot. I'd love to be woken up at 3am by some drunk cock-hungry hot female soldier trying to rape me.
fucking ultimate fantasy right there.
best way to wake up btw, if you have never experienced it.
those of you who have a gf - get her to suck you off or get you hard and climb on your dick while you're asleep.
best way to wake up, EVER
If he was mounting guard then he'll have had to report any interaction to the SNCO. They'll have written it in the book. This includes basically everything, it's filled in and then at the end of a certain period its signed off. Anything of interest is then passed up further.
Flash to bang of about an hour, tops. I had it from fat policewomen when I was a Gdsm.
t. Former Grenadier Guard
>But last night furious colleagues of the male soldier, who cannot be named for legal reasons, accused top brass of leniency because the offender was a woman and the victim was a man.
>They claimed that if a male soldier assaulted a woman in the same way, they would be sent immediately to military prison and booted out of the Army. Last year, a private who groped a female officer in a nightclub when both of them were drunk was jailed for nine months by a military court and dismissed.
...tried to kiss him and rubbed her body against his before being pulled off by a furious officer who reacted to the male soldier’s cries for help.
Jesus, he had to cry for help because of woman? I bet I could take over the whole of Britain with a sharp toothbrush.
keyword there is "hot"
women in the armed forces are never hot
>you will never be raped by a qt drunken castle guard
Pic related reminds me of vid related
There's no way that an Officer would be in earshot of a trooper at any point in barracks. Simply doesn't happen.
It's far more likely that whoever the duty NCO was came across it and removed her. If he had done anything else he would have gone to orison, which was likely his thinking.
Some drunk whore makes advancements to you when you have wife you love and kids from you. If you remove here by force she will accuse you in sexual assault or similar that you exploited her drunk state, it's the only option to invite at least witnesses.
Usually it takes a large number of “husky” girls to pin the man down.
Good point.
Fucking beta getting raped by a girl he should’ve been able to defend himself instead of crying for help.
Then he would of been charged with assault on a woman.
>it’s called equality goy, don’t you like equality?
The soldier was just happy he wasnt raped by a dude this time. The military is like prison with the amount of faggots getting cocks in the ass.
interesting insights
There are no female town rapists in Romania?
Poor nigger got raped
The propaganda goes from American left-wing goyim. Jews have nothing to do with it. Jews earn shekels by pandering to American gentile lefties.
Having some shitfaced slag all over you isn't so appealing once you've had your end away, lad. Plus everyone knows female soldiers are petri dishes - the local whores are cleaner.
Dumbass. If he had slept with her she'd cry rape since she was intoxicated.
>treating her softly because she's a woman
At this current year that's more harmful to her that being treated as an equal for a man
Any chance he could sue the superiors that tried to intimidate him? I'd say fuck it all and go for broke. He'll loose his spot in the military but exposing how the system is shit might be the best he could do as far as serving his country. Might get a chunk of change in the process.
Only faggots get raped
Brits have gone so gay so quickly.
She should have been let off with a public flogging for being so disrespectful
>cry and bitch like kids about feminists
>laugh at basedboys
>cheer on women getting special treatment just because it gives you permavirgings boners
Refreshing to see that the jews are right and Jow Forums will never amount to anything, because they are too mentally retarded and spill their spaghetti anytime they leave their basements
She had a loicense for that mate
Jews promote everything that is wrong in our country. Don't make lame excuses for them.
They promote it in education, "news" , music/tv/news, and Jews as a group promote this shit like no other.
The only Jews who don't promote that shit are the Ben Shapiros of the world, and they *still* do their part by opposing the goy who oppose that shit. Shapiro hates rightwing nationalists more than he hates degeneracy-spreading jews
>5.4 and 200 lbs
He got raped by walruses
>tried to kiss him and rubbed her body against his before being pulled off by a furious officer who reacted to the male soldier’s cries for help
I remember when our military was still good
why are westerners such fucking faggots
It was probably just a misunderstanding, I bet the guy accidentally left a turkey leg in his pocket or something and the beasts got hungry and went for it.
>He cried for help
Yes, I do think she should be let off, but I also think the male guard should be allowed to discipline her without being scrutinized as abusive.
Women can't rape men you retard Aussie. Rape is penetration.
Problem is if he pushed her away and she stumbled and hit her head he would be fucked
lose-lose for men yet again
I’ve had this happen, and told the girl off. Didn’t report it, she didn’t try to scream rape, but it was a tense week. Everyone jokes about it until the diseased cunt tries to trap you with the axe wound.
It was my biggest black pill about women: They are manipulative degenerates. You find a woman who is wholesome and decent you marry her, cause the world is full of cunts like this.
>t. Former Army fag
This isn't even newsworthy
Maybe he didn't want to get an STD from a chick who has likely slept with every dude in the unit? There innumerable reasons not to fuck a thirsty drunk slut. Especially when both of you are in the military.
I don't make excuses, I accuse you of being obese, degenerate virtue signalling perverts and accuse you of scapegoating people who unlike you have culture, commitment, sheer will and discipline.
her face is okay
she cant be too fat because shes in the army, i hope, so there isnt much of a problem there
also, youd probably fuck her in an instant after a long spell with other sweaty men
so either he is an omegabeta, or he was scared of her claming he was the one to rape her afterwards, or he was just a fag
A source at the barracks said: ‘The male soldier was lying on a bed in the guard room. She leant over him, placing her arms either side of his head, basically pinning him down. He asked her to leave him alone but she carried on.
‘They then went outside and she was seen rubbing herself against him and trying to kiss him. He called out “help me”. Eventually the guard commander pulled her away.’
So basically
>Creepy bipedal mattress wakes you up
>Hurr durr I'm a girl
>Walk outside probably in minimal clothes
>She has the gaul to follow and continues to be a whore in front of the same man and witnesses
White sharia
You'd be in prison for rape by now, your future and present forever ruined.
>White sharia
go back to pakistan, ahmed, to your ISIS rape masters
>>Creepy bipedal mattress wakes you up
Yeah joke all you like but one culture is expanding and the other is withdrawing. Russia is up in the air. I'd buy a lada if they made it for the left side of the road.
Saying that Pakistan is fucked up. Over half of British Pakistanis marry their FIRST COUSINS
I went into the military and found the same thing, when I laughed at a crazy bitch for trying to initiate physical contact with me she made insane allegations towards me, just not about the encounter. she alleged I had said and believed in fucked up things that were incredibly embellished.
what's worse is she managed to convince 2 losers who were all up sniffing her pussy to write corroborating statements with her. I suddenly arrested without charge, released, and given an interview date with MPs and a piece of paper that had phone numbers for military lawyers.
little did she know I was previously a cop and have experience in the hotbox, so I didn't get a lawyer and showed up and after a hard time remembering what could have been misconstrued as what was alleged, and proving her claims and one of the others were hearsay as they were not present, it was clear they knew it was bullshit and I could even hear the mp behind the one way mirror laughing.
I learned that military gives despicable women a lot of power and no longer put myself in situations that I do not have at least another witness. I also married my gf from outside the military so I can have an excuse when I refuse these bitches that try to hit me up and not have them make shit up against me.