Huawei New China Campus is an 1:1 Copy of Western Architecture

Let that sink in

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They are still insects

we throw away western architecture in place of hypermodern square buildings. Glad the based chinks continue the western traditions, similar to what they did w western classical music.

They just about copy the west 1:1 in everything.
It's how they save money on RnD

Breddy gud but I want to see how they look in 5 years, knowing Chinese building standards. I've seen the marble floors of the Beijing airport falling apart six months after the Olympic games they were done for...

Better an insect than a kike

It's empty, look at the roads, that is some North Korea level shit

what was chinese culture again? I cant seem to remember what that is

When you have no culture of your own you have to fill the void somehow. Also, honestly, those are nice buildings, far better than all that retarded "impossible structures" made out of glass.

that's rich coming from a literal parasite

The chink will inherit the earth.

they're probably made out of rice paper, less than half the fidelity of the real deal and will crumble

additional thought: maybe they are making those so after few generations they can larp as the orginal whites; or perhaps it's to make chink horde accustomed to occupying west.

Based and redpilled

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they hate us cause they aint us

Unironically nicer than anything built in the West lately.

Must be nice not having an occupied government.

says the rat

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With all of the gene editing they'll be doing on their newborns, the chinks will all look white the next generation.

I can see the Heidelberger Schloss from my window

This. Imagine being one of the biggest companies in the world and your headquarters are colorful commie blocks

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makes me remember project of that nigger Libeskind

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Is the only way, Chinks get it, every other 3rd worlder that's doing something good gets it.
Only you kraut idiots fall for the multicultural diversity bull.

Meanwhile in Russia

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Looks better than the Turkish castle attempt or those ghost towns.

I fucking hate the Chinese but they do have their own architecture they could draw from - it's just that post Cultural Revolution they seem to be embarrassed about anything classically Chinese.

Why they would choose to imitate early 20th century France is only something an inscrutable Chinaman could answer though.

They're imitating the West's success while ours falls. They were built to be beautiful for a reason.

Doing the Minecraft tactic I see, copy someone better's stuff block by block

Isn't Western Architecture thin wall suburbs and piece of shit 8 section housing?

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that's jewish architecture

Really activates my almonds.

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I hate Jews so much I wanna gas them

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I don't see jews on the construction jobs building it up user

Stop using jews as a scapegoat for all your failures you 60 iq mongoloid

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That honestly looks really nice even moreso because of the fact our town are being ruined with nonsensical buildings or fall into disarray because of lazy unhygienic motherfuckers

That's what I was trying to poke at. But I'd even go as far as to say that common chinks have no idea of their own culture so aren't even able to be truly emberassed by it.
Also, I suffer from the thing that was popular in Poland from before the weebs - frenchphilia so I can understand why they would copy this once great and aesthetic country.

Beautiful Jewish Architecture (also known as Brutalism)

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>The best way to enjoy paris nowadays is to go to the fake paris built by china, same buildings but 100% less niggers, muslims, degenerates and terrorist attacks

Im learning mandarin now, im done with cuckrope.

Paris has always been a shit hole. That's why Versailles was built far away from the city center.

> But I'd even go as far as to say that common chinks have no idea of their own culture so aren't even able to be truly emberassed by it.

You're probably right there Polen, I wouldn't be surprised if educating yourself on the Imperial era China (apart from of course if you're the government using it for ass-pulls to claim territory) is enough to bottom out your social credit score or be sent away for Xi Jinping Reeducation or whatever other dystopian hellhole nonsense they want to put on you.

Isn't russia like one of the best when it comes to studying architecture ?

Another ghost town

Deconstructivism has many connections with psychoanalysts, "philosophers", and all fun people who hate culture.

The faux stone exterior will be crumbling within 36 months. Chinese can't build anything to last.

>You will never experience the thrill of touching knees with a fellow shitter

How long before they start claiming they built everything in Europe?

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He says while posting from a mud hut.

Even Indians seem to have a designated shitting distance

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Dem Lebendigen Geist ;)

is a reply to

all that smog

top kek

Doesn't anyone remember the Meji Restoration? East Asians are smart and capable, but they're only good at copying others.

>but they're only good at copying others.

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Wow, that is so bland and ugly, it could be in Germany.

I see your point, but the Meiji era in Japan was a world removed from what China is doing. When the Japs were modernizing they had no other blueprint for what an advanced, industrial society should or would look like apart from what was on offer from Europe/America, and to facilitate it happening by necessity meant going off what was told to them by Europeans.

China is already an advanced country, they have no reason to build any of this fantasyland shit apart from some kind of weird double inferiority complex where they hate their own traditional culture but they also hate an imagined form of white culture so much they have to try and out do what we were building 200-300 years ago.

Based juden

Chinks literally copied the city of venice as a tourist attraction. Let that sink in.

It makes sense to copy until you have reached parity with the original. then once east asia is as prestigious and capable they will look within themselves and their history and have no need to copy.

but until that point it is entirely a good strategy

Yeah...but it was all built with Chinese Concrete so... its gonna be brutal.

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I would pay a large amount of money to travel to a European style society that wasn’t filled with niggers and Muslims if there were only Chinese.

>They think the source of our creativity is the architecture

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This picture is just stupid, you do know that apart from the American aircraft China paid for licenses to produce the aircraft themselves.

what does it want this time

Maybe the values that these buildings represent will lay the seeds in the heads of the chinese that made Europe so great.

good for them. They appreciate the best. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

A fancy facade doesn't mean much honestly. The real beauty and art of those kind of buildings is in the interior, and I very much doubt Huawei forked out the money to have their offices done up in a full Rococo or Baroque style.

Looks nice, and good choice for a campus IMO.

game recognize game

until they shape their society to be what used to make european society great. All the while, the white man degenerates into niggerdom. Who's gonna be the insect then?

You think everybody living in a beautiful European city has a beautiful interior?
Sorry to crush your dreams, but most houses here in Amsterdam are full of IKEA furniture and cheap laminated floors.

The insides don't matter to anyone except the people living there and their friends/family who visit.
That's why there are no laws about it.
It's the exteriors that makes the city a nice place to be, which is why you're not allowed to alter them.

Sometimes they demolish an old wooden building and replace it with concrete, but they keep the facades so it still looks old and that's perfectly fine.

watch it fall apart in 2 years. The Chinese scam eachother with shit grade crumbly steel and cement, including low effort carpentry, bad planning, corruption etc.

>>They think the source of our creativity is the architecture

And it's likely part of it.
People get inspired by their surroundings.
For example people growing up in cities are far more creative than people growing up in suburbs.

t. grew up in a suburb and have 0 creativity.

No, I didn't mean to imply that. I was referring to monumental/palatial style buildings specifically.

Deep down they know their culture is inferior and feel the need to emulate ours



I don't see a problem. China will help rebuild Europe after it is decimated in the civil wars to come.

man, if china chills out on the censorship and overall state survaliance I might just settle there.

>Let that sink in

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It’s beautiful
And while the Chinese are building beautif classical campuses, we westerners are building modernist crap

Fucking ugly

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The 90 years old SS Obersturmbannfuehrer in the Bavarian care home (and Bild broadsheet subscriber) hath spoken.

Im glad at least China will help preserve European style architecture when the real deal will eventually be teared down by muslims.

Your entire country was built of copying Europeans. The idea of a Republic was copied off the Romans.
Shut the fuck up about nations copying each other - it always happens.

You are retarded, China is one of the most racist countries on earth, only topped by Israel which invented the religion of pure racial hatred, Judaism.
The Chinese gov is cracking down on foreigners, particularly Europeans right now.
They don't grant citizenship to Europeans and don't even grant them any rights in their country.
They certainly wont encourage race mixing, to them we are not equally human.

and you helped those insects build nuclear weapons.

This is hardly news. All asian bugs can ever do is copy and use the white man's technology. I mean, even browns can do that when they want to. It's not hard to follow carefully crafted instructions (by a white man) from a manual.
Bugmen have never ever invented anything relevant to human history, ever. History is a strictly white man's work.

Not possible. Chinks aren't human

Glad to see someone is keeping best culture alive.
Eurocucks btfo

Brutalism is god tier

What you retards don't realize is that this is the same cancer that's affecting Western culture:
Push to destroy your own identity.

Theyre the architects you fucking slav
There are thousands of people copying that jew gehry